Psalm 3:1-8
3:1-2 This psalm is a desperate plea; an overwhelmed David expresses his distress at the accumulation and ferocity of his enemies. His situation seemed hopeless. David's family drama might be different from our own difficulties but every human has experienced bouts of hopelessness. Onlookers believed David's situation was hopeless; but David believed in God, and for that reason, his hope sparked.
3:3-4 David trusted God to protect him and to lift him out of desperation, externally and internally. David had an intimate relationship with God; God was involved in the intricacies of David's life. Because David trusted God, he trusted that God's presence in His life would result in his ultimate peace. So he cried out to the Lord, knowing that he would be heard.
3:5-6 David rested in his faith; he rested in the comfort of God's love and omnipotence. When David was restored by the grace of God, he was able to face his situation with courage and determination. The Lord sustained David; God provided David what he needed to breathe and think and move and change the circumstances of his life.
3:7 David called faithfully for God's help and safety. In desperation, David looked to God; and in a world where people look everyone but to God for help, we have so much to learn from David. God destabilizes the storms that come against us. He dulls their once-sharp bite.
3:8 David ended the psalm with gratitude and confidence; he ended with a reminder that the Lord is our savior and the only one even able to save us from whatever demon we have. David reminded us that God's blessing covers all people willing receive.