28:1-11 Job contemplated the opportunity for discovery on earth. There are precious things to be found, things humans and societies deem valuable. Humans discover and search the earth thoroughly for these things and perhaps not always in vain.
28:12-19 But Job was more interested in what could not be found: wisdom. Job knew that no matter how long or thoroughly a person looks, they will never find wisdom anywhere but in the Kingdom of God. The earth is beautiful and has much to offer but none of it as precious or important as what heaven has. It cannot be purchased.
28:20-27 Wisdom is God's language, and no one, nothing, speaks as fluently as He does. Wisdom is in God's possession. In a poetic discourse, Job proclaimed that humanity could only access wisdom when they access God. Creation can only be understood, interpreted, weighed by the Creator.
‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom,
And to depart from evil is understanding.’ ”Job was able to give us that advice from a place of stress and pain. Even then, He knew that his strength lay in the strength of his faith in the Almighty One.