The Acts of the Apostles 20:1-38
20:1-6 We are given an image of the apostles' lives. They are constantly focused together with each other and most importantly God, on bringing His philosophy to as many people as they can. This faithful network of workers of God is intently planning, travelling and preaching.
20:7-8 Paul's arduous, fervent passion and faith energized him through the night to continue teaching. People were eager and absorbing God's philosophy, devoting their entire nights to Him.
20:9-10 Eutychus is among the students but the late hour induces him to sleep, which causes him to fall from three floors up. Although the fall is fatal, Paul ensures the students that life is within the boy. God wants each of His children to understand that His spirit and creative energy of life is within all of us (despite the mortal-condition of our bodies on earth). Paul does not want anyone to be worried or sad or anxious because they boy is very much alive.
20:11-12 To seal the truth of Paul's teaching, God sends the boy's spirit back into his body. Therefore people are able to witness that life is indeed resilient when it is in the Hands of God, our father and creator.
20:13 The disciples prepare to travel by ship. Paul opts to travel on foot because his priority is to reach as many people as he can; during this particular journey, Paul perceives that there is work he can do, messages he can reinforce by travelling on foot through these regions.
20:14-16 They continue travelling until the Day of Pentecost, where they plan to be in Jerusalem per tradition. (celebration of Moses' law in the Old Testament).
20:17 Paul gathered the disciples to deliver a message to them, a preliminary goodbye, a recount of how the spirit healed and gave him life, and words of encouragement for them going forward.
Lets recount the journey of the apostle Paul before he makes this forthcoming, heartfelt speech. He had chosen to completely reform himself when God spoke to him and offered him a greater purpose. His faith and passion, purposefulness and productivity proclaimed him to be one of the most devoted and instrumental people on the earth. He devoted his entire life to the betterment of others, guiding and inspiring them into the spirit, into love and truth.
Paul's life has been a testimony to us that we can completely reform and reestablish ourselves, that we can find purpose and guidance in our God who helps us to heal ourselves. Paul's testimony has been that when we find spiritual compassion and wisdom within ourselves, our faith will enable us to do so much good in the world. His life has taught us to be courageous and trusting in our creator.
20:18-19 Paul reminds them of how he began: broken; yet through tears (sorrow for his mistakes) and trials, his spirit was strengthened by God in purpose.
20:20-21 Paul developed his faith and along the way, developed the faith of multitudes of people in his life devoted to inspiring God's philosophy through region after region.
20:22-23 Certainly Paul has lived his life bound in spirit, ever purposeful in promoting compassion and justice in the name of God. This earth is a place where many are unbound, floating in chaos and confusion yet God's children are grounded, tethered to Him and His wisdom and purpose.
Paul tells the group that although he does not know the particulars, he has been informed by God of his impending earthly departure. Paul has escaped and been divinely led up to this point out of chains and tribulations, because he had a purpose to accomplish. Paul was successful in his purpose and therefore has earned the right to join God in the spirit. Although on earth it will appear as if Paul's enemies have captured him, God has actually summoned Paul to be with Him... a gift and a rest. It is only through our departure on earth that we can arrive in the spirit. Paul will not be dying, children of God are very much alive; he will be transforming into the eternal spirit.
20:24 This is one of my favorite verses; it's so beautiful: Paul reminds us that his faith is so strong, his love for God is so deep that it is in complete humility that he confronts earthly death. He passes through this life not with sadness but with joy and gratitude and privilege at having been chosen to work for and with God. Paul gives all credit to God and considers his life a race, certainly a journey, and he carried his baton with depth and consistency of faith and compassion.
20:25 Paul acknowledges that there will be sadness; even when we know a loved one is safe and loved with God, we still miss seeing their face during the duration of our own lives.
20:26 This is Paul's chance to proclaim himself and his own character; many things will be said about him after his passing. This is his account of himself as an apostle of Jesus.
20:27 Paul acknowledges that he had make mistakes but also that he had been absolved of them. He regretted and pained for the mistakes he had made; he worked passionately and faithfully to make right what was broken and therefore was made innocent. He has spoken boldly all his life; defending justice, wisdom and spirit against all adversity.
20:28-29 Paul encourages the apostles to stay focused, to remain brave and to bind themselves to the spirit because adversity will follow them and without those things, adversity would prevail.
20:30-31 Remember this, Paul pleads: be vigilant, be focused, brave and determined. With God, no adversity can overcome you. Jesus and God are so devoted to us, they give us their life... remember that Their strength is yours; they are so committed to you, so passionate about your well-being.
20:32-33 Moreover, Paul reminds us to always find our wealth and our treasure in our spiritual connection with God, rather than from desires of the world. He encourages us to build our eternity and value through compassion for others and hard, passionate work in the name of God, justice and compassion. Your winnings will be to see, at the culmination of your life on earth, all of the hearts you healed and lives you inspired. There is no greater joy.
20:34 Paul worked hard and diligently and through his faithful work he was able to procure a life and sustenance. Our life's work is what garners us all that we have; friendship, love, kindness, hope, faith. Nothing was given to Paul, like all of us, God offered a purposeful love to Paul... but it was his effort that claimed it.
20:35 Labor to support the weak. Paul exemplified complete selflessness and humility. "It is more blessed to give than to receive".
20:36-38 The disciples response in this prominent moment: to pray. To source strength and understanding from our creator. This was their chance to properly say goodbye (for now) to Paul. It was an emotionally-charged moment, we can even feel it now as we read. Always turn to God for comfort and understanding.
20:27 Paul acknowledges that he had make mistakes but also that he had been absolved of them. He regretted and pained for the mistakes he had made; he worked passionately and faithfully to make right what was broken and therefore was made innocent. He has spoken boldly all his life; defending justice, wisdom and spirit against all adversity.
20:28-29 Paul encourages the apostles to stay focused, to remain brave and to bind themselves to the spirit because adversity will follow them and without those things, adversity would prevail.
20:30-31 Remember this, Paul pleads: be vigilant, be focused, brave and determined. With God, no adversity can overcome you. Jesus and God are so devoted to us, they give us their life... remember that Their strength is yours; they are so committed to you, so passionate about your well-being.
20:32-33 Moreover, Paul reminds us to always find our wealth and our treasure in our spiritual connection with God, rather than from desires of the world. He encourages us to build our eternity and value through compassion for others and hard, passionate work in the name of God, justice and compassion. Your winnings will be to see, at the culmination of your life on earth, all of the hearts you healed and lives you inspired. There is no greater joy.
20:34 Paul worked hard and diligently and through his faithful work he was able to procure a life and sustenance. Our life's work is what garners us all that we have; friendship, love, kindness, hope, faith. Nothing was given to Paul, like all of us, God offered a purposeful love to Paul... but it was his effort that claimed it.
20:35 Labor to support the weak. Paul exemplified complete selflessness and humility. "It is more blessed to give than to receive".
20:36-38 The disciples response in this prominent moment: to pray. To source strength and understanding from our creator. This was their chance to properly say goodbye (for now) to Paul. It was an emotionally-charged moment, we can even feel it now as we read. Always turn to God for comfort and understanding.