II Thessalonians 2:1-17
2:1-2 Paul cautions the Thessalonians not to be persuaded by deceivers about well, the end of the world. It's no surprise that Paul felt he had to address this issue because throughout history, masses of people have been ruled through fear by corrupt, fear-mongering institutions and people.
It is likely true that all humans contemplate the trajectory of humanity's life and time on earth. Whether we find it, understand it or accept it, God does have a meticulous plan for us. How we interpret His word is our personal, spiritually business and Paul is going to lay out some information to help you do so.
2:3 Two important things to remember from this verse (immediately) 1) Paul is not trying to instill fear in you and 2) he is not giving new information, this account of "end times" (times as we know them now) has been written in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament even before here in Thessalonians. For example: The Book of Isaiah 14 and of course, The Book of Revelation.
To understand the end, we must understand the beginning. Humanity was placed here on earth to create themselves under the conditions of complete freedom. The year, decade, day, minute, second you were conceived began your phase of this classroom. For God to give complete freedom, He had to allow people to make their own choices. Unfortunately, when you let people make their own choices, they do not always choose well or compassionately. God is going to allow this freedom on earth so that we can establish ourselves in authenticity. We get to choose who we are and what our values are without being under the thumb of divine-authority.
Therefore the end must be the culmination of choice; once the phases of earthly life are completed, everyone will have already chosen. The ultimate confrontation will be justice against injustice. Paul speaks of a person, a manifestation of a soul which chooses injustice every time. This person will cause a worldwide rebellion... but wait, this rebellion will be deceptively peaceful.
Essentially this person who is 1) a manifestation of evil, 2) an institution and possibly a 3) government or some kind of ordered system, will challenge God. How so? Well, this soul hopes to turn God's children away from His presence and truth and redirect it to himself. This person (and their system) can only achieve if we do not pay attention to prophecies events.
The reason you do not have to be afraid is because 1) You cannot be harmed, 2) The person does not win 3) You are prepared, 4) the challenge is deceptive and will appear peaceful* and 5) it is not a monster who is coming to us, it is a "beautiful" person (charismatic, handsome). Reference: The Book of Ezekiel 28 for more about this particular soul often referred to as Satan, Lucifer, Dragon, Antichrist...etc.
*An evil soul cannot capture God's children's attention and admiration with evil acts, not at the forefront. He's going to be positive, helpful, altruistic... and though he will not be given the chance by God, after his deceptive acts he would rule and harm with his true, evil character.
Paul explains that the last day of life on earth for humanity (as it is now) will not occur until the aforementioned takes place. History has shown us that evil, deceptive souls are capable of worming their way into positions of power (numerous infamous dictators, for example, took over countries with false smiles, false promises, and corrupt intentions). This is the reason why the Bible always implores us to never be deceived... because deception is the door through which evil frequently enters.
Perhaps this is not a specific enough date to satisfy your curiosity. As God's children we must learn to employ patient hope and trust. What needs to happen will happen when it needs to happen. Watch the figurative temperature of the world, be vigilant, you will recognize signs of prophecy in the Bible. (Example: Isaiah 3:4 prophecies childish politicians, and I think we can all agree we can check that one off the list!)
The upshot is that evil is (for a time) allowed to manifest here... but only so that people can create and show their true character freely. Whether evil as this ultimate foreshadowed figure or evil as in the everyday unjust actions we witness and hear about, we need to be vigilant and prepared against it. If the end of the world is in 6 minutes or 6 million centuries, we have the same mission and responsibility here: To thwart injustice. To promote justice. Large scale and small.
2:4 This person gains the world's trust. We do not quite know exactly how but from Paul's wording we can guess that this person will do so through a religious or spiritual institution. Perhaps climbing the ranks in politics... it does not matter, as God's children we will recognize his truth because we are vigilant and prepared.
When I first studied this topic of end times and The Deceiver I wondering how one man could entertain the entire world and gain the whole world's trust. Well, in desperate times people look for a hero... and this person will come swooping in just in time to be that "hero" for the world. He will make promises that you can purchase with your worship of him. Remember, his goal is to trick God's children... and he will have the tools to easily trick the unprepared (more in verse 9).
2:5 "Don't you remember...?" Paul asks the Thessalonians and us. Isaiah 43:26 is God speaking to us imploring us to remind Him of all His promises to us. He says this not because he forgets but because we do. We forget how much He offers us... all of this information, all of His love and guidance and protection. We must remember in order to strengthen and expand that tunnel of faith, that trusting tunnel through which His love, protection, guidance and wisdom comes.
2:6 These events (just like all things) occur at very precise and specific times. There is an ordered timeline that maybe we do not understand but God does.
2:7 Paul informs us that this person's work is already manifesting in the world. Well, this is not too surprising because we know evil and injustice is here sometimes. This person is going to be thorough; he craves power and trickery and will perform this ruse perfectly.
The angel holding Satan back is Michael, The Book of Daniel 12:1-2.
A key message in this verse... this deceiver is taken out of the way and also is reigned in by God. You and I get complete freedom but this person already had complete freedom, chose evil and therefore does not any longer have complete freedom to do what he wants. This person gets a small amount of time which will allow God's children to identify themselves... those who paid attention. It also allows those who did not pay attention (maybe no fault of their own) to see Good and Evil juxtaposed and to finally choose a side...
The angel holding Satan back is Michael, The Book of Daniel 12:1-2.
A key message in this verse... this deceiver is taken out of the way and also is reigned in by God. You and I get complete freedom but this person already had complete freedom, chose evil and therefore does not any longer have complete freedom to do what he wants. This person gets a small amount of time which will allow God's children to identify themselves... those who paid attention. It also allows those who did not pay attention (maybe no fault of their own) to see Good and Evil juxtaposed and to finally choose a side...
2:8... For the deception will be uncovered by God, and all of the world will finally see and understand the plan, the deception and the truth. Injustice will be overthrown and we will graduate from this classroom.
Do not miss that Paul described this person's arrival on earth as a "splendor"; he is going to appear to be awesome, incredible... but underneath all of the false brilliance is true, pure evil. Beyond trying to trick humanity, he cannot actually enforce his evil plans, Luke 21:18.
2:9 Paul is explaining this person's (Satan's, if you will) characteristics. This person works through elaborate deception. This person likes to trick you with his beauty and wisdom and power. Therefore expect, rather than a monster or miserable entity) a beautiful, convincing, seemingly competent leader and figure.
This person uses SIGNS and WONDERS to trick you. I spoke of myself as a youth learning about this topic and I wondered how one person could capture the world. Well, between global social media and divine acts of wonders in the world, I now believe it can be done so rather easily!
This person uses SIGNS and WONDERS to trick you. I spoke of myself as a youth learning about this topic and I wondered how one person could capture the world. Well, between global social media and divine acts of wonders in the world, I now believe it can be done so rather easily!
2:10 The only way a soul is deceived is if that soul did not seek and investigate truth. Even an atheist understands the concept of Good and Evil... seek and explore Goodness and it will lead you to vigilant, wise truth. A person might not know a supreme deceiver is coming specifically, but a wise person has a chance to see beyond the mask. A child of God will certainly seek beyond the mask.
2:11-12 God has created a system where only the people who knew better and followed Satan are sentenced to be extinguished out of life. The aloof are saved by His generous heart and will be able to choose a side (fully informed because of His coming). God wants His children to live, to always have His life within their souls. For the people whose heads spirituality goes right over, the people who will unknowingly support this deceptive man, God gives a chance at redemption, a chance at choosing Good and Truth.
2:13-14 Paul is thankful for the participating members of the establishment of this philosophy of life. This philosophy was new to humans and Paul is thankful for the early work of those who helped it to prosper.
2:15 Paul urges them (and us!) to be consistent in our faith. Be bold in faith. Be trusting in faith. But above all be consistent, never wander away, not for a minute. Do not be snatched away by laziness or apathy or selfishness, anger or fear... God is with you and when you remain with Him nothing bad can ever overtake you.
2:16-17 What can be said here that is not beautifully apparent? "16 May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, 17 encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word."
2:15 Paul urges them (and us!) to be consistent in our faith. Be bold in faith. Be trusting in faith. But above all be consistent, never wander away, not for a minute. Do not be snatched away by laziness or apathy or selfishness, anger or fear... God is with you and when you remain with Him nothing bad can ever overtake you.
2:16-17 What can be said here that is not beautifully apparent? "16 May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, 17 encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word."