1 Kings 9:1-28
9:1-2 Through steadfast and ardent faith, Solomon keeps his communication with God open and healthy. Solomon has just completed the temple; before that, he set up his administration with righteous leaders and disposed of corrupt ones.
9:3-5 God speaks to Solomon a noted second time. Noted because, a child of God lives with His presence constantly in their moment-to-moment thoughts and activities. This is a personal message, spoken by God to his child. We can each receive as though he is speaking directly to us, because he is:
“I have heard your prayer and your supplication that you have made before Me; I have consecrated this house which you have built to put My name there forever, and My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually. Now if you walk before Me as your father David walked, in integrity of heart and in uprightness, to do according to all that I have commanded you, and if you keep My statutes and My judgments, then I will establish the throne of your kingdom over Israel forever, as I promised David your father, saying, ‘You shall not fail to have a man on the throne of Israel.’
These are the promises God makes to us.
- I Have Heard Your Prayer and Supplication: He hears our earnest prayers and they matter to him.
- I Have Consecrated This House You Have Built: He has blessed the temple within us we have built from faith.
- My Eyes and My Heart Will Be There Perpetually: We have His undivided attention and depth-less love.
These are the commitments God asks us to make Him.
- Walk Before Him in Integrity and Uprightness: Live righteously and with compassion.
- Do According to All He Has Taught: Follow His life philosophy and instruction of truth and justice.
- Keep His statutes and Judgement: Allow Him to discipline for your (and the) greater good. His intentions are pure and selfless.
And the result of this relationship between us and God are these.
- Establish Kingdom Forever: the Kingdom of God will dwell within and around us. Providing for, protecting and propelling us.
9:6-9 Of course, there is an alternative. God cautions Solomon, and us, that to choose a crooked and corrupt lifestyle is to disengage from His blessings. A corrupt heart will quickly turn to rubble what once was magnificent. The book of Judges serves as a concise example of the rise and fall of humanity: each time they allowed or contributed to corruption, they fell. Each time they committed to righteousness they rose.
God is our source of provision. He does not cut us off from Him. Ever. We cut ourselves off from Him. When we choose the wicked way, the selfish way, we pull away from our sustenance. The health of our spirit and life begins to decline.
9:10-14 Solomon gives Hiram (who provided supplies for the temple and other buildings) twenty cities in Galilee. Hiram is not pleased with the land. Hiram's gift to Solomon is gold.
9:15-19 Additional buildings constructed by Solomon's command are listed.
9:20-22 Solomon creates a labor force from the people left in the land who are not of the tribes of Israel. But the children of Israel serve him in the military, as servants, officers, captains and commanders.
9:23 Solomon appoints 550 officials over the labor force.
9:24 Solomon's wife, Pharaoh's daughter, came to live in the house Solomon had built for her.
9:25 Solomon sacrifices to God three times a year.
9:26-28 Solomon has a fleet of ships built on the shore of the Red Sea.