25:1-6 Bildad made a final, redundant statement. No one had questioned the brilliance or righteousness of God yet he brought it up argumentatively anyway. It's true that God is above and beyond our wisdom, purity and righteousness. His sense of justice is objective; His love is true; His purpose is straightforward.
Yet He has extended Himself to we who are wholly imperfect. His grace is sufficient for our lack and foible. We have a lot of questions and He answers those who commit to patience and trust. He heals and aligns us even though we are so broken and bent compared to Him. The majesty of God should not cause us to flee but to humble ourselves.
Without God we are nothing, but because of His love we are so much. We are invited to access so much of Him as we journey through our lives. Pursue a deep and intimate relationship with God; a relationship like Job had. Job was not afraid to speak honesty or to ask bold, complex questions. Job's friends were obedient to God because God is powerful. Job was obedient to God because he loved God and trusted Him, trusted the use and purpose of His undeniable power.