Monday, October 31, 2016

NT: Second Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians, Chapter 3

II Thessalonians 3:1-18

3:1 In the chaos of your personal, daily life, remember to pray also for this philosophy. Pray for faith to have the opportunity to change the lives of others.

3:2 Pray for goodness to have strength over evil. In the previous chapter we spoke of this world being an opportunity, a freedom to become who we are. Not everyone chooses to be good (generous, compassionate, fair) and therefore pray for those who do. Pray that they may excel in their work. We are God's eyes and ears down here, His instruments. He can do so much through us! 

3:3 Our God is faithful to you. Our God will strengthen you. Our God will protect you. He is our spiritual nourishment. Remember, He is your reinforcement, your Pillar in every and any tribulation 2 Corinthians 12:8-10:
8 Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me. 9 And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ’s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
3:4 Paul had confidence in the Thessalonians for their consistent, generous, faithful work. The apostles demanded that students of this philosophy were good, patient, kind, honest. This faithful work indeed demands that we are our best selves. We represent this faith, our behavior should encourage people toward its qualities of justice and compassion.

3:5 This is a beautiful prayer from Paul for the Thessalonians and all of God's children: may He guide our souls with His love. May He strengthen us in perseverance, the ability to survive and thrive, learn and grow and accomplish. 

3:6 Paul instructs us on how to maintain our faith. It is important that we cultivate compassion, generosity, honesty. It is important that we express and project truth and faith. What is also important is that we observe the people who are around us. We must ensure that we are not allowing ourselves to be influenced by a negative or stagnant environment. This philosophy must be alive in your life in every moment. Supporting you, guiding you, comforting you and yes, correcting and edifying you.

We break good habits when we are not consistent with our behavior. Idleness is neglecting to do the right thing or say the right thing when you are in the perfect place and time to say or do it. Disruptive is ignoring or contradicting God's compassionate will. We are not perfect; we frequently make mistakes but when we try God ensures that our errors propel us by teaching and growing our character.

3:7 Let people's behavior teach you about who they are and how authentic they are. The apostles were humble, hard-working and faithful in every moment. Follow good examples and if you think you have none, refer to this book (it's full of good example!).

3:8 Paul wants to ensure that we never become arrogant or feel entitled. No matter who you are, no matter how kind or faithful or successful or beautiful, do your part here on earth. We are the implements of justice and we must fulfill our potential and our purpose.

The apostles earned their every meal and they never stopped working selflessly. God wants us to work and use our hands and minds if we can (it is so good for us!).

3:9-10 The apostles were especially hard-working because they understood that they represented the faith. This is a faith of workers with God, I Corinthians 3:9. We are here and we have responsibility... we are given to in order that we may give (rather than pile wealth in our bank accounts and arrogant pride in our hearts).

3:11-12 Be busy with being a good person. Uphold standards for yourself and do not waste your time not meeting them.

3:13 Continue to let faith and nature inspire you to be your best self. If the circumstances of the world or your life start to make you feel weary or tired, delve into this book. Delve into your spirit. There you will find God waiting to lift you up and light you up again in strength and perseverance.

3:14-15 Paul refers to the people whose philosophy of life is fundamentally opposite ours (opposite, not different). Any faith that teaches goodness is not an enemy. Yet disassociate from negative institutions, people and atmospheres. Good and evil naturally separate if we use our discernment.

God does not want us to be hateful. Do not have enemies or arguments... simply separate yourself from things, ideas and people you do not agree with. Let them observe your example from afar. The example of how you live your life.

3:16 Beautiful prayers from Paul on our behalf (You have these, these blessings were prayer for for you, acknowledge and accept them):
  • May the lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way.
  • The Lord be with you all.
3:17-18 Signed authentically by Paul sealed with a final blessing of grace.

NT: Second Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians, Chapter 2

II Thessalonians 2:1-17

2:1-2 Paul cautions the Thessalonians not to be persuaded by deceivers about well, the end of the world. It's no surprise that Paul felt he had to address this issue because throughout history, masses of people have been ruled through fear by corrupt, fear-mongering institutions and people.

It is likely true that all humans contemplate the trajectory of humanity's life and time on earth. Whether we find it, understand it or accept it, God does have a meticulous plan for us. How we interpret His word is our personal, spiritually business and Paul is going to lay out some information to help you do so.

2:3 Two important things to remember from this verse (immediately) 1) Paul is not trying to instill fear in you and 2) he is not giving new information, this account of "end times" (times as we know them now) has been written in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament even before here in Thessalonians. For example: The Book of Isaiah 14 and of course, The Book of Revelation.

To understand the end, we must understand the beginning. Humanity was placed here on earth to create themselves under the conditions of complete freedom. The year, decade, day, minute, second you were conceived began your phase of this classroom. For God to give complete freedom, He had to allow people to make their own choices. Unfortunately, when you let people make their own choices, they do not always choose well or compassionately. God is going to allow this freedom on earth so that we can establish ourselves in authenticity. We get to choose who we are and what our values are without being under the thumb of divine-authority.

Therefore the end must be the culmination of choice; once the phases of earthly life are completed, everyone will have already chosen. The ultimate confrontation will be justice against injustice. Paul speaks of a person, a manifestation of a soul which chooses injustice every time. This person will cause a worldwide rebellion... but wait, this rebellion will be deceptively peaceful.

Essentially this person who is 1) a manifestation of evil, 2) an institution and possibly a 3) government or some kind of ordered system, will challenge God. How so? Well, this soul hopes to turn God's children away from His presence and truth and redirect it to himself. This person (and their system) can only achieve if we do not pay attention to prophecies events. 

The reason you do not have to be afraid is because 1) You cannot be harmed, 2) The person does not win 3) You are prepared, 4) the challenge is deceptive and will appear peaceful* and 5) it is not a monster who is coming to us, it is a "beautiful" person (charismatic, handsome). Reference: The Book of Ezekiel 28 for more about this particular soul often referred to as Satan, Lucifer, Dragon, Antichrist...etc.

*An evil soul cannot capture God's children's attention and admiration with evil acts, not at the forefront. He's going to be positive, helpful, altruistic... and though he will not be given the chance by God, after his deceptive acts he would rule and harm with his true, evil character.

Paul explains that the last day of life on earth for humanity (as it is now) will not occur until the aforementioned takes place. History has shown us that evil, deceptive souls are capable of worming their way into positions of power (numerous infamous dictators, for example, took over countries with false smiles, false promises, and corrupt intentions). This is the reason why the Bible always implores us to never be deceived... because deception is the door through which evil frequently enters. 

Perhaps this is not a specific enough date to satisfy your curiosity. As God's children we must learn to employ patient hope and trust. What needs to happen will happen when it needs to happen. Watch the figurative temperature of the world, be vigilant, you will recognize signs of prophecy in the Bible. (Example: Isaiah 3:4 prophecies childish politicians, and I think we can all agree we can check that one off the list!) 

The upshot is that evil is (for a time) allowed to manifest here... but only so that people can create and show their true character freely. Whether evil as this ultimate foreshadowed figure or evil as in the everyday unjust actions we witness and hear about, we need to be vigilant and prepared against it. If the end of the world is in 6 minutes or 6 million centuries, we have the same mission and responsibility here: To thwart injustice. To promote justice. Large scale and small.

2:4 This person gains the world's trust. We do not quite know exactly how but from Paul's wording we can guess that this person will do so through a religious or spiritual institution. Perhaps climbing the ranks in politics... it does not matter, as God's children we will recognize his truth because we are vigilant and prepared.

When I first studied this topic of end times and The Deceiver I wondering how one man could entertain the entire world and gain the whole world's trust. Well, in desperate times people look for a hero... and this person will come swooping in just in time to be that "hero" for the world. He will make promises that you can purchase with your worship of him. Remember, his goal is to trick God's children... and he will have the tools to easily trick the unprepared (more in verse 9).

2:5 "Don't you remember...?" Paul asks the Thessalonians and us. Isaiah 43:26 is God speaking to us imploring us to remind Him of all His promises to us. He says this not because he forgets but because we do. We forget how much He offers us... all of this information, all of His love and guidance and protection. We must remember in order to strengthen and expand that tunnel of faith, that trusting tunnel through which His love, protection, guidance and wisdom comes.

2:6 These events (just like all things) occur at very precise and specific times. There is an ordered timeline that maybe we do not understand but God does.

2:7 Paul informs us that this person's work is already manifesting in the world. Well, this is not too surprising because we know evil and injustice is here sometimes. This person is going to be thorough; he craves power and trickery and will perform this ruse perfectly.

The angel holding Satan back is Michael, The Book of Daniel 12:1-2.

A key message in this verse... this deceiver is taken out of the way and also is reigned in by God. You and I get complete freedom but this person already had complete freedom, chose evil and therefore does not any longer have complete freedom to do what he wants. This person gets a small amount of time which will allow God's children to identify themselves... those who paid attention. It also allows those who did not pay attention (maybe no fault of their own) to see Good and Evil juxtaposed and to finally choose a side...

2:8... For the deception will be uncovered by God, and all of the world will finally see and understand the plan, the deception and the truth. Injustice will be overthrown and we will graduate from this classroom.

Do not miss that Paul described this person's arrival on earth as a "splendor"; he is going to appear to be awesome, incredible... but underneath all of the false brilliance is true, pure evil. Beyond trying to trick humanity, he cannot actually enforce his evil plans, Luke 21:18.

2:9 Paul is explaining this person's (Satan's, if you will) characteristics. This person works through elaborate deception. This person likes to trick you with his beauty and wisdom and power. Therefore expect, rather than a monster or miserable entity) a beautiful, convincing, seemingly competent leader and figure.

This person uses SIGNS and WONDERS to trick you. I spoke of myself as a youth learning about this topic and I wondered how one person could capture the world. Well, between global social media and divine acts of wonders in the world, I now believe it can be done so rather easily!

2:10 The only way a soul is deceived is if that soul did not seek and investigate truth. Even an atheist understands the concept of Good and Evil... seek and explore Goodness and it will lead you to vigilant, wise truth. A person might not know a supreme deceiver is coming specifically, but a wise person has a chance to see beyond the mask. A child of God will certainly seek beyond the mask.

2:11-12 God has created a system where only the people who knew better and followed Satan are sentenced to be extinguished out of life. The aloof are saved by His generous heart and will be able to choose a side (fully informed because of His coming). God wants His children to live, to always have His life within their souls. For the people whose heads spirituality goes right over, the people who will unknowingly support this deceptive man, God gives a chance at redemption, a chance at choosing Good and Truth.

2:13-14 Paul is thankful for the participating members of the establishment of this philosophy of life. This philosophy was new to humans and Paul is thankful for the early work of those who helped it to prosper.

2:15 Paul urges them (and us!) to be consistent in our faith. Be bold in faith. Be trusting in faith. But above all be consistent, never wander away, not for a minute. Do not be snatched away by laziness or apathy or selfishness, anger or fear... God is with you and when you remain with Him nothing bad can ever overtake you.

2:16-17 What can be said here that is not beautifully apparent? "16 May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, 17 encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word."

Friday, October 28, 2016

NT: Second Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians, Chapter 1

II Thessalonians 1:1-12

1:1-2 A peaceful and faithful greeting from Paul and the apostles to the Thessalonians for the second time.

1:3 For Paul and the apostles, there is nothing to do but give thanks to God for the faithful, compassionate work of the Thessalonians. We are inspired by our faith to be generous humans and the display of happiness and justice created by our work truly does reverberate around the earth.

1:4 The apostles are proud of the Thessalonians for cultivating and maintaining this ability: Patience and Faith in all persecutions and tribulations. Such are the tools required to survive, and even thrive in, life. The equation: Patience + Faith. We read that, we hear that, we understand that, we believe that but do we employ it in our actual lives? In each moment. It can be difficult (and especially at first). To persevere through those moments of doubt and difficulty we have to search for and then firmly demand patience within ourselves. Once we do that, we count on hope to keep our patience in place. We must force ourselves to remember that we are not alone even when we feel that way; we are not helpless; we are not lost; we are not irredeemable. Our faith allows us to hope, to believe that feeling better, doing better, and achieving are inevitable for us as God's children.

The circumstances of our lives may change with things and people entering and exiting it. Patience hope and faith allow us to accept those changes as elements of this classroom working to grow us (our character) and our spirituality. God is not going to leave any voids in your life, if something or someone leaves a space, it is because He has something else (better for you) planned for that spot.

I am reminded of this Rumi poem:
The Guest House
This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house
empty of its furniture,
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out
for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice.
meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.
Be grateful for whatever comes.
because each has been sent
as a guide from beyond.
— Rumi
1:5 The evidence of us being God's children is our confrontation against injustice and difficulty. Here on earth is an opportunity to learn about tribulation and thereby the purity and necessity of justice and compassion and perseverance.

1:6 God is looking out for you. He's observing how you are treated and cared for. If people are not treating you with the respect and kindness that you give them, He will personally seek out your justification.

1:7 He is our resting place. Our suite in Him is perfectly outfitted, tailored to our needs and happiness. It is our responsibility to walk into that spiritual room and accept the rest.

1:8-9 When humanity as we know it graduates from this classroom, God and His fellow-workers are going to ensure that evil and all of its formed are permanently, eternally destroyed (no rising from the embers). 

1:10 Along with the joy of permanent destruction of evil is the joy of being with our compassionate Creator. Having remained with Him all along, His brilliance is all the more bright because we recognize Him as home, finally, eternally. We get to be in the presence of the entity who arranged our happiness, spiritual nourishment and survival here.

1:11 Be worthy of compassion by being compassionate, fulfilling our Creator's intention and hope for humanity and all life.

1:12 Let Spirit's work reflect our own work here... and let our own work reflect Spirit. In different manifestations of life we are kin, fellow-workers, loved and guided.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

NT: First Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians, Chapter 5

I Thessalonians 5:1-28

5:1 Let's briefly talk about the times and the seasons of the culmination of this life. The Thessalonians do not need this reminder and neither do we, as we have been taught about this in previous chapters (particularly the Gospel chapters of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John).

5:2 The day of the Lord is God's day of gathering His children here on earth. It shall come as quietly and stealthily as a thief would enter a slumbering home. God isn't one for operatic displays; nature is logical, pithy, and modest. Therefore we need not worry about an explosive or dangerous ending. 

5:3 Perhaps unsurprisingly, humanity meets its end here at the height of our slumber. A faux peace will spread across the globe, a peace designed and maintained by deceptive corruption. Perhaps we can already relate to such a circumstance. Our global reality today is comprised of countries once thriving and rising, facing now a slowing down of production and limitations in capacity.

Paul's reference to labor pains is figurative, like the birth of a human, the birth of a new age experiences similar quakes before growth. We cannot escape the next phase of life (and we would not want to).

5:4 Yet the spiritual children of God, those who have contemplated their souls and life within compassion and are therefore observant and perceptive will never be caught off guard. Informed, God's children welcome and are prepared for every phase of life.

5:5 Children of light and children of day, meaning children of: peace and clarity, joy and truth.

5:6 Therefore value your unhampered consciousness. We are meant to watch the events of globe because despite human-drawn geography lines, we are an interconnected manifestation of life. What happens to one of us effects all of us. Moreover, the events of the globe happening to humanity help us to understand who we are and our purpose here. Awareness grows our compassion and our compassion supports life.

5:7 Paul is relating lethargy, apathy, ignorance and inebriation with darkness. To imbibe is a selfish act, your altered state of mind might bring false and temporary contentment but disallows you to be present, focused and productive.

5:8 Those who are awake are able to prepare themselves to fill their potential and impact on the earth. Those who are awake are protected by their faith because faith in soul and heart provides courage and compassion (the "breastplate" so to speak). Those who are awake are protected by love and hope because a mind focused with love and hope inspires purpose and purpose allows change, growth and achievement (the "helmet" so to speak).

5:9 We were created and placed here experience the purest forms of compassion, faith and joy. We were not created or placed here to be vengeful, impatient, or greedy... and yet so  many give their energy to that negativity.

5:10-11 Paul encourages us to love life here, to utilize this opportunity in conjunction with our faith and talents to promote happiness while we are here. To reach the high branches of compassion, to lift and enable others to do the same. Through this compassionate philosophy of life we are meant discover and follow the road to our spiritual come.

5:12 Notice and be respectful of the people around you who are trying and are working better themselves and lives of the people around them (that should cover quite an amount of people). Paul 

5:13 Paul speaks to the Thessalonians and implores them to support the apostles and people around them who are upholding this (during their present time) budding faith. The foundation of this imploration is that we must be grateful for workers of good and peace. As we know, their (our) job is not always or even frequently easy.

5:14 This verse begins a series of faithful directives from Paul. When Paul gives advice, it is meant to provide comfort and guidance to us. Navigating life can sometimes be difficult, but is always doable through faith. Here is how to find, keep and maintain sanity:
  • Warn Those Who Are Unruly: Never let evil go unchecked. If you witness an unjust action, thwart it. Speak against it. Make a plan to fundamentally dismantle it. Extinguish it with your just behavior and values.
  • Comfort The Fainthearted: The meek and the sensitive require support. Perhaps you have personally experienced such a time but sometimes humans need a safe haven (literally and figuratively). If someone requires a skill or a opportunity that you possess, share with them.
  • Uphold The Weak: Speak for those without a voice; demand justice on their behalf until they are able to do so themselves.
  • Be Patient With All: Understand that this life on earth is a classroom... and we are dropped right into advanced lessons. Not everyone is focused, not everyone is necessarily succeeding in bettering themselves... be patient with them. Growth requires patience and time. Sometimes patience is being a living example and allowing people the time to subconsciously observe and learn from your kindness. Be patient with all walks of life (whatever hinders a person, allow them your patience so that they overcome it).
  • Let No One Render Evil: You were given a brain, hands, and a voice. Use them for good. Do not allow abuse of any kind to thrive under your watch. If you have an opportunity to be a powerful wedge between a victim and an abuser, do so.
  • Always Pursue What Is Good For All: If you are in the midst of a difficult decision, choose the option that best accommodates the most circumstances. In other words, do not be so selfish that it causes detriment to others.
  • Rejoice Always: Work to always keep the truth of the inevitability of your unification with God at the forefront of your mind and soul. We journey toward Him, and the brilliant, blessed prospect of being with our comforter can coax and lift us through our tribulations along the way. More than even that, look for joy in life here on earth for we are surrounded by miracles: smiles on children, wind through trees, a turning planet positioned expertly to support life.
  • Pray Without Ceasing: Never break your connection with God; relationships require communication. Your faith is your line of sustenance. He can only nourish you if you give him permission and the space to do so. Permission comes from your faith (wholehearted belief), space comes from your wholehearted trust. Constant prayer also helps you to analyze your own life, to contemplate your emotions and hopes in a quiet, private place with an unbiased listener Who loves you.
  • In Everything Give Thanks: Exercise gratitude. Express gratitude. Find wonder in the world and be awed and grateful at your chance to view all of these manifestations of life. Acknowledge what you do have and be thankful for its existence and presence in your life. Humans sometimes have a tendency to take inventory of what they do not have and that distracts them from recognizing and utilizing blessings that are already right in their lap.
  • Do Not Quench the Spirit: Let spirituality thrive in all of its forms. Any display of faith is blessed and a gift to the world, no matter which avenue it came from. Most the world believes in God... the same God, only our descriptions of Him are different. Every kindness is a living manifestation of Spirit and therefore create conditions for kindness rather than ruining or disallowing them (quenched the Spirit).
  • Do Not Despise Prophecies: Allow the earth and humanity to take its course. Find, rather than apathy, acceptance of the world as it unfolds. For certain things must be (Matthew 24:6, Mark 13:7, and Luke 21:19) but our presence here is not without effect. Everyone here has free will, we cannot change that even when people abuse theirs. Once we accept that, we also must acknowledge our own free will, purpose and potential here. We have a part in this course of life; let it also unfold.
  • Test All Things: Determine if there is authenticity in all things and people. Be observant, use your God-given ability to discern. Test yourself, are you authentic? Never be a hypocrite or allow a hypocrite to influence you.
  • Hold Fast (Tightly) What Is Good: Support good things, good people, good opportunities... give them the space to develop, grow and prosper. Never take for granted good things in your life; ensure that they will always have you as their pillar. Ensure goodness as your foundation, the thing which roots you to life.
  • Abstain From Every Form of Evil: Do not waste any time on evil acts: acts of injustice, greed, vengeance, hatred. None of those things progress you toward happiness or even contentment and are therefore pointless, fruitless. If you do not cloud your life's journey with these things, only clarity will be in your view. You will leave clear, pure space for good to come and find a home in your life.
5:23 Paul begins to close his first epistle to the Thessalonians: May your entire being live and thrive innocently in His peace.

5:24 He who calls you to acknowledge and claim your place and purpose in the world will not only do His selfless part, but will also help you to do yours.

5:25 Pray for us. Pray for others, pray for goodness. You are God's living eyes and ears and hands down here, communicate to Him the needs you observe in the world so that He can help you to fill them.

5:26 Greet all with faith and kindness and respect. Your temperament and how you express yourself is a message to the world.

5:27 Spread this philosophy of life to those who will listen carefully and objectively to it. A wise person listens to and observes all material, seeking truth and authenticity before making an decisions.

5:28 And indeed, the grace of the manifestation of compassion, truth, humility and love be with you. Amen.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

NT: First Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians, Chapter 4

I Thessalonians 4:1-18

4:1-2 We are urged to abound, to grow without ceasing in faith and compassion. Along the path of abounding in faith and compassion are the cobblestones laid down and cemented for us to follow. The lives of the apostles exemplify for us a way to use our tribulation for our betterment. Instead of just enduring life, we learn and grow from our experiences within it, and thus abound, in spiritual wisdom.

4:3-5 The hope of our creator is that we respect ourselves and others, that we love ourselves and others. His hope is that we remove the figurative uncleanliness (greed, unkindness, violence) from our character, our thoughts, our action, our lives, our souls.

Possess your own vessel... cultivate your soul. Understand yourself as a mini-universe; you are a miracle. Find humility in the fact that this infinite, complex system of life has made a space for you. Take control and responsibility of who you are. Harbor good thoughts, produce kind efforts, express compassionately. You are yours, take care of what you own.

4:6-8 Remember that the aforementioned truth is true for all individuals. Never thwart or hinder another person's ability or environment to cultivate themselves. This birth right of personal freedom and love is intended by God to reach all people. More than just breaking laws, cultural norms, or even hearts, evil acts defy God.

4:9-10 In Matthew 22:36-40 we are taught that it is most important for us to love others. Paul's advice for us to never cap our compassion. We are given to in order that we may give; our blessings are meant to help us become strong and brave and compassionate and to pass that on. Paul implores us to always continuing giving and loving. There are no quotas, love derived from God is infinite in abundance.

4:11 Life advice from Paul on how to never lack anything through faith and to simultaneously send a  life message of faith, strength, and love to the people around you:

  • Lead a Quiet Life: in order to cultivate contemplative, observant, perceptive, objective habits. If you are not making too much noise, you will be able to listen. When we listen, we learn. When we learn, we grow. As we grow in spiritual wisdom, we become humble, awestruck by the wondrous miracle of all life and universe around us. We need not make noise; our objective is to make, create, positive energy, opportunity, justice, freedom, love, health... all of those things we bring into the world through a quiet and studious lifestyle
  • Mind Your Own Business: in order to focus on edifying yourself. When we are giving our attention to other people's flaws, talents, achievements and failures, we are not giving attention to our own. We have potential to be purposeful, impactful here but it is wasted when we spend our lives gossiping about and judging other people. 
  • Work With Your Own Hands: in order that you always understand the value of hard work. Be responsible. Do not be too proud to use your hands. Work ethic builds character, teaches humility, responsibility, the value of creation. You never want to lose touch from your humanity, many have and subsequently cause much suffering in the world.

4:12 Indeed, live quietly. Let your actions speak. You are a living, breathing example of your values.

4:13 Paul's intention here is to inform us, awaken us. Paul extracts us from our everyday, routine reality and holds us on the precipice of the earth. Look, he implores, at all of your potential here. Look deeper, broader, spiritually... there is more to this life than is realized. Never live without hope or even without wonder because this life was created with those exact elements.

4:14 This philosophy of life whispers to us throughout our lives, beckoning us to wake up from our sleep. Jesus is the manifestation of compassion, live, love, truth, wisdom, humility and servitude. Wake up and work, rest comforted by, inspired by those manifestations in the earth.

4:15 There is no partiality with God. He loves and is grateful for His children... we each provide Him happiness when we work with Him to provide happiness to others. The apostles are not in an exclusive club that you cannot enter. God's children hope to unite with the whole spiritual family, not to climb a hierarchical ladder and earn special favors. God loves even the children who do not awaken to spirituality... He has a tender spot in His heart for them because they need Him so yet never reach out and realize Him.

4:16 Eternal life from God is inevitable for all who, when they realize He truly exists, want to life according to His compassionate philosophy of life. Finding and adopting spirituality on the earth is indescribably helpful to us on earth and God cherishes that we found Him while here: John 20:29. But for all of the doubting Thomas', you will eventually (in Spirit, after life on earth) receive your tangible proof of His existence... and when you do, it's not too late to accept your place in His family.

4:17 God will gather those who are lost, because they need Him and because He has to provide them the opportunity, once and for all, to join in accordance with His and His will. Immediately afterwards, God gathers those who have already tethered themselves to Him in love and faith. The children who have had patient hope, because we know that He will always be there for us.

4:18 Uphold those who will watch and listen with a life exemplifying the truth of these words.

Friday, October 14, 2016

NT: First Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians, Chapter 3

I Thessalonians 3:1-13

3:1 Imagine the plight of Paul and the apostles. Christianity is now well-established in almost all regions of the world but the mission of the apostles was to introduce it to the world. To introduce a philosophy of life to a world full of powerful people already committed to their own interests. This philosophy of life went directly against many and it was Paul and the apostles mission to keep pushing on despite directly confronting adversaries. They had God's direction, of course, and knew how to navigate the tumultuous landscape.

3:2 When Paul's presence began to draw an overwhelming amount of negative and dangerous attention, Timothy was dispatched in his place. Paul was widely known for his pro-activism; enemies knew that to thwart or even kill Paul would be a gigantic blow to the apostles mission and therefore, he in particular was viciously sought after.

Yet as we can see, even when a situation becomes dark and uncertain, God ensures that we have something or someone (symbolized by Timothy's placement) to remain with us as we endure.

3:3 Opposition was muddying the conditions for learning. Ideally, God wishes for us to learn of this philosophy under the conditions is seeks to restore to the world: peace, calm, safety. As happened for the Thessalonians, that is not always possible. Yet to restore at least some safety to this region, Paul departed with the intent of causing his most fierce adversaries to leave with him.

3:4-5 Paul was unafraid of his adversaries and Paul was unafraid of dying. However, it was not time for Paul to leave the earth for he had so much work to do. As Paul could no longer endure the tribulation (and simultaneously maintain his life, preserving his chance to keep working) he worked with the Thessalonians from afar through letter and word from Timothy with them.

Paul reminds us at the end of this verse that our faith requires commitment and maintenance. We are almost constantly tempted away from our values by our own frustrations, by events and people around us. In order to ensure the health of our faith, we spend time with it. Contemplation of our spirituality, thought spent on things bigger than ourselves and immediate surroundings. The blessed irony of it is that although our faith requires us to "work" on it, while we are doing so, it truly feels as though it is working on us while we rest.

3:6-7 What better balm and comfort is there in a difficult time than to know that the people you love are thriving in health and faith? Paul's determination is solidified again and again as he sees that the word of God has healed and helped and held those whom Paul has spoken it to.

3:8 For now we live if you stand fast in the Lord. We are alive in the energy we produce in the earth. Paul expresses that all of the fleeing and danger, adversity and pain was worth the struggle if it produced such faithful and thus happy people. The works that we do while we are here are manifestations of ourselves and they abound, we abound, alive, extensions of each other.

3:9-10 Paul writes of the particular and familiar experience of not knowing how to aptly thank God for His generous work in our lives. Consider this: Paul is fleeing from ferocious enemies... yet he devotes his prayer not to praying for his own life, but praying to be allowed to continue to work on the behalf of others.

3:11 God does direct our way when we trust Him and give Him permission to do so. It then becomes our work to have "Patient Hope" which we spoke of in the last chapter. To have the courage to accept that His way knows better and further than we do... to have the trust to accept that delivery of our blessings will come in perfect time (rather than what we think would be convenient time).

Life is a classroom and this classroom is like a video game. We are constantly experiencing the same level until we use that experience to gain skill and thus reach a new level... which will require the skill we learned. We're going to repeat the same lessons so we might as well get our proverbial notebook out and start listening, studying, analyzing, observing, learning, growing. We want to be ready because when we are ready... the answers to our prayers can be delivered. 

If you pray to be in (for example), Level 7, well that is where the package of blessings is. They've been's up to you to journey toward them. And "Level 7" can represent anything: a job, a relationship, an opportunity... we require the ability of being able to maintain those things in order to have them. Use the experience around you to grow in character: in responsibility, patience, endurance, wisdom, kindness. God will direct you but you have to take the steps.

3:12-13 And such is Paul's prayer for us: that we grow in compassion. Compassion which is comprised of all the traits we need: love, hope, justice. When this classroom comes to its culmination, Paul prays that we will all qualify for graduation, rejoining with our compassionate God. 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

NT: First Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians, Chapter 2

I Thessalonians 2:1-20

2:1-3 Paul explains that the motivations propelling him to travel and preach are strictly for the betterment of others. It is with this exact selfless aplomb that we must endeavor in our own lives. Paul was uninfluenced by any selfish motivations for fame or martyrdom, undeterred by trial and tribulation,  and unmarked by clever deceit.

The translation? When we hope and work to do something with eventual success, we must do begin and remain compassionate, courageous and honest. Without those fundamental elements as a foundation, what was meant to be a journeyed path becomes a meandered labyrinth.

2:4 To be on earth is to be appointed by God for the fulfillment of a specific purpose. Although proffered to, we are not forced to accept the opportunity. When we do claim ownership of our own purpose, we are entrusted with it. We are entrusted to make a positive impact on the life around us not for our own benefit but for the benefit of all life. The apostles had not enlisted as fellow-workers of God for personal benefit or fame among humans but because they knew it was a blessed, crucial opportunity given by God in the effort to edify them. In other words, they did not accept the spiritual work because of how good they were but because of how good they wanted to be... not for themselves but for others and God.

2:5-6 Paul highlights the reason why the New Testament constantly impresses upon us the importance of vigilance. The apostles never had ulterior motives, but much of the world does. For one  selfish reason or another it matters to the world how you vote, what you purchase, what you believe... and therefore from many angles you are advertised to, influenced, conditioned, prodded toward things you might not necessarily agree with if  only you were fully aware. It is important that we are observant, objective, and perceptive because otherwise we blinded to truth.

2:7-8 Paul lets his and the apostle's actions speak the truth. They were gentle in presenting this philosophy of life to them. God's intention is for His word to be received by people without force or shame or guilt. Paul interacted with the Thessalonians and all of his students as kin. What mattered to Paul was not that everyone be awed or inspired by him but that they be comforted and shielded by the message he was entrusted to deliver. Look for sincerity and authenticity in people by observing and analyzing their actions and beliefs rather than their outward appearance or eloquence or painted-on charisma.

2:9 Notice, Paul says, that all of the work done by himself and the apostles was tireless, unpaid, patient, and gentle. Discern that there were no selfish motivations behind their passionate work. We each have aspirations in life, tie those passions to compassion for others and you will have created a recipe for achievement

2:10 Paul is comfortable and confident in the fact that his work, under the examination of God and human, will identify themselves as honest, humble and selfless. Instead of praising his own work, Paul calls to them (and us) to observe and analyze his work for ourselves.

Three mentioned characteristics of fellow-workers of God: devout, just, blameless
  • Devotion to this philosophy of life in thought, speech and behavior, 
  • Impartial and all-inclusive justice for all
  • Blamelessness induced by a lifelong commitment to honesty and good-intention.
2:11 The intention of Paul and the apostles was to give: exhortation, comfort and purpose. In life we should have the same intentions. To encourage those around us, to encourage justice and compassion and sincerity, patience, hope and faith. To comfort those around us; to provide all life with safety and shelter and health. And perhaps the most inspiring element of our mission here: to be catalysts. To be catalysts of joy, happiness, refreshment, rejuvenation, opportunity... we are placed here to promote and improve, defend and sustain a certain quality of life. It's an amazing purpose and yet we were entrusted with it!

Find wonder in how much you were entrusted with and use it propel you forward in the fulfillment of it.

2:12 Our life and love from God is given freely. God believes in our vast potential but expects very little of us (that we behave at least as civilly as we hope to be treated is not much of an expectation). In the midst of so much blessing, the miracle of the earth and breathe in our lungs, it is not unsurprising that Paul calls us to live worthy of this infinite, intricate phenomenon. 

We were created (and are sustained and supported by) the manifestation of life, compassion and love and it seems only fitting that we mirror its image, that we honor its selflessness with respect and emulation. 

2:13 Receive this philosophy of life authentically, humbly. The Thessalonians did not subscribe to this philosophy because they wanted fame or power or fortune. They followed and adopted this philosophy because it felt good, and natural and logical.

So many pretend (or even convince themselves) that they truly believe in this message when all they actually do is use it to promote themselves, their institution or to demean, judge or even punish others. This philosophy is a tool for us but how we wield it, either for good or malice, is entirely the decision of our own hands.

2:14-15 The Thessalonians adopted this philosophy wholeheartedly and then remained with it while under duress. It's precisely important that we not abandon our faith in tribulation for our faith is the force against tribulation. The force through which to endure tribulation... and by faith, defeat it.

2:16 The selfless and compassionate foundation of this faith is obscured in many ways and by many people with corrupt motivations. Unfortunately, people who have no armed themselves with perception, observation and objectivity often become the blinded, bounded base of such motivations. Many things block us from interpreting the truth within these pages of scripture but all it takes to break the seal is to simply open the book and read for ourselves. And now figuratively, that advice applies to all aspects of life: open the book and read for yourself. 

Save yourself not from some fear of eternal condemnation but from the chaotic, selfish and corrupt motivations of the world. From your own discontented, disheartened mind. From your own belief that you have no purpose, no redemption, no chance. Save yourself from the toxic slumber that so many live in, unable to perceive beyond this superficial and temporary life on earth.

2:17-18 Although is it Paul's hope to be rejoined with the Thessalonians, he cannot do so due to entanglements with adversaries. Oh, such can be life, right? But Paul does not lose faith, focus or determination. He retains his compassionate, grateful, humble heart; our mode of spiritual transportation through adversity, unable to be derailed if we insist on gripping onto the tracks.

"Satan" the representation of adversity in all of its forms: greed, injustice, deceit, corruption, selfishness... the corrupted motivations of others often do hinder us from our greatest happiness. But they only do so until we give that power to God, for Him to utilize against the corrupted forces which formerly worked against us. Remember that Paul, even though embroiled in tribulation, was perfectly content because of his faith, Philippians 4:11.

2:19-20 Paul is not proud of himself for his lifelong commitment to, and work in, faith. Paul is proud of, looks forward to, the moment when God, gleaning from whichever divine precipice He exists, can take in the view of an endless host of faithful, compassionate children.

You are our glory and our joy: your goodness, your faithful works are God's joy.

NT: First Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians, Chapter 1

I Thessalonians 1:1-10

1:1 In faith, Paul greets the Thessalonians. There is an ebullience in Paul's faith and it follows him, surrounds him, in every interaction; he is constantly conscious of his faith and of God and it guides his actions and words.

1:2 The apostles are "always" thankful because their gratitude to God is infinite. Moreover, the apostles always pray for their fellow-workers (us) of God. Through our channels of faith we enable God to enter our lives. Once we give Him permission, He listens to and then answers our prayers. Trust and faith solidify the channel. The more we trust, the more we live and speak and do with faith, the more solid is His channel for reaching us. Wavering faith and corrupt or selfish works cause blessings to slip right out of the channel, not as a punishment but as a logical consequence of not maintaining a healthy bond. 

The upshot is that prayer is an active force. Paul's prayers for the children of God came through a broad and truly solid channel; thereby allowing us to receive pure, determined, focused, and bold blessings.

1:3-4 In verse one we spoke of Paul surrounding himself with his faith, being constantly conscious of it. Here we are encouraged to do the same, to constantly be aware of:
  • Our Work of Faith: to remember that we each, individually, were planted here with purpose. To remember that we have the freedom, opportunity and support to be impactful. In every moment, our lives are speaking a message to the people around us. Our expressions, our reactions, our temperament, our outlook... the elements of our lives are a conglomeration and we present it to the world whether we mean to or not. Mean to. Choose what you are presenting, be meaningful and purposeful. Do not waste time searching for who you are... create who you are in every moment.
  • Labor of Love: to remember that love is our current of life. There are different wavelengths of love but each encourages us to be fair, honest, kind, empathetic, helpful, patient, brave on the behalf of another. Love itself breeds within us a tendency to be gentle and generous.
  • Patience of Hope in God: to remember that the vexations of life are part of a classroom God has decided we can majorly benefit from. To have patience while requesting blessings and to have the patience to wait for the perfect time to receive them. Patience affords us the space, time and ability to analyze our situation with clarity and objectivity. To cultivate persistent hope; that our eventual destination on the path of faith is love, life and happiness. God supplies us the key to contentment and trust: patient hope. In other words, give Him the time to gather and build your blessings, the course through which they will develop in your life, and have hope that what He chose for you is the best for you.
  • Knowing Our Election of God: to remember always that not only were we created by also chosen. God sees the potential within us and if we are willing, works with us to draw that potential out. He sees that impact we are capable of making on the earth and humans around us and for that reason, is proud to offer us membership in His work here.

1:5 Be perceptive, God reaches toward you with powerful love in a myriad of ways. In nature in prayer, in conversations, in books, within your own intuition... in so many circumstances, He is there. Listen, perceive. 

1:6 Remember how this faith established you during your time of tribulation. Paul reminds the Thessalonians to be conscious of the fact that when they were weak, they were made strong. Just as we should never "bite the hand that feeds us" we should never neglect for forget the hand that fed us just because we no longer feel hungry. In both sorrow and joy God is with us; we should never abandon Him.

1:7-8 You are an example. Be proud of that responsibility. Inspire others. Provide an example of courage, compassion, generosity, patience, faith. Whatever it is that we produce on the earth, it reverberates, abounds around the earth.

1:9-10 Sometimes words are not the best conveyor of emotions or explanations. Quite often, behavior speaks louder than words ever could. The Thessalonians had abandoned a former way of life, a life without our creator, and had adopted this philosophy of life. Their example made waves around regions of the world and Paul encouraged them to take responsibility for what message those waves were bringing to the shores of humanity around them.

Your life creates waves which reach the regions of humanity. Take responsibility for what messages those waves are bringing to the shores.

Monday, October 10, 2016

NT: Epistle of Paul to the Colossians, Chapter 4

Colossians 4:1-18

4:1 A continuation of the previous chapter: whenever we interact with another person, we must hold ourselves responsible for exuding and exhibiting justice. Paul's encouragement is for us to remain humble, continuously aware that creation, divine-universe is a greater manifestation than we are. To bend toward It in awe more than submission, hoping to exemplify its modest ways.

4:2 Paul gives us three directives with which to not only maintain our faith but to utilize its benefits.
  • Continue Earnestly in Prayer: Your faith is your channel to God and therefore be steadfast in it. We cannot constantly jam or block our connection with God with wavering acknowledgement of His philosophy. In joy and sorrow we must be present with our faith. Moreover our faith flies only on the wings of earnest: sincerity, commitment.  
  • Vigilant in Prayer: We must be faithfully observant and perceptive. Answers to our questions are being spoken to us, but only a keen ear listens. The universe is communicating with you in its subtle ways, prodding you along a path. Therefore be perceptive of your steps.
  • Thanks-Giving: With awe and humility discover our miraculous earth. Let wonderment inspire you into gratitude. We are given this opportunity to witness and participate on a meticulously curated planet. Find gratitude for elements within your life for gratitude spawns opportunity. Even when we are not where we want to be or perhaps deserve to be, have gratitude in even the opportunity to redirect our lives. You will find that you have help when you acknowledge the generous and capable company of the universe.

4:3-4 Pray for this philosophy to proliferate for compassion begets compassion and justice begets justice. Pray for the conditions under which portals of faith can spawn. We at times grow frustrated with our world but instead of putting a vexed energy into the world, put out an energy of hope.

4:5 Walk in wisdom no matter who you are among. The wisdom of this philosophy: to express, promote, inspire, and defend impartial justice and humble compassion. Your behavior has an impact on the people around you, what you put out into the earth is, though perhaps invisible to you, quite present and tangible to others (even if it only occurs after a bit of time).

4:6 In addition to walking with wisdom, whenever you vocalize your thoughts, do so with grace and faith. For the frequent moments of life during which right and wrong, good and bad are difficult to discern or choose, allow your foundation of faith to direct you. Our faith gives us the spark of knowing what we must do. Our must what is in accordance with our core values rather than a rash, in-the-moment, reaction or response. We are guided but ultimately, we make the choice of direction. Paul advises us to listen to our must, and then speak. 

4:7-9 Through a network of fellow-workers of God, news of Paul's imprisonment (from which he writes) reaches people like the Colossians, Romans,  Corinthians and Philippians. 

4:10-11 Paul speaks of those around him, helping and enduring his circumstances alongside him.

4:12-15 Paul gives the Colossians hope through his assurance that they are being zealously prayed for. A zealous prayer is a broad channel, a spacious connection with God. Zealous prayers are boldly heard

4:16-17 Push this philosophy outward. We are meant through our speech and behavior to teach this philosophy to the earth around us. We are not meant to push this philosophy onto anyone. Let your compassion and your serenity be the speaker, the teacher. This philosophy is based on freedom of choice, always remember that as you humbly interact with others.

4:18 Remember my chains...why does Paul tell us this? There is a double meaning: Paul's physical body is bound by humans. Paul himself bound his soul to Spirit. Remember Ephesians 3:1, 
It is interesting yet not peculiar that Paul would describe himself as being captive to Jesus. After all, learning and absorbing His philosophy of life is a captivating experience. Paul adds "...for you..." and this is similarly intriguing because though not often described in such terms, we actually enlist to do God's work for the benefit of humanity. As there are no spiritual boundaries, within the "prison" of God is a truly freeing place to be. From within boundlessness, we are kept away only from adversity. Locked away from it! Certainly we can be appreciative of those bars.
Remember what chains truly bind you. Do not allow yourself to be bound by the desires and indulgences of this world. This cycle of procuring material, wealth and power and feeding insatiable greed is a prison which mutes and disallows a nourished soul. Paul is imprisoned but through the tethers of his faith he is unafraid, Philippians 4:11. Claps the chains of unbreakable serenity, solemnity, compassion and life around your own wrists... your own soul. 

Friday, October 7, 2016

NT: Epistle of Paul to the Colossians, Chapter 3

Colossians 3:1-25

3:1-2 Consider yourself accountable for your words and actions; often we excuse ourselves of poor behavior because we feel victimized or wronged. It is a cyclical, selfish and fruitless method of life. We each have freedom here, purpose to claim and fulfill. If ever we are discontented or disenchanted with life it is not life which has failed us, it is ourselves. Take responsibility for your own happiness by understanding that no one can give it to you, you cannot find it, and it does not occur by chance. True, solid, permanent happiness is created when we begin to create the circumstances of our lives. We choose our temperament. We choose our outlook. Do not succumb to lethargy, explore the earth around you passionately. Explore the earth not to find happiness but to find ways and spaces to create it.

Paul is not reprimanding us, he's encouraging us to take responsibility for our lives. Here, written out for us, is the example of an honest, productive and compassionate life. The world presents an alternative option: to consume and procure wealth, power and fame. The pursuit of these however, has no end point. Greed is an insatiable stomach.

We might incorrectly think of wealth, power and fame as a game strictly played by political leaders or celebrities but actually it is not such an exclusive club. There are people who believe they will not be happy until they have a certain thing or person on every societal level. This philosophy of life taught by Paul reveals to us that happiness cannot be obtained, only created within oneself. 

You are the filter through which you see the world. If you are tainted by internal disrupt so will your external worldview be.

3:3-4 Let the slumbering you continue to sleep. Your soul has awakened. Let the you that desired and worried and lamented snooze. Allow this philosophy of compassionate life enlighten you and bring you contentment, soaring joy.

3:5-7 Say an eternal goodnight the emotions, temptations and desires which vexed and suffocated you. It might sound extreme but greed and desire seek so desperately that they will strangle you in the pursuit of an end to their misery. In the pursuit of a contentment their selfishness can never obtain.

3:8-9 Set high standards for yourself: become the embodiment of patience and understanding, truth and clarity. It is unnecessary for you to taint your action and even your speech with that that does not propel your message. Be, say, do necessary things. You are not a hapless, hopeless, helpless person. Live with intention. Speak with intention. Think with intention. 

Consider your contributions... is what you are providing to a room, a conversation, a person, the world good? Necessary? True? Productive? Ensure that it is! You have the great opportunity to have an impact here. Inspire laughter, hope, opportunity, justice, growth. What you do reverberates around your community and from there, around your world. What energy are you sending forth?

3:10 As you walk and work along this journey of development of faith, remember that you are renewed. Toss old, unproductive habits until they become unfamiliar to you.

3:11 Through your faith you have adopted a higher standard of life. A life which is not confounded by intolerance, impatience, discontentment. Bathe in the light that is the opportunity to be inextricably bound to compassion, creation and life.

3:12 The elect of God are those who a recognized as humble, productive, faithful propellants of this philosophy. The elect of God can be trusted to uphold mercy, kindness, humility, modesty, perseverance, comradery,  and forgiveness. 

3:13 Forgiveness is a sensitive topic and it because forgiveness is largely misunderstood. Forgiveness is not a returned gift of trust. Forgiveness is the salve which allows for one to release themselves from festering sorrow and pain. Forgiveness can be a simple and as prominent as a hope for the guilty party to become better. Does that seem too kind? Ask yourself this: what more trying fate is there than to face one's own shame? Our biggest motivation for change and betterment are the eyes through which to see how our actions have harmed others. We forgive because we have purpose here and we cannot journey to fulfill it if we are bound by another person or stagnant circumstance.

Do we trust that person again? Perhaps not. Do we wish to keep company with them? Perhaps not. We were instructed by Jesus on how to handle situations where we are not respected: Matthew 10:14 And whoever will not receive you nor hear your words, when you depart from that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet. 

In other words: Move on, unwearied. Do not be harried. As small and seemingly inconsequential as humans may seem in comparison to the whole of the infinite universe... we are here. We are worthy of our place here; we were created and place with love and intricacy. If any person does not acknowledge your worthiness of respect, do no waste your time upset or trying to convince them. The only two entities who you require to acknowledge your worthiness are yourself and God. You might, but God's never going to need reminding that you are loved and worthy of justice.

Keep Him close in order to remember that forgiving someone is not a self-demeaning act. Forgiving someone is cutting that corrupted tether between yourself in them in order that you may shake off the dust from your feet and move on. Seeking revenge or apology only strengthens those harmful bonds. As a child of God, you are meant to be free. 

What does it mean: "Christ forgave you." Well, Jesus was the manifestation of God's love and when He witnesses our... less than stellar behavior, it hurts Him. He personally feels the pain we cause and therefore it is quite extraordinary that He forgives us. He forgives us for hurting Him. As humans, we know how hard that can be to do. Consider it on His scale... billions of fallible humans each taking stabs at His heart.

There are many ways we can hurt Him: by not loving others and by not loving ourselves being chief among them. He forgives us for not taking delicate, precise, care of all that matters to Him. He forgive us because this is a classroom and because through our fallibility we learn and grow.

3:14 Paul has a lot of advice but perhaps the easiest method of living life purposefully is to love. Is to have appreciation and joy for a living things and people around you. When we love a thing or person, we defend its justice. Love is a guide, employ it.

3:15 Find peace and gratitude knowing that solidly encased in deeper meaning, deeper purpose, deeper manifestations of life and creations. Marvel at your smallness: this massive, intelligent universe created and sustains you. Little you to the universe/creation/God are not so little, after all.

3:16-17 Let this philosophy dwell in you richly. Let this saturated compassion saturate you. With humility and gratitude let it remind you constantly that you are loved and led.

3:18-19 Cultivate mutually respectful relationships. Paul's language here is a bit archaic to our times but what he requests is that we love each other and devote each other to another's emotional and physical health.

3:20-21 Cultivate caring and environments for children to grow and develop. In many ways, parents impress onto their children their worldview. Ensure that it is a healthy and inquisitive, objective and compassionate one. Likewise children respect your parents as children themselves, children of life, together with you in this classroom. Your parents are experiencing advanced lessons but they are still students.

3:22-24 Work with purpose, with passion. Do not live half-hardheartedly. We reap what we sow, surely we do not wish to reap only halfhearted attempts on preserving, protecting our lives. Do whatever it is that you do, or speak, with joyful purpose. Be present. Do it because you wish to contribute not because you wish to procure.

Revere, live in awe of creation: the natural environment around us is astonishing. Is itself alone enough to inspire reverence.

3:25 We choose the path and therefore we choose the destination. The only character trait which puts you on the path to life is compassion. Without partiality, God will allow each person to arrive at their chosen destination. No other quality of yours will qualify you for eternal life. No, our compassionate God has not created a "hell" but only a soul with compassion can survive the atmosphere of "heaven," as we have come to call it. It's simple logic...without a tolerance for oxygen, earth could not be survived. God told us, here is what you need to be equip with in order to survive here, and this how to create those things. An evil person cannot exist in Spirit, they are simply not equip.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

NT: Epistle of Paul to the Colossians, Chapter 2

Colossians 2:1-23

2:1 Although Paul is speaking to the Colossians, underlying these next few verses is a message from God sent directly to us, individually and collectively: I cannot be physically with you right now but I see you, I love you, be strong, we are in this together.

2:2-3 Be encouraged, filled with hope and motivation in faith as a crucial member of spiritual kinship and universal wisdom. Trusting, understanding and living in accordance with God's omnipresent, omnipotent will.

2:4-5 While we are here, there are ideas, people, institutions and desires which might attempt to derail our faith, our focus and our beliefs. We may not see a physical God but we can connect with divinity spirituality and thereby solidify our faith and protect our spirit and purpose. Live with order and persistence rather than chaos and surrender. 

2:6 Live as you are taught by your faith. An example in nature thrives around you. You have standards of justice, wisdom and compassion to uphold in every moment of your life.

2:7 Create, develop and foster a strong foundation of faith. Live purposefully, confidently, aware of Spirit, rooted in justice and compassion, tall in wisdom, gratitude and humility.

2:8 Be vigilant. Never let anyone or institution suffocate your individual wisdom. Observe, explore and investigate the world and people around you with objectivity and compassion in order to create your own values and truths. Watch out for hypocrites and deceitful institutions. Do a person's words match their actions? Is there humility within the church which preaches humility? Look. Listen.

2:9-10 Keep this philosophy within yourself and your life because its objective is compassion, justice and wisdom. It constantly, wisely, selflessly works to edify you and improve the quality of your life.

2:11-12 We have been figuratively circumcised. As we develop our faith we shed our less admirable qualities and boost our positive ones.

2:13-14 Through living this philosophy we awaken to life and enlightenment. We are no longer entrapped by mistakes, misunderstandings, poor choices, or the manipulation and control of others. We arise out of darkness and into life.

2:15 Nothing, no person, institution or force in the world has power over our spiritual life, which has been made durable, invulnerable, eternal by God. A strong spirit has all of God's power in its arsenal and is therefore able to persist through any tribulation, even earthly death.

12:16-17 Paul does not want us to become distracted by religious customs. What is essential is that we live and breathe this philosophy. What matters is what we think, say, do, believe... what we contribute to this world is called our works and good works earn us spiritual life (regardless of religious customs). This verse challenges the idea of there being only one correct religion... Paul expresses here that the only organization God recognizes is work done in the name of compassion.

12:18 Do not allow yourself to be derailed by arrogance, deception or hypocrisy. Never feel inferior to anyone, God has gifted you wisdom... reach out and grab it with an observant mind. No one has power over you, a child of God, if you do not let them.

12:19 Be aware of people who pretend to be faithful but actually have no love or awe for creation, from which all life has come and been given to.

12:20-23 Forget about meaningless details. It does not matter what kind of building a person worships in, or even if they worship at all. What matters is what we DO. What we SAY. What we PRODUCE in the world. Humans create rules, customs, and regulations which create exclusive clubs, arrogant institutions, superiority complexes... but God does not. Be able to discern truth from decorated lie.

NT: Epistle of Paul to the Colossians, Chapter 1

Colossians 1:1-29

1:1-2 With the books of Colossians, we begin the twelfth book of the New Testament to people in present day Asia Minor. Paul and Timothy greet the Colossians, who have established and maintained an honest and hardworking ministry.

1:3 Paul is grateful for their compassionate work. Paul was completely entrenched in establishing and maintaining this philosophy throughout many regions. While introducing, preaching and traveling, he encountered much opposition. Paul even wrote to the workers of budding churches (like the Colossians) from prison, commending their work, promoting growth and redirecting errors.

One of the many examples we can learn from Paul's life is persistence. Even with a myriad of excuses to stop, take breaks, feel sorry for himself, Paul never did any of that. He consistently lived and worked to ensure that he was constantly producing and defending the values he held.

1:4 We have become familiar with Paul's gratitude. Paul has a wholehearted appreciation for workers of justice and compassion. Assuredly, it is no small thing to have kind people in the world; nothing propels justice more than diligent human beings with compassionate objectives.

1:5 Paul is grateful that the fruit of God, the spiritual nutrition and guidance, the freedom and opportunity has reached God's children here on earth. Humanity is here on a sojourn; we are here only temporarily to learn and grow. 

Creation, God (however you conceive of divinity) hoped to reach humanity. Although to us it may seem like there is a disconnect between Spirit and Earth, their kinship is alive and well here to those who work to perceive it.

1:6 The fruit of God produces, inspiring: kindness, justice, wisdom, discernment, opportunity, serenity, peace of mind, courage and endless more. We are given to in order that we may give. God's gifts reverberate around the world. His intention is for kindness and all gifts to proliferate, reach more than only the first beneficiary. 

1:7-8 Paul became familiar with the Colossians work through apostle Epaphras' account of them. We've spent a lot of valuable and blessed time with Paul but remember that God has many workers... it's not an elusive club. We are each fellow workers with God when we determine ourselves to be, accomplishing purposeful work and edification within and around ourselves.

1:9 Paul has learned that the Colossians are faithful and productive in the philosophy of justice and compassion and actively hopes for (prays for) three things for the continuance of their work:

1. Filled with Knowledge of His Will: God's children know His plan (for both the individual and the collective), trust His plan, and can perceive His plan extended throughout the world.
2. Filled with His Wisdom: God's children know the origin and destination, intricate detail and reason for His plan. We are given the tools, materials and opportunity to grow in wisdom and each of its branches: patience, natural justice, logic.
3. Filled with Spiritual Understanding: God's children understand their soul. We understand the difference, rather than the disconnect, between flesh and soul. We understand life on earth as a classroom, a temporary stay, and life in Spirit as eternal, edified. 

1:10 This is the objective of the faithful human-being: "...being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God." A non-religious person can fulfill this objective without even realizing. We do the compassionate work, we inevitable arrive at our spiritual home (whether we believed in such a thing or not). What is essential is that one believes in compassion and justice and purposes toward compassion and justice in their thoughts, words, motivations and actions.

The knowledge of God is deeper than simply believing in God. The knowledge of God is an active and purposeful understanding and agreement with His objective for humanity and all life.

1:11 Paul continues to pray for the materials God's children need to be successful in their purpose:

1. Strength: To draw courage and health and life from our Spiritual niche 
2. Patience: To have serenity and stoicism in an erratic world
3. Perseverance: To remain in strength and patience, motivation and production
4. Joy: To receive and give compassion, to laugh and smile and believe and hope and dream

The aforementioned are the recipe for a figuratively nutritious life; an adequately balanced and thriving soul. These things are learned and exemplified in scripture but also in nature. Observe the natural world's strength, patience, perseverance and joy. We learn these things, grow deeper in our understanding and ability to utilize them when we actively work to do so. Life requires our focused participation.

1:12  Finally Paul wishes for them (us) to have gratitude. Not because God requires it but because our ability to be grateful builds are ability to be humble, to perceive our miraculous earth and life for what it is: a beautiful, impossible gift. Humility is a clarified lens through which to accurately perceive the earth and the life within it, therefore breeding understanding inside of our minds and souls.

1:13 Spirit guides us out of darkness: darkness within ourselves and around ourselves. What is darkness? Darkness is hopelessness, confusion, purposelessness, apathy, lethargy, greed, waywardness... Darkness, the parts of our lives we may not even realize are there, but are hindering us from complete, unadulterated contentment and happiness, purpose and wisdom. He guides us away from selfish motivations, desires for wealth, power, fame, property... and directly into selfishness, gifts of expression and creativity, the true wealth of life, the inheritance of all land and space in the universe.

1:14 We are able to redeem ourselves, to give and earn forgiveness from ourselves to ourselves because we learn how to respect ourselves. God loves us; He has ensured that His philosophy is around us, available for us to reach out and grab it, place it directly into our hearts. Why? Because His objective is our happiness, not our reverence. He teaches us how to forgive ourselves for the dark acts, the dark desires, the dark lethargy and to become alive and motivated in works of Light.

1:15 Divinity manifested itself in a way that humans could more readily understand. The "soul" and "spirit" are difficult things to explain... for they are felt, rather than seen. So creation manifested a tangible presence, a life, through which to explain and exemplify core concepts and elements of spirit, soul and this philosophy of compassion.

1:16 These next few verses give us an inkling of divinity's sheer, inconceivable massiveness. No matter what happens on earth or in universe, all has come from the same origin of life force, life wisdom, creation. Every atom and element, voice, building, lung, car, country, star, planet, breath, bark, smile, laugh, hope, dream... has been made possible by this intelligent, wise, compassionate source of creation.

All things were created through Him (or whichever word you choose to describe divinity) and for Him. Meaning that all things are meant to fulfill his objective of compassion. What is pleasing to creation is justice, compassion, truth and wisdom and so all life is meant to produce those things... here's where it gets tricky: creation is generous with us, giving us freedom to contradict its intentions.

1:17 Humans have only been on earth for a minuscule amount of time. Time is irrelevant to creation, as creation has, does and will always exist and supersede that which has come from it (humanity... and all things).

1:18 The word "dead" is used figuratively here: those who are not enlightened to compassionate philosophy, faith and creation are, in darkness, akin to being dead. For the dead have no purpose, do no work, make no contributions, express no joy... God's children are alive. When we spiritual awaken, we begin to discover what that truly means.

1:19-20 The manifestation of the Messiah was an offering, an opportunity to discover and edify our souls. There are many ways through which God has worked to reach His children, Christianity not being the only method through which a person can discover their spirituality. And yet this that we study is one and is wise and encouraging in doing so.

1:21-22 We are saved from ourselves by this philosophy. Much of humanity is spiritual malnourished in that they have no or limited internal happiness, strength and wisdom. Creation provides and prods those things into our souls, giving us new life and motivated purpose.

1:23 Remain humble, and faithfully focused. Spiritual health, like all health, requires persistence and maintenance. Spiritual health requires spiritual contemplation, spiritual works. Never abandon the source which has given you life, never forget that it sustains you.

1:24 Paul endures his tribulation with courage and joy because the work is necessary, effective and healing. Remember from Acts 5:41 "So they departed...rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for His name." It is fulfilling to stand for a just cause, to watch compassionate work make a difference.

1:25 Paul explains to us: I have been given these abilities for your benefit. God is reaching out to us, purposefully with organization. We are loved by Him so deeply and therefore our spiritual health and joy is promoted, protected and inspired by Him when we accept His love. 1 Corinthians 12 explains God's gifts, how well designed and planted they are in each of us.

1:26-27 People have not always understood spirit. Even now, many do not understand. God reveals. Look deeper, perceive, He is within you, you are within Him. You are not your body, you are a soul. Reference: 1 Corinthians 6:19 for further study.

1:28 The apostles preached to warn people of the discontentment that comes from a life devoid of spirituality. Without compassionate purpose we have no productive contributions here, no internal rest or peace, no understanding of ourselves, humanity, earth, universe, life. We are encouraged to learn and grow in wisdom and character as exemplified to us by nature, by the Messiah, by these words and accounts of humans before us.

1:29 A beautiful quote and life objective in faith, gratitude, humility and purpose: To this end I also labor, STRIVING ACCORDING TO HIS WORKING WHICH WORKS IN ME MIGHTILY."

We are fellow workers with God. Our God, our creation is always working selflessly to promote our well-being. Work as persistently, humbly and generously as He freely, boldly, passionately does for us.