Psalm 2:1-12
2:1-3 What is the point of opposition with God? On the grand scale, and on the individual one, opposition with God is fruitless. The works of unrighteousness come to nothing, produce nothing and are inevitable stifled by the power of God. Yet the nations rage, as the psalmist pointed out. It is a useless struggle; God breaks the bonds of evil and casts their pieces away. Fruitful is the nation, the individual, that lives in accordance with God's will over the world's and His philosophy written in scripture.
2:4-6 Annoyed with the permutations of evil done by humanity, God will reprimand each one. Yet the psalmist inserts the promised hope of the messiah; to the willing souls, is an escape from evil and the power it seems to have over life.
2:7-9 In a decree given by God, Jesus was trusted with full authority over earth and humanity. Jesus, able to thrive in righteousness against temptation, is the source of our own triumph over it.
2:10-12 Wisdom is reverence of the Lord; reverence of the world levels the path and directs the steps of grace. We serve Him in fear and love for the powerful and generous parent that He is. Evil fears God in a different way than the righteous do. The righteous respect God in that they fear to disappoint Him, or to represent Him poorly. We do not cower for we know He is not cruel; He is just and kind and magnanimous... for the evil, those traits of His can lead to fearsome consequences.