18:1-4 At a point in his travels, Paul resides with Aquila and his wife Priscilla. Paul stayed with them "and worked" in more ways than one. God's apostles and children are productive, always. Paul worked in his trade while he worked for God spreading His philosophy. A lesson to learn from this, always go above and beyond to "earn your keep." Paul was not too arrogant to work with his hands even though he did wonders with his voice, given by God the gift and opportunity to heal and guide so many. Paul worked both jobs efficiently.
18:5 Together with Timothy and Silas, Paul continues to preach, even against adversity. The apostles never forced anyone to listen or to believe; yet they were hated and tortured by people who could have simply walked away in disagreement.
18:6 Paul explained to them that they contributed to (allowed and fostered) their own confusion and misunderstandings by not simply listening. Having been rejected by people whose scripture had already foretold of Jesus, Paul informs them that he will go to teach to people who have no idea who Jesus is or what the bible is (since it was rejected by those who were supposed to already have foundation in it).
18:7-8 Paul finds residence with believers. Notice the passion with which they believe: believed in the Lord with all his household. These men were not weak of faith; they surrounded themselves (literally) with people and places devoted entirely to God's philosophy of compassion and life.
Notice the three steps (which house depths of faith) hearing, believing, baptizing: first we are presented with the word, and we must listen and analyze it. With familiarity, passion and agreement, we then believe. We become baptized (spiritually) when we absorb and let God flow into and within us. Firm in faith!
18:9 Do not be afraid, but speak, and do not keep silent. God delivers this message to Paul in this verse but He delivers it to us throughout each of our days here on earth. Never be afraid because you are a child of light and life. We cannot let fear or oppression silence us; there is so much that needs to be defended boldly with justice.
Another important truth to never forget:
18:10 For I am with you... Remember Matthew 28:20, you are never alone. God endures everything you endure. He sees what you see; He hears what you hear. He wants you to understand that this life is paper-thin compared to the strength and love within and for you. You will always have adversity but you will never face it alone and if you ask for help, you have help. God is guiding your journey.
Placed around the globe, God has workers who are spiritually armed* and ready to defend you, to aid you during your journey. Recognize and acknowledge that you are privy to these reinforcements. Let's also remember Stephen in this book, who appeared as an angel when everyone suspected he was only human. Or, Hebrews 13:2 where we learn that there are angels among us.
If you are a faithful child of God, you are one of the spiritually-armored soldiers. You are placed and will be called to work, lead, help, love a person brought divinely into your path (or you into theirs) by God.
*What does it mean to be spiritually armored? A spiritually armored person is someone whose passionate faith has been prepared, focused, directed and protected. God ensures that His children are perceptive, observant, courageous, compassionate and productive. While you are armed with your faith, you are indestructible; our nimble, omnipotent and omniscient creator has outlined and established paths and opportunities that we can take to lead us, or help us lead others, out of adversity.
18:11 Despite the threats to his earthly life, Paul did as God encouraged him to do: he remained. Courageously and productively. Fear did not make him run, nor did it stunt his progress. Paul worked right through it because he had nothing to worry about and neither do you.
18:12-13 Paul (and we) are becoming quite familiar with these situations. The apostles are constantly under fire but they always persevere. Even in earthly death, God's children come alive in the eternal spirit. Paul never required that anyone do anything, especially not that they reject law. God is separate from humanity's social systems.
18:14-17 Gallio immediately determines that the accusation against Paul is not relevant to government. Likely, Gallio did not want to go against an obvious apostle of God. The adversaries take the punishment into their own hands and Paul is beaten. Gallio looks away, not exactly guilty but not innocent either.
Nothing deters the apostles. Their courage and their passion and God's love for them ensures that they heal and continue on.
18:18-21 Unafraid, Paul remained there and continued his spiritual work before eventually moving onto the next location. Paul took a vow (as a Nazarene) to be in Jerusalem for Pentecost. People were, of course, sad to see him go. It's such a joy to be in the company of faithful kindness and strength.
18:22-23 Paul is a busy, productive apostle. Not only did he bring, inspire and promote the word of God throughout the regions of the world but he also made time to ensure that the disciples were inspired. Paul is a student-teacher of these disciples (students). It's important that we always share and contribute to each other, so that our progress and our accomplishments are linked and able to extend past ourselves. Together our shared faith and compassion is boundless in capability.
18:22-23 Paul is a busy, productive apostle. Not only did he bring, inspire and promote the word of God throughout the regions of the world but he also made time to ensure that the disciples were inspired. Paul is a student-teacher of these disciples (students). It's important that we always share and contribute to each other, so that our progress and our accomplishments are linked and able to extend past ourselves. Together our shared faith and compassion is boundless in capability.
18:24-26 Apollos was sort of a self-disciplined disciple. Apollos taught the truth but was not yet aware of every component of God's philosophy. When Aquila and Priscilla encounter him, they realize his passionate faith would enable him to be a strong, effective disciple-material.
18:27-18:28 The disciples received (welcomed him). Apollos vigorously promoted the philosophy of God. Apollos was bold and passionate, motivated and courageous. He made a beautiful member of the team. You make a beautiful member of the team; what you are capable of can change the world around you and then the world as a whole. The recipe to do so? Passionate faith, compassion, motivation and courage.
18:27-18:28 The disciples received (welcomed him). Apollos vigorously promoted the philosophy of God. Apollos was bold and passionate, motivated and courageous. He made a beautiful member of the team. You make a beautiful member of the team; what you are capable of can change the world around you and then the world as a whole. The recipe to do so? Passionate faith, compassion, motivation and courage.