7:1-12 Solomon has many buildings constructed during his reign. It becomes apparent that the tribes of Israel are experiencing a time of wealth never experienced before (even by their ancestors). Their cohesive and faithful, righteous lifestyle enables blessings in abundance to fill their lives. God speaks to us through scripture to teach us that very lesson: that He can provide for us when we give Him full reign. And God can unequivocally provide the things nothing and no one else can: provision, yes but also peace of mind and stable, steadfast joy.
7:13-14 Solomon hires a celebrated craftsman from the tribe of Naphtali.
7:15-22 The construction of bronze pillars for the temple.
7:23-26 The construction of "The Sea and the Oxen." Solomon wanted arithmetical art that would represent the tribes and their journey of faith, from slavery to freedom (Moses led the children of Israel across the red sea).
7:27-39 The construction of carts and lavers (basins).
7:40-51 Furnishings of the temple.