2 Chronicles 3:1-17
3:1-2 Construction of the house of the Lord began in Jerusalem on Mount Moriah. This mountainous region was a site of significance for the faith and covenant with God. This was not only the place of David's redemption, it was also the place where Isaac was led to be (but was not actually) sacrificed. These two events represented God's patience and magnanimity and His self-sacrifice and mercy on our behalf.
The particular spot was the perfect place to remind God's children that they were always welcomed home when they turned and walked back in the direction of it (God). It also symbolized that God would go to extreme lengths to save His children, but would never sacrifice any us to do it. Jesus sacrificed Himself; He was the innocent lamb who came, despite certain rejection and death, to deliver us the most important message of our lives.
3:3-7 Solomon used the best material Israel had to make this temple ornate: precious stone, gold, intricate carvings, cypress. Remember, however, that Jesus taught from the house of the Lord on boats, by seas and on mountains. Impressive architecture and elaborate decoration do not make a place holy. David's love for God made this temple special. God's presence with the tribes of Israel make the kingdom and temple holy. In Matthew 23, Jesus says, woe to the people who do work to impress men.
The most intricate and elaborate work we can do for the temple of God is the work we do for others' well-being.
The most intricate and elaborate work we can do for the temple of God is the work we do for others' well-being.
3:8-16 Specific details of the measurements of the carvings and walls and rooms are given. Pomegranates are mentioned as part of the decoration. Pomegranates were a highly regarded fruit and they symbolized fruitfulness (because of their many seeds). God has sent us out to be fruitful, He even helps us to be so. We are taught by Jesus how to yield good fruit and how to identify those who do not, Matthew 7:17. The purpose of the house of God was to represent the fruitful nature of the righteous kingdom on earth God was establishing.
3:17 Solomon named the pillars in front of the temple: Jachin, God will establish; and Boaz: strength is within him. God had indeed established the Israelites just as He establishes His children now when they seek Him. Strength is both from and within God and within those who have God in their hearts.