5:1 Let's briefly talk about the times and the seasons of the culmination of this life. The Thessalonians do not need this reminder and neither do we, as we have been taught about this in previous chapters (particularly the Gospel chapters of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John).
5:2 The day of the Lord is God's day of gathering His children here on earth. It shall come as quietly and stealthily as a thief would enter a slumbering home. God isn't one for operatic displays; nature is logical, pithy, and modest. Therefore we need not worry about an explosive or dangerous ending.
5:3 Perhaps unsurprisingly, humanity meets its end here at the height of our slumber. A faux peace will spread across the globe, a peace designed and maintained by deceptive corruption. Perhaps we can already relate to such a circumstance. Our global reality today is comprised of countries once thriving and rising, facing now a slowing down of production and limitations in capacity.
Paul's reference to labor pains is figurative, like the birth of a human, the birth of a new age experiences similar quakes before growth. We cannot escape the next phase of life (and we would not want to).
Paul's reference to labor pains is figurative, like the birth of a human, the birth of a new age experiences similar quakes before growth. We cannot escape the next phase of life (and we would not want to).
5:4 Yet the spiritual children of God, those who have contemplated their souls and life within compassion and are therefore observant and perceptive will never be caught off guard. Informed, God's children welcome and are prepared for every phase of life.
5:5 Children of light and children of day, meaning children of: peace and clarity, joy and truth.
5:6 Therefore value your unhampered consciousness. We are meant to watch the events of globe because despite human-drawn geography lines, we are an interconnected manifestation of life. What happens to one of us effects all of us. Moreover, the events of the globe happening to humanity help us to understand who we are and our purpose here. Awareness grows our compassion and our compassion supports life.
5:7 Paul is relating lethargy, apathy, ignorance and inebriation with darkness. To imbibe is a selfish act, your altered state of mind might bring false and temporary contentment but disallows you to be present, focused and productive.
5:8 Those who are awake are able to prepare themselves to fill their potential and impact on the earth. Those who are awake are protected by their faith because faith in soul and heart provides courage and compassion (the "breastplate" so to speak). Those who are awake are protected by love and hope because a mind focused with love and hope inspires purpose and purpose allows change, growth and achievement (the "helmet" so to speak).
5:9 We were created and placed here experience the purest forms of compassion, faith and joy. We were not created or placed here to be vengeful, impatient, or greedy... and yet so many give their energy to that negativity.
5:10-11 Paul encourages us to love life here, to utilize this opportunity in conjunction with our faith and talents to promote happiness while we are here. To reach the high branches of compassion, to lift and enable others to do the same. Through this compassionate philosophy of life we are meant discover and follow the road to our spiritual come.
5:7 Paul is relating lethargy, apathy, ignorance and inebriation with darkness. To imbibe is a selfish act, your altered state of mind might bring false and temporary contentment but disallows you to be present, focused and productive.
5:8 Those who are awake are able to prepare themselves to fill their potential and impact on the earth. Those who are awake are protected by their faith because faith in soul and heart provides courage and compassion (the "breastplate" so to speak). Those who are awake are protected by love and hope because a mind focused with love and hope inspires purpose and purpose allows change, growth and achievement (the "helmet" so to speak).
5:9 We were created and placed here experience the purest forms of compassion, faith and joy. We were not created or placed here to be vengeful, impatient, or greedy... and yet so many give their energy to that negativity.
5:10-11 Paul encourages us to love life here, to utilize this opportunity in conjunction with our faith and talents to promote happiness while we are here. To reach the high branches of compassion, to lift and enable others to do the same. Through this compassionate philosophy of life we are meant discover and follow the road to our spiritual come.
5:12 Notice and be respectful of the people around you who are trying and are working better themselves and lives of the people around them (that should cover quite an amount of people). Paul
5:13 Paul speaks to the Thessalonians and implores them to support the apostles and people around them who are upholding this (during their present time) budding faith. The foundation of this imploration is that we must be grateful for workers of good and peace. As we know, their (our) job is not always or even frequently easy.
5:14 This verse begins a series of faithful directives from Paul. When Paul gives advice, it is meant to provide comfort and guidance to us. Navigating life can sometimes be difficult, but is always doable through faith. Here is how to find, keep and maintain sanity:
- Warn Those Who Are Unruly: Never let evil go unchecked. If you witness an unjust action, thwart it. Speak against it. Make a plan to fundamentally dismantle it. Extinguish it with your just behavior and values.
- Comfort The Fainthearted: The meek and the sensitive require support. Perhaps you have personally experienced such a time but sometimes humans need a safe haven (literally and figuratively). If someone requires a skill or a opportunity that you possess, share with them.
- Uphold The Weak: Speak for those without a voice; demand justice on their behalf until they are able to do so themselves.
- Be Patient With All: Understand that this life on earth is a classroom... and we are dropped right into advanced lessons. Not everyone is focused, not everyone is necessarily succeeding in bettering themselves... be patient with them. Growth requires patience and time. Sometimes patience is being a living example and allowing people the time to subconsciously observe and learn from your kindness. Be patient with all walks of life (whatever hinders a person, allow them your patience so that they overcome it).
- Let No One Render Evil: You were given a brain, hands, and a voice. Use them for good. Do not allow abuse of any kind to thrive under your watch. If you have an opportunity to be a powerful wedge between a victim and an abuser, do so.
- Always Pursue What Is Good For All: If you are in the midst of a difficult decision, choose the option that best accommodates the most circumstances. In other words, do not be so selfish that it causes detriment to others.
- Rejoice Always: Work to always keep the truth of the inevitability of your unification with God at the forefront of your mind and soul. We journey toward Him, and the brilliant, blessed prospect of being with our comforter can coax and lift us through our tribulations along the way. More than even that, look for joy in life here on earth for we are surrounded by miracles: smiles on children, wind through trees, a turning planet positioned expertly to support life.
- Pray Without Ceasing: Never break your connection with God; relationships require communication. Your faith is your line of sustenance. He can only nourish you if you give him permission and the space to do so. Permission comes from your faith (wholehearted belief), space comes from your wholehearted trust. Constant prayer also helps you to analyze your own life, to contemplate your emotions and hopes in a quiet, private place with an unbiased listener Who loves you.
- In Everything Give Thanks: Exercise gratitude. Express gratitude. Find wonder in the world and be awed and grateful at your chance to view all of these manifestations of life. Acknowledge what you do have and be thankful for its existence and presence in your life. Humans sometimes have a tendency to take inventory of what they do not have and that distracts them from recognizing and utilizing blessings that are already right in their lap.
- Do Not Quench the Spirit: Let spirituality thrive in all of its forms. Any display of faith is blessed and a gift to the world, no matter which avenue it came from. Most the world believes in God... the same God, only our descriptions of Him are different. Every kindness is a living manifestation of Spirit and therefore create conditions for kindness rather than ruining or disallowing them (quenched the Spirit).
- Do Not Despise Prophecies: Allow the earth and humanity to take its course. Find, rather than apathy, acceptance of the world as it unfolds. For certain things must be (Matthew 24:6, Mark 13:7, and Luke 21:19) but our presence here is not without effect. Everyone here has free will, we cannot change that even when people abuse theirs. Once we accept that, we also must acknowledge our own free will, purpose and potential here. We have a part in this course of life; let it also unfold.
- Test All Things: Determine if there is authenticity in all things and people. Be observant, use your God-given ability to discern. Test yourself, are you authentic? Never be a hypocrite or allow a hypocrite to influence you.
- Hold Fast (Tightly) What Is Good: Support good things, good people, good opportunities... give them the space to develop, grow and prosper. Never take for granted good things in your life; ensure that they will always have you as their pillar. Ensure goodness as your foundation, the thing which roots you to life.
- Abstain From Every Form of Evil: Do not waste any time on evil acts: acts of injustice, greed, vengeance, hatred. None of those things progress you toward happiness or even contentment and are therefore pointless, fruitless. If you do not cloud your life's journey with these things, only clarity will be in your view. You will leave clear, pure space for good to come and find a home in your life.
5:23 Paul begins to close his first epistle to the Thessalonians: May your entire being live and thrive innocently in His peace.
5:24 He who calls you to acknowledge and claim your place and purpose in the world will not only do His selfless part, but will also help you to do yours.
5:25 Pray for us. Pray for others, pray for goodness. You are God's living eyes and ears and hands down here, communicate to Him the needs you observe in the world so that He can help you to fill them.
5:26 Greet all with faith and kindness and respect. Your temperament and how you express yourself is a message to the world.
5:27 Spread this philosophy of life to those who will listen carefully and objectively to it. A wise person listens to and observes all material, seeking truth and authenticity before making an decisions.
5:28 And indeed, the grace of the manifestation of compassion, truth, humility and love be with you. Amen.
5:24 He who calls you to acknowledge and claim your place and purpose in the world will not only do His selfless part, but will also help you to do yours.
5:25 Pray for us. Pray for others, pray for goodness. You are God's living eyes and ears and hands down here, communicate to Him the needs you observe in the world so that He can help you to fill them.
5:26 Greet all with faith and kindness and respect. Your temperament and how you express yourself is a message to the world.
5:27 Spread this philosophy of life to those who will listen carefully and objectively to it. A wise person listens to and observes all material, seeking truth and authenticity before making an decisions.
5:28 And indeed, the grace of the manifestation of compassion, truth, humility and love be with you. Amen.