21:1-3 Luke gives an account of the disciple's travels; they stopped at various regions and shipping ports.
21:4-6 Although Paul is encouraged not to go to Jerusalem, Paul has already been guided by God to go there. We must all be able to discern our paths individually with God's guidance because even when someone does have our best interests at heart, they can't make our decisions for us.
21:7-8 Paul continues on his journey despite the prodding for him to change his plan. Paul is always determined, courageous and productive. He never allows himself to be deterred by other factors and people.
21:9 The disciples teach Philip's home and Philip has four young daughters who prophesy (meaning their strength of faith allows them to spiritual perceive certain things).
21:10-11 Agabus was given the information from God that Paul would be captured in Jerusalem. God knows the unfolding of events on earth and He arranges for us to be fully informed (when we are vigilant).
21:12 At the realization and understanding that Paul's life on earth is coming to a close, the disciples are brokenhearted. They ask Paul, essentially, to run and hide in order to remain here but he corrects their thinking in the most beautiful way.
21:13 Their love for him is strong and it makes him emotional. Paul will miss them deeply but he reminds them of the strength of his faith and the passion he has for his purpose: "I am ready not only to be bound, but also to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus."
Paul, humbly, is brave and feeling privileged at the opportunity to stand (successfully) for God's philosophy, so important that his adversaries would seek to destroy him for it. Paul knows that his enemies cannot kill him, our God is the creator of life. His children put compassion and justice above themselves and in return, God puts into His children eternal life.
21:14 The conceded to the truth of Paul's words and prayed for the will of God to be done. The will of God is orchestrated to protect our overall well-being. He cares and helps us to navigate this life when we let Him.
21:15-17 The apostles finally reach Jerusalem after a long journey of travelling.
21:18-19 Paul recounts to the disciples of Jerusalem all of the travelling and preaching. With joy he tells them that God's philosophy has been successful in reaching, healing and inspiring people.
21:20-23 The disciples inform Paul of a little adversity he is about to face concerning circumcision (again). We learned earlier on in these chapters that God explained circumcision was for health not for spirit and Paul taught that message. Yet these people are upset because they disagree. These people read and interpret the text literally, disregarding metaphor or logic for firm law.
21:24 They encourage Paul to show them his complete and pure faith.
21:25 These were guidelines for people who were not familiar with the earlier texts, advice on how to be and remain healthy (not eating unsafe meats, avoiding illness and disease).
21:26 Paul prays and re-enters the temple.
21:27-29 When supposedly spiritual people discover that Paul has associated with people who they deem inferior to themselves, they capture him. It's eerie how relevant this situation still is in our world today, so much prejudice and arrogance disallows compassion and justice to prevail.
21:30-32 The city was in an uproar and Paul was violently detained. None of this was a surprise to Paul, God ensured that he was prepared and ensured that Paul was made strong to endure.
21:33-36 Paul is chained, as was prophesied. The anger of the crowd is chaotic and unjust; they have no logic or reason. God's children are always prepared, properly aligned in thought and circumstance. These people are nonsensical, violent, prejudiced and hypocritical.
21:37-38 Paul requests to speak to the commander. Paul was made able to speak many languages by God. Paul was not the person the commander asked about. Paul is innocent.
21:39-40 Paul identifies himself and then arranges for an opportunity to...of course, preach. These people need it and it has been Paul's purpose in life to preach to those who need it. How brave and humble, how faithful he is to request the opportunity to speak with compassion to this crowd who has just so severely harmed him. God ensures that the opportunity is granted.