13:1-2 Equipped and in possession of the provisions gained in Egypt, Abram and his family continue on their journey (literal and spiritual).
13:3 Although Abram appeared to have everything he needed to succeed in life, he did not abandon his relationship with God. A common mistake humans make is to only communicate with God in times of need. Abram ensures that he regularly expresses his love and gratitude to God, returning to the origin and foundation of his faith even in times of surplus, freedom and celebration.
13:4 Abram keeps his connection and communication with God alive. For God is our lifeline: the source of what truly sustains us. Love. Compassion. Wisdom. Endurance. Freedom. Justice. Patience.
13:5-7 Yet that was not exactly the case for the entire group. Although Abram attributed all of these blessings to God, others around him began to engage in disputes between each other. They lost their focus and began to gossip and quarrel over space (and likely ownership disagreements, leadership disagreements, etc).
13:8-9 Abram, in an attempt to be as fair as possible, suggests that those in disagreement with him split and are allowed to choose their own way. What is beautiful about Abram in these verses (and fundamentally) is that it does not matter to him which current his life takes because he knows that he remains with God. Abram knows that whether he goes left or right, God is going to dwell within him with the same love, leadership and protection.
Humanity does not always tend to be as generous in settling disputes. For one thing, Abram gives his opposition the freedom to choose first. Rather than claim for himself the best seeming plot of land or path, he generously gives the opposition first pick.
13:10-11 Lot (rather less generously) chose what seemed to be the best land for himself and his followers. They were generally unconcerned about what that would leave for Abram and his family.
13:12-13 So Abram went one way and Lot went the other. The problem is that Lot chose they way that seemed better (the greener grass) only to find that it was a more corrupt place: "exceedingly wicked and sinful against God [His philosophy of life]."
13:14-15 Abram's humility and complete trust in God afforded him all love and space from God. God promised that the path Abram chose (the path of compassion) would continually lead him into abundance.
13:16 Moreover, God promises that Abram's line of descendants would be innumerable; this promise meant that Abram and his children (and so forth) would always thrive and be provided for (provided they remained with God).
13:17 "Arise, walk in the land through its length and its width, for I give it to you." This is the message of love God gave not just to Abram (soon to be known as Abraham) but to all of us who devote our souls to His loving and compassionate philosophy. We have free reign, abundant love and protection to explore, express and love. There is no limit or shortage of blessing we receive from God. He gives His whole self and all of His creation to us.
13:18 The first thing Abram did in the process of establishing his home: expressed his love and gratitude for God. When we keep this philosophy of generosity and humility, justice and love at the center of our soul, as the motivation behind all of our intentions, we continually reap the benefits only God can provide.