2 Chronicles 5:1-14
5:1 Unlike the construction of Solomon's temple, our work on earth (on the spiritual temple within and around us) is never quite finished. God ensures that each individual is apportioned purpose and potential for the duration of their lives. There will always be opportunities and materials to grow ourselves, and to grow justice and mercy in our homes, nation and planet.
We are significant to God and impactful to humanity each day we breathe here. Through prayer and discipleship we build a relationship with God. Through a relationship with God we discover personal purpose and potential, how to initiate it and endure with it.
5:2-10 All of the tribes and elders and King Solomon gathered and sacrificed to God in celebration of the completion of the temple. Celebration is such an important element of our faith. We, and God with us, weather so much of life together. An emphasis on trust in moments of sorrow and weakness establish and strengthen our relationship with God. An emphasis love in moments of joy and reverence reaffirm and refresh our relationship with God.
Celebrate what you have built (and are building) with God! It matters and you matter so much to Him. Celebrate along the journey and at each moment of achievement. Your purpose and potential are doing important work on earth; your relationship with God changes the planet.
5:11-14 The praise and worship continued with this core statement of faith:
For He is good,Everything we do in faith is based on the premise that God is good. God is righteous and just and merciful. His compassionate nature is the reason we have life and a beautiful planet on which to have it. The tribes of Israel remember to praise the God whose mercy endures forever. His love cannot be reduced and does not expire. God invites, even encourages, us to utilize His strengths and abilities for our own good. How generous! How worthy is He of our love and adoration.
For His mercy endures forever