Thursday, December 31, 2015

NT: The Book of Luke, Chapter 1

Luke 1:1-80

The name Luke means The Light Giver or The Bringer of Light. God is Light because He provides a way out of darkness. Certainly Luke brings us to the Light with this gospel.

1:1-4 This is the 3rd Gospel, each told from the perspective of different people (ranging in ages, thoughts and professions). Luke, a physician, explains in the beginning of his account that there is certainty in the existence of Jesus, in the message He brought and in the way of life He inspired. Luke witnesses it for himself, acknowledges that there were many witnesses, and prepares to lead us into our 3rd Gospel as he experienced it. In each Gospel, we learn more and more, we layer on the meaning of the message because each person catches specific details unique to their accounts.

Theophilus means "beloved of God" and therefore Luke writes to this man but metaphorically, he writes to all of us -- for we are all beloved of God and God wishes for all of us to receive this message.

The retelling of the story allows us to grasp the concepts and become familiar with the message. Jesus was an awakening for the world and to understand the scope of what He accomplished, we spend a lot of time involved in it.

1:5 We have Zacharias and Elizabeth who will be the parents of John.

1:6 They were good people. By stating that they walked in all the commandments and ordinances, we can understand that they were compassionate, fair, and humble.

1:7 Zacharias and Elizabeth had not been able to conceive a child -- such is sometimes the circumstance of human physiology. They were older, past the "optimal" child-bearing age of the time.

1:8-10 Zacharias is a priest; he has devoted his life to teaching the word of God. While doing so, performing his duties as were custom to the time, an angel of the Lord appeared to him. Perhaps "Angel of the Lord" sounds mystical to you but remember that an angel is a messenger of God. They deliver advice, support and guidance on God's  behalf.

1:11 Angels are in spiritual form -- which means that they are purified by God. This angel has come to speak with Zacharias (and by doing so, begins the journey of preparing Jesus' arrival on Earth).

1:12 Understandably, arriving in this perfect, brilliant form, is foreign and stunning to Zacharias, who is at this point, only familiar with life on Earth.

1:13 The angel is of God and so of course there is nothing to fear. Countless times in the Bible when people are faced with God's voice, or Jesus or even just the completely perfect spirit of God in all of His manifestations... they do not know how to react. It's so beautifully overwhelming for them.

The angel's message to Zacharias is that his wife, Elizabeth will bear a son. Do not overlook that Zacharais and Elizabeth had prayed arduously and faithfully to become parents. They never lost hope or faith in God and their prayers were answered in God's perfect time.

1:14 God's message to us is always complete. The angel informs Zacharias that there will be so much joy over this child's birth and that he will be named John. God knows the plan; he knows every detail before it even happens so you can trust Him in your life to make the best, most informed decisions for you.

1:15 John is going to be a beautiful person with an amazing, faithful soul. John is going to be wise and clear headed and will had godspeed all of his life because of his goodness, even from conception inside of Elizabeth.

1:16 John will be an invaluable, instrumental fellow worker of God. He is going to help and heal and guide so many of God's children with his pure, determined, compassionate heart.

1:17 John is going to have the spiritual motivation and direction of the great prophet Elijah. He's going to prepare people for all that their lives can be with God; with God, he's going to give them the knowledge, wisdom and opportunity to select an eternal life for themselves.

People are so easily confused, misled and distracted at times. John's mission is going to be to help people out of disorder and purposelessness and into the hand of God which is always straight and progressive.

1:18 Zacharias doubts, he's a man of God but his faith is not yet developed enough to understand and accept this amazing, seemingly impossible situation the angel speaks of. He's thinking like a human: how can any of this be possible? He's thinking like a human: forgetting that with God, everything is possible.

1:19 To give him reassurance, the angel identifies himself as Gabriel (who we will learn more of in future chapters). Gabriel is the angel of the Lord... he works directly with God, his presence before Zacharias is incredible and blessed. His presence before Zacharias speaks of the magnitude of Who is to come to the Earth. Gabriel announces that he is the angel of the God and that remains firm in telling Zacharias that his prayers have been heard and answered by God... that they will manifest into John...and into joy.

1:20 Zacharias doubted and God wanted to work with Zacharias to develop his faith. God never punishes, instead he allows opportunities for us to strengthen our faith. In this case, God prescribes Zacharias a bit of introspection time. Zacharias will not be able to talk but what this really means is that Zacharias will be provided ample time to think, observe and perceive. Instead of talking, gossiping, worrying... Zacharais is given by God an opportunity to develop his faith.

We can learn a lot from this. Sometimes we need to just be quiet and observe the situation to extract the truth from it. We need peace and solemnity to understand and to perceive so that while we work and live in the world, we do so with wisdom.

1:21 Zacharias had a bit of... important business in the temple and so of course he was there longer than expected.

1:22 It was clear to them that something awesome had happened to Zacharias... but they did not yet know what. Zacharias began his time of silent contemplation... this is time for Zacharias to watch and see God's truth unfold and be accomplished.

1:23 After working, Zacharias has time to himself at home.

1:24 Elizabeth conceived, as was foretold by Gabriel through God. She takes is easily and carefully... she's older and she's gentle with her body during her pregnancy.

1:25 Elizabeth knows that her prayers have been answered. Unlike Zacharias, she immediately knew that all was possible through prayer in God and that he had answered hers.

1:26 Six months later, Gabriel is sent by God to the city of Galilee, also known as, Nazareth.

Let's focus on time for a moment: Zacharias is overseeing the "course of Abia" (KJV). There were 24 courses the Levitical priest would serve in the temple -- each lasting a period of time. The course of Abia would happen from June 15- June 19. Elizabeth would have conceived around the time of Zacharais return (over 40 miles away so include travel time) and therefore would have conceived around June 24-25. Adding another 5 months in verse 24, we arrive at the date: November 24-25. Now, 1 month later Gabriel arrives in Galilee, which would be December. In the following versus we will learn that Mary is about to conceive (meanwhile John is 6 months in Elizabeth's womb).  We can deduce from this that Jesus was conceived around December 24-25 but was actually born 9 months later, in September.

Do not get caught up in details if they confuse you -- the important fact is only that Jesus came (regardless of specifically when) and taught a beautiful, lasting message to innumerable amounts of people.

Return to Luke...

1:27 Gabriel arrives among Mary and Joseph (the sort of-adopted parents of Jesus). So many people focus on Mary's "virginity" but we must continue to remember that faith is taught metaphorically in the bible. A "virgin" is a person who has remained faithful to our One, True God... and has not "given birth" to any of the corrupted ideas of men or fake gods.

1:28 Gabriel brings the message of joy amplified to Mary. He speaks of her blessing.

1:29 Mary is very humble... this sudden celebration and admiration for her catches her off guard, she's working hard to understand.

1:30 Gabriel soothes her: there's nothing to fear, God loves you so much.

1:31 Gabriel speaks of Mary bringing forth a Son, the Son... Jesus. Mary will be a protective, pure vessel through which Jesus will arrive on Earth.

1:32 Gabriel explains to Mary Jesus' mission and His brilliance... He invites her into the plan God has for the world.

1:33 The house of Jacob represents the people of the world, whose origin is in the ancestors of Jacob.

1:34 Mary does not yet understand the logistics -- and to be honest, neither does most of the world even today. Mary asking this question provides an opportunity for us to learn that Jesus is from God only and exactly... she's never had a child in her womb before.

1:35 God is going to place (and remember that God created everything, even science and so He can bend it to His will) Jesus into Mary's womb. How God does things is sometimes amazing and confusing to us because He's so much more intelligent and capable than we can understand.

What is important to know is that Gabriel is explaining that Jesus will be the manifestation of God on Earth and because of that, He will do brilliant things.

1:36 Gabriel informs Mary that her cousin, Elizabeth (who were were just reading about above) has conceived also, 6 months prior.

1:37 For with God nothing will be impossible. Keep this message in your soul and in your everyday life.

1:38 Mary is in awe... she's accepts her role as a faithful participant with humility and joy. Gabriel completed his message and departs from her, returning to God.

1:39-40 Mary visits Elizabeth quickly... understandable considering they both had recently become such important, loved instruments to God.

1:41 Mary tells Elizabeth of her conception and John, in the womb, is even delighted. This lets us know that God's plan was made known to all participants and they were wise and filled with happiness because of it. All of God's dutiful children and prepared and excited to do their work.

God remains with them. He fills them with His spirit... He wants to fill you too, open yourself up to His love.

1:42 Blessed indeed to be a part of God's plan. Blessed indeed is the sweet fruit (metaphor) of Jesus. Jesus is our kind and safe sustenance. His life and message keeps us strong and courageous and healthily minded, pure of soul.

1:43 Elizabeth displays her humility. God wishes for us all to remain humble and kind... to acknowledge and delight in our equal, abundant love from Him. Mary and Elizabeth were given two of the most important roles to ever be... and yet they remained kind and modest. Certainly we can learn from this.

1:44 Elizabeth knows and believes that Mary speaks the truth... her entire body is filled with understanding and joy... even the baby in her womb has reacted to this monumental, life-changing news.

1:45 God is so happy when we trust and believe Him... He is so delighted when we accept our mission in His name and perform it with compassion, faith, and determination. God always fulfills His word. He listens to our prayers, He hears us --cares and understands-- remains with us and then He works with us to accomplish things right to and through their complete fulfillment.

11:46 Try to imagine Mary's spiritual joy. Perhaps even you have experienced a moment when you just wanted to pour out your love and gratitude for God. Her soul reaches out to express her reverence to God.

11:47 Mary's spirit (the mind of her soul) rejoices in God... who saves her and us from the mistakes we create for ourselves on the Earth.

1:48 Mary expresses her humility... she feels that compared to God she is but a servant... but she is a grateful, loved, proud servant. There's nothing else we should aspire to be than the servant of compassion and love, truth and wisdom.

Mary is contemplating her amazing, grand job in God's mission. It's overwhelming for her... to consider the magnitude of what she's been chosen to do and how it will affect the world for generations. She's humbled by the opportunity and so in awe.

1:49 Mary reflects on all that God has done for her in her life -- we should never forget or overlook what God does for us either. We should remain aware and thankful for all that He is for us because He never forgets us.

Holy indeed -- so pure in compassion, love and kindness. So selfless in compassion and truth.

1:50 "Fear" is actual from a word which means both "fear" and "revere." You have nothing to fear. God has mercy on all who understand the presence of His love in the world. There is no reason to ever fear God. God is love. Those who reject God might fear the life they have chosen for themselves... but they did that, they chose to walk away from God. God does not punish, He loves. God allows the repercussions of our own decisions because He loves us enough to give us complete freedom to make our own choices... and sometimes we make choices that yield bad results.

Make good choices with God... ask Him for love and guidance and He will provide them and clarity.

1:51 In all that God does, creates and believes in... He shows perfect strength. Look around this miraculous world, at the pure nature of it and observe His perfect accomplishments: trees, stars, rivers, mountains...the efficiency of the human body... everything He creates is composed of intricate miracle.

1:52 God loves and gifts the kind and humble. Those who rule over others and use their control to maintain fame or wealthy are brought down to base level by Him... and are taken from existence if they are evil.

1:53 Metaphorically speaking: God fills the spiritually hungry with His spirit and with the knowledge and wisdom that come from it. God makes a kind soul wise. He gives them the will and happiness to overcome every difficultly.

Those who are arrogant or evil have no wisdom... their lives are chaotic and their minds and unhealthy. They are never satisfied.

Even with only "little" God's faithful children are rich... they have, in abundance, so much happiness and understanding. They need nothing but God... and yet He gives them more, and more.

1:54 Israel is representative of the groups of ancestors from which we all descended. God has had endless forgiveness for humanity... generation after generation they commit so many wrongs against each other and they forget Him and His word so often... yet He remains with us with forgiveness and understanding.

1:55 Mary reminds us that God has been with us since our ancestors. Genesis 17:5 God proclaims His presence with Abraham and all of his descendants forever... the father of many nations.

1:56 Mary stayed with Elizabeth for 3 months (nearly until Elizabeth was full term with John).

1:57 John was born through Elizabeth, as told by Gabriel from God.

1:58 Everyone was amazed and grateful on Elizabeth's behalf. Elizabeth's faithful life proved to be a testimony to them... faith in God is always fruitful.

1:59 Circumcision was popular in this time -- for health reasons. Health standards (thanks to contributions from germ theory) have greatly improved since that time. Usually a son would be named after their father.

1:60 Elizabeth remembers that her baby has been named John by God. John, orginially Hebrew, Yochanan, means Yahweh (God) is gracious. Indeed John's life proves that God is gracious. Elizabeth faithfully and happily names her child John Yochanan because God has been gracious with her.

1:61 Nobody understood the meaning and important behind John's name.

1:62 They asked Zacharias what the child should be named...

1:63 Zacharias, still mute, declares that the name of the child is John. Of course during this time he must have been marveling at the truth of Gabrel's words... his faith must have increased greatly.

1:64 Zacharias followed the word of God (his faith was healed and strengthened) and he regained his ability to speak.

1:65 The miracle of the timing of this regaining of speech was yet another testimony of all that God is capable of to the people surrounding Elizabeth and Zacharias... their story spreads throughout the country.

1:66 The faith of the people around Elizabeth and Zacharias was strengthened as well... they had witnessed miracles because of them (and they rest of the world--us--would learn of the miracle as well). They knew that something special, something from God had taken place. They knew that John's life was going to be so important... so life-changing. They kept God in their hearts.

The hand of the Lord was with John. John will do so much for the world because of His love and work with God.

1:67 God manifests a message inside of Zacharias -- God can come to you in many ways, He is inspiration. He pours His wisdom into us and then it comes out through us into the world in many amazing ways: art, speech, music, action...

1:68 Zacharias is speaking of how blessed they (and we) all are that God sent Jesus to realign our hearts and spirits. He redeems us from our own mistakes.

1:69 God raises up His awesome, lovely power in order to provide us safety and guidance. The mention of David is the mention of our faithful ancient ancestors.

1:70 Zacharias teaches us that since the beginning, God has spoken and led humanity through His prophets. We can learn so much from their lives and stories right here in this book.

1:71 God wants to teach us a way to not be victims of hatred and evil. He wants to give us strength and wisdom to persevere through the evil done by others. God is so loving and selfless... He devotes Himself to protecting us.

1:72 God always remains faithful to His word... He always accomplishes what He promises... across generations, across time... across eternity.

1:73-74 God grants wisdom, truth... and so much more so that we serve Him (His children... His Compassion) without fear. He is not frightening. He is humble and kind. He wishes for us to be like Him, to be humble and kind and to work in the service of bringing kindness to others humbly.

1:75 Be pure, be faithful with Him during your life.

1:76 Zacharais begins to speak to his newborn child, sent from God: he informs baby John (who likely is already equip with the knowledge) that he will be a prophet of God.

1:77 Continuing talking to John: John will go throughout the world and create many opportunities for people to open themselves up to God... to find and develop their faith.

1:78 God's love is tender and it is merciful. Do not let anyone make you fearful... God is eternally kind and gentle with us.

1:79 God gives light... hope and love... to those who are subjected to evil by other humans. He guides our path to peace if we listen.

1:80 John grew and strengthened in spirit -- He developed his faith to persevere to be wise. He developed his relationship with God in order to accomplish love and faith in the world. Take the time to strengthen your own spirit as well -- it will determine the strength of your life. With God you are capable of so much... be faithful, be dutiful, be kind. We can learn so much from our experience... everyday we can grow from them. We can become wise through God's instruction if we are kind, observant and trusting. This is how you strengthen you spirit. Be humble, listen intently, observe, and give compassion freely to all. Strengthen in spirit, you with God can truly change the world.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

NT: The Book of Mark, Chapter 16

Mark 16:1-20

We have reached the final chapter of Mark and we've been blessed by so much instruction in this book. It perfectly supplements the previous Book of Matthew and has prepared us well to venture through the next, the Book of Luke. These books give us a strong foundation on which to build our faith; they encompass the core of God's message to humanity. They introduce us to deeper concepts written of in the following books of the New Testament as well as the previous books of the Old Testament. 

The time and effort we devote to reading, learning, understanding and working in the scripture is time and effort spent layering and strengthening our faith. We develop our ability to perceive lessons written in metaphor and become informed and skillful in navigating both the words in the Bible and the challenges and experiences our faith and life faces.

We study together -- and by together I mean with God: Matthew 18:20, "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." God is with us even in independent study, because you and He make two but it's also special to Him when we, His children, work together in His name. He wants us to always remember that He is here with us.

16:1 Jesus' students and fellow children of God do not forget Him. They remain faithful and productive as He taught them to be.

16:2 They continue to be with Him, in so many dimensions of "being": in remembrance, in their physical presence, in their hearts and minds, and spiritually they know He is not "gone" and will return. 

16:3 They wonder how they will move the stone in order to perform their work, to anoint Jesus. As faithful children of God, we are wise to acknowledge the fact that God prepares our way. When our "work" is good, God clears an easy path.

16:4 Upon reaching the tomb, they realize that the giant bolder which sealed it closed was moved. There is no thing or person that does not bend to God's perfect will. Our God, our God of the living, is victorious against death every time.

16:5 They enter to find a young man and are surprised to find the tomb of Jesus much changed. Based on what this young man will prophesy, we can understand that he is an angel. Angels are messengers of God, he will deliver a message from God.

16:6 The young man, a spiritually manifested person, informs them of Jesus' transfiguration into God' perfect form of life -- the spiritual (of which we will learn about in this New Testament).

16:7 Jesus told the disciples that He would return to them -- and therefore He will. Our God is a God of truth and He prepares us well when we listen. Mark 14:28.

16:8 The group is so deeply amazed they cannot even properly communicate. Their love and excitement couples with the anticipation and they go quickly to meet Jesus again.

16:9 Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene -- by doing this, we can understand how loved by God she is. We can understand how deep and true her faith is. There are many misconceptions about Mary Magdalene but the truth of her is this: her faith and love for God's compassionate word and her humility for His children. We learned in a previous message that there is a running metaphor throughout the Bible in which marriage is a symbol for our relationship with God -- and that only, a symbol. Mary's relationship with Jesus was platonic and if we read the metaphor of the Bible correctly, we easily deduce that. 

16:10-11 They miss Him. We miss Him and so we can understand their grief. The possibility of His return is so needed by them that they even work hard to believe it.

They saw Him die. They do not have fully formed concepts of the spiritual world Jesus always spoke of -- they need tangible proof to expand their minds beyond the world that they know. Jesus understood this and God planned to show them so that they could overcome their fears and know the true eternity of life with God.

16:12 Jesus appears to two more faithful students "in another form." That's the amazing thing about God -- He can manifest in so many ways. Be vigilant for His presence in your life, His spirit is all around you.

16:13 Again, it's difficult for some to believe without seeing. Let's work through this with scripture: Let's go to John 20:24-29:

24 Now Thomas, called the Twin, one of the twelve, was not with them when Jesus came. 
25 The other disciples therefore said to him, “We have seen the Lord.” So he said to them, “Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.”
26 And after eight days His disciples were again inside, and Thomas with them. Jesus came, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, “Peace to you!” 
27 Then He said to Thomas, “Reach your finger here, and look at My hands; and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing.”
28 And Thomas answered and said to Him, “My Lord and my God!”
29 Jesus said to him, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

God understands. I think that phrase is one of the least spoken, least taught, least listened to phrase in the world. God understands. God loves you and He knows your abilities as well as your limitations and He loves you and He understands. He will work with each of us, individually, according to how we best learn and understand. 

Jesus is understanding and works with Thomas in order to solidify his faith -- Jesus and God are impartial, they love all equally and so they offer this gentle nature of teaching to all of us in some form or another. 

Jesus also acknowledges the students whose deep faith believes, lives for what God' word represents not because they have seen tangible proof but because their soul understands and unites with it naturally. So many people in the world are good, compassionate and humble and yet are not acknowledged as such because their religion or culture is different from someone else's. God acknowledges all behavior and He truly appreciates those who understand the meaning in the word rather than just... teaching rules, commanding others to obey them through fear and forgetting to live the core message in their lives.

So, returning back to Mark 16, we have some people who hear of Jesus' coming and quickly run to meet Him... and we have others who do not believe without seeing. God loves both types of His children, He works with both of them... but remember how much it makes Him happy when we believe in His message because it feels right... rather than just because it's right there in front of us.

Any scripture you read or is taught to you must align with your beliefs for it to have any truth for you.

16:14 Jesus is hurt because His disciples did not believe what He taught them. Jesus promised them He would return, that He would and could never die and their faith withered immediately upon His transfiguration.

We are made in God's image: Genesis 1:26. We can understand His emotions because we experience so many depths and heights of emotion here on Earth. He loves us and for us to forget Him so quickly... Jesus, a manifestation of all that God stands for... so easily forgotten. Don't forget that God loves you... and experiences with you all of the changed and evolving emotions of your life. Be with Him too. Be with Him as He is with you. He believes in you... believe in Him.

16:15 Our mission from God is to go out into the world and BE a representation of all that He stands for. To preach to those who ask for it... but also to preach with our actions. We reach so many people by simply being our best selves. The way we live our life, through triumph and difficulty, is a testimony to the world. Let others see our faith so that they might learn to understand why we have it... and how to have it for themselves as well.

16:16 Not believing in this message from God... this message of humility, compassion, wisdom and truth... will naturally lead us to a difficult and dark path. God highlights the paths to take toward light... if we reject those paths... we chose to walk down dark roads. God does not punish us... God is a God of love and light. We punish ourselves when we reject the light.

Baptism is a symbol... it is an action your perform if you wish to proclaim your faith in God. Remember that it is only a symbol... your faith in God must be true in your heart and in the work that you do in live to be true. If you are baptized... but still reject the light and love of God, you will still find yourself living a dark and difficult life. By mentioning baptism, Jesus wants us to understand the symbol. To devote ourselves, souls and bodies to this kind message. This is something we will explore as we continue through the New Testament.

16:17 With God, we will always accomplish seemingly impossible things. Our determination, motivation and success will be highlighted and preserved by His presence in our souls and lives. To speak in tongues is symbolic of much: to speak in tongues means that you will be able to reach many different people in many different formats. Your life will help bring darkness out of others' lives and will replace it with light.

God's hope is for all of us to realize His love for us... and for us to realize our love for Him and each other. When we devote our lives to promoting the well-being of others, we join God. With God on our team... we never fail, instead... we always produce abundant yields. 

16:18 God can do all, for us, in this verse, we can understand that with Him no evil idea or plan can overcome us. It's written symbolically but remember that whatever God wills is possible. You can heal a sick person by strengthening their mind and soul... you can always heal a sick person if you able able to strengthen their faith. A happy, light soul can withstand any challenge.

Our physical bodies are vulnerable to much but our spiritual souls are eternal, vulnerable to nothing. We have to discover our soul and create faith and wisdom inside of it. When we are strong, we are able to be strong for others... and that should always remain our mission.

There are many kinds of "poison" in the world: greed, vengeance, arrogance... none of these can corrupt you when you align with God. You will remain focused and triumphant with God. 

18:19 Jesus remained focused on God's mission, He adopted it as His own and He was triumphant. For generations Jesus' live inspires and heals so, so many across the globe. God happily, warmly, brilliantly accepted Jesus into His house... He will just as happily welcome each of His faithful, dutiful student. He will warmly, proudly receive you.

18:20 The disciples faith is solidified. Their lesson was taught in its completion by Jesus' life and instruction (in both word and action). This time, their faith was bold and dutiful. They completely devoted themselves to the message because they believed it in their hearts, they identified with it. They loved God and they loved His children and for that reason, they gave their lives to others... to us, so that we might find and feel the love and wisdom of God. This is our mission here... to identify and accept our true Creator and to nurture and support His children... WE are His children, we are each other's sibling.

After finishing the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John... we are able to read (in more depth) about the disciple's work throughout the word in The Book of Acts.

This is an important and instructive verse:

1) They went everywhere: Always remember that Jesus came to help those who needed help. Jesus did not come to praise and gather the kind. Jesus understand that so many needed guidance and instruction. Jesus understood that so many needed friendship, love and truth. Jesus went to places devoid of love and truth and brought those two things there. A student of God is humble in all places in the world and heaven, too. A student of God accepts all people, no matter how diverse, and always works to understand others, correctly perceive them, and be helpful to them.

God loves the humble. He teaches us to learn to perceive deeply. We must always be observant. Just because something, someone, or some idea is different to what we are used to... does not mean we should fear or reject it. God has beautiful children sprinkled all throughout the world and He loves them equally. He wants you to give them the same chance you would want for yourself.

There is light and kindness in all places... sometimes it just needs the motivation to come out. Sometimes it needs the opportunity to come out. As students and children of God... we are meant to create those opportunities and to inspire and foster that motivation.

None of us are better than the other. Associate with all who are kind to you... forgive all those who sincerely ask for it... you will inspire light in themselves and also in yourself.

There are many challenges in each of our lives and often we get side-tracked. They way in which we live our lives should be used to guide others away from darkness and difficulty. We don't have to do it alone...

2) The Lord working with them: He is with you always. He has declared this to you. God works so intimately with you that sometimes you won't even be able to explain it to others. He pours Himself into you in a new and brilliant way. He becomes the firm spark of light within you and together you journey through life. He strengthens you when you ask Him to help you strengthen others.

God's love for you is not comparable to any kind of love you've known before: it's so purely selfless. Everything He gives trickles around into you...and then into others. In every tiny speck of time, He is there. He is here. Become a tool for God, and loved instrument... through which He brings His music to the world.

3) Confirming the word: Scripture is not just a book filled with letters and words. Scripture is a book which works to capture the essence that God is: compassion, humility, wisdom, truth. We confirm the word when we live it and realize that life is, and should be, all of those things indeed. They are not words... they are life. They are what create life. They are what God is.

Always remember this: The Bible's purpose is not to tell you what to believe. Your soul already knows what it believes. The Bible is a confirmation and a reminder that the core message within it... is the definition and path of our souls here on Earth and beyond. It is not a book of rules. It is a book of disparate experiences told to explain truths.

God is not an authoritarian or a disciplinarian. God is love and light. He leads us toward it if we follow. He understands... He inspired these scriptures to be written so that we always remember who we are and why we are.

This is why we should always accept and respect other manifestations of faith and religion: as long as the core message is kindness, compassion, humility, wisdom and truth... it is a message of God. Even an atheist and agnostic who believe in those values are of God (without knowing it) because God is not a set of rules and fear... He is the manifestation of these beautiful, humble values. 

NT: The Book of Mark, Chapter 15

Mark 15:1-47

15:1 In the morning, the chief priests still did not have a way to justify their imprisonment of Jesus. They will not let Him go. Instead, they plot together a way to keep Him captured. They bring Him to Pilate, who we read about in The Book of Matthew, chapter 27.

15:2 Pilate intends to have Jesus identify Himself.

15:3 On the sidelines, the chief priests continue to argue that Jesus is guilty of something (even if it means completely making it up).

15:4 Jesus remains silent. His actions, the actions of His life, have spoken of His innocence. Jesus also knows that the crucifixion will take place because God has allowed it. God sent Jesus here knowing what humans would do to Him -- but God gives humans free will and so Jesus is willing to let the situation progress.

Also, Jesus does not need to beg for His life or defend His innocence because His captors know that He is innocent and because God has already given Him eternal life.

15:5 Pilate is marveled by Jesus -- clearly He knows something big is going on. Pilate is likely used to guilty criminals shouting and pleading and defending themselves... yet here is Jesus, an innocent... The Innocent, and He's remaining calm.

15:6 There was a tradition of releasing one prisoner during the feast.

15:7 Another captured criminal, Barabbas, was there and he was truly guilty of a crime.

15:8 The crowd had excitement for the release, they begged Pilate to continue the tradition of releasing someone. Clearly, this crowd is already deranged. Why release a guilty criminal as a way of celebration?

15:9 Pilate asked the crowd if they would like for him to release Jesus.

15:10 Pilate is aware of the truth of the situation. Pilate knows that the chief priests only arrested Jesus because they wanted the control back. They wanted all of Jesus' followers to revert back to being under their corrupt control.

15:11 The chief priests swayed the crowd... and obviously this was not a crowd of kind, honest people or followers of Jesus. The crowd did not choose Jesus for the release.

15:12 Pilate is confused and frustrated -- He does not know what to do with Jesus who he knows is innocent.

15:13 They call for Jesus' crucifixion.

15:14 Pilate tries to defend Jesus' innocence to this blood-thirsty crowd.

15:15 Pilate does as the crowd requests. He should have, but he did not go against the large mass of deluded people.

15:16-20 Jesus is severely mocked in these four verses. He's been captured by truly horrible people. We know that Jesus did not have to put up with any of it, Jesus has the power of God within Him -- but Jesus came to Earth to teach a message and He carries that purpose through to the end. Jesus experiences the pain, mocking, suffering and earthly death that we all are exposed to. He is so humble and so resilient. 

15:21-22 Jesus is put onto the cross and brought out to where anyone can view.

15:23 Jesus will not take anything from an evil person. Remember that Jesus, and what comes from Him is our sustenance -- previous examples: Jesus being our "bread" and His "blood" our "wine." What this means is that Jesus and all that His life was... was to keep us alive and surviving and loved. Jesus gave "good fruit" as in, productive, helpful, supportive advice and love. Jesus will not ingest anything from these evil people bearing "bad fruit" as a metaphor to us: He wants us to stay away from them as well. Be careful who you let "feed" your spirituality... they could be poisoning it with deceit or greed.

15:24 They nailed Him to the cross and then to try to humiliate Him further... made bets and arrangements about His clothing.

15:25-26 Jesus is crucified and the chief priests continue to mock Him... little do they know, they cannot kill Jesus.

15:27-28 Jesus was crucified with 2 others, criminals. The ridiculousness of the situation is highlighted: Jesus, humble and compassionate... next to 2 criminals. 

15:29-30 The corrupted people continue to gawk at and mock Jesus. All the wonderful, selfless work Jesus did and all these people can do is challenge Him. We know that Jesus could have left the cross at any time, without harm.

15:31-32 We know that God does not respond to tests. Our faith in God is beautiful because we give it with trust. Jesus will not respond to their hatred or teasing... they punished themselves by being so cruel. By going so contrary to everything God stands for, they reject all of the love and blessings He offers.

15:33 The geographic location goes dark as Jesus dies on the cross. 

15:34 Jesus quotes scripture... He is not saying these words Himself, He is quoting David from Psalms. Psalm 22. Jesus trusts God... He loves God... is is a manifestation of God. Jesus knows that in every moment God is with Him (and us). David writes this Psalm 22 as a psalm of the evolution of his faith. Jesus quotes this psalm to show us how beautifully God will enter our lives and change them. God leads us to happiness, productivity, love and compassion. God wants us to know that no matter where we are in life, or what we have done, He is there waiting to join with us. He waits for us to find Him so that He can care for us. David started out troubled and as He grew in faith with God... his life flourished. 

15:35-36 Elijah the prophet is mentioned. This is also written in scripture, Psalms 69:21. They continue to mock.

15:37 And so Jesus is crucified and dies on the cross.

15:38-39 The veil in the "holy" place of temple is ripped as Jesus died... this is God's divine intervention. God, the Creator of all, is in everything. The entire universe responds to him. The centurion is overcome with understanding in this moment... Jesus is truly of God.

15:40-41 Those who love Jesus were there with Him... but they were set aside from the wicked crowd. He was not without them.

15:42-45 Joseph claims Jesus' body so that it is handled with love and respect.

15:46 Jesus is prepared for burial -- we know that His burial would be irrelevant because He is always alive in God. Immediately we are with God upon leaving our earthly selves. 2 Corinthians 5:8. So many loved and followed Jesus, it was important to them that they showed their respect for Him, even and especially in apparent death.

Jesus was placed inside of a tomb and a rock enclosed the space where His body lay.

15:47 They were not ready to leave Him... they loved Him and likely they were so faithful to Him that they understood He was not truly "gone." Jesus reminded us of this when He transfigured during His time with the disciples. We do not have to fear death... God gives the compassionate eternal life.

Remain with God even when He is not visible to you. He is with you, always. He tells you so: Matthew 28:20.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

NT: The Book of Mark, Chapter 14

Mark 14:1-72

14:1-2 The plot against Jesus began to increase in severity. His adversaries did not want to attack or imprison him on a day when multitudes of people were especially focused on celebrating with him, but they knew they wanted to capture Him as soon as the excitement died down and people were less focused.

14:3 A very devout woman uses something that was precious and important to her on showing Jesus her faith and love for Him... but she's criticized for it in the next verse, and we can learn a lesson from this.

14:4-5 These people were uppity; they blamed her for "wasting" something that could have been given to the poor... almost to the lesson...

14:6-7 Jesus reminds the people that he will be gone (physically) from the Earth for years... and years... and years (and remember He had been warning the disciples of His impending departure). This woman was showing love and gratitude for Her time with Jesus. She was not "wasting" she was using what she had to show her complete and true faith and thankfulness to Jesus.

Truly they would have a lifetime to work with and help the poor (and when that is one's focus, God always provides the material and opportunity to do so) but they only had a short time to reflect on the time they were able to spend with their Teacher, Jesus. Jesus knew they would be upset about His departure and here he's kind of reminding them to soak in the experience, to learn from Him all that they can while He still had time there.

14:8 The woman carried out a cultural ritual of preparing a person for their burial. She loved Jesus, she wanted to show Him respect and she also showed that she had been listening and absorbing what He had been teaching and predicting. She was aware that His time was almost up.

The others were too focused on belittling her to see the deeper picture. This is a common problem in the world today: so many like to point fingers at others' flaws and condemn them for their mistakes. Jesus did not teach us to be this way. Jesus taught us to be understanding and helpful. We are not being helpful when we attack a person for doing something we do not understand or agree with. Be perceptive, there are so many kind people in the world who are attacked for their beliefs or their actions (when really they are not hurting anyone at all!) Do not be so cruelly critical.

14:9 This book of Mark had not been written at the time and yet Jesus lets them know that because of this woman's complete faith... she would have a place in God's word. And here we are reading about her!

14:10-11 Judas arranges a deal with Jesus' adversaries to betray Him and turn Him over to them. We each play an integral part in the world and Judas' was this mistake... this arrangement -- but as we will learn in acts, Judas was deeply apologetic of this choice he made and he quickly rejected the prize money he got for making it.

14:12-16 The disciples take instruction from Jesus, who had instruction from God about how and where the last of His days would be spent. The disciples make the arrangements and every part of the plan goes smoothly... because God has prearranged it.

14:17-18 Jesus was given all of the facts of what His time here would be like before He arrived -- that's what makes Jesus so beautiful. Jesus came knowing that the world would ultimately reject and harm Him... He came despite that so that He could help, lead and love whoever would accept Him. He was not afraid of rejection, of pain... He loved and knew God so well that He bravely and selflessly came here. 

He knew that He would be betrayed. He knew about the deal which happened behind His back. He knew which disciple would betray Him. 

14:19 The disciples were sad and wanted to know who would do such a thing. 

14:20 Jesus gave them enough information to understand that He knew specifically who it would be.

14:21 Jesus reiterates that He will complete His entire purpose on Earth... but that those who work against Him would ultimately be defeated. God forgives everything when we are sincere in asking for His forgiveness (even Judas could have been forgiven by God because, in The Book of Acts, He certainly seems genuinely sorry for his mistake). However, Jesus wants everyone to know that unapologetic adversaries will not triumph. 

14:22 Bread is symbolic of Jesus teaching. Jesus is the manifestation and representation of compassion, wisdom, faith and humility. To "eat" of Him (bread) is to live by His take it into our minds and souls. He spreads His message just as He shares the bread... and those who listen and love Him, take it into themselves. God is our sustenance; He gave us life... He is all that keeps us alive. 

14:23-24 And again, the beverage is representative of Him. We should let His wisdom flow throughout us. 

14:25 Jesus is explaining that this meal would be His last on Earth until His return (which we spoke of in the previous chapter). The events of His crucifixion would begin to take place.

14:26 The sung a hymn, likely a prayer... Jesus always kept God at the forefront of their gatherings and that's why Jesus is so beautiful and blessed. Each day we should strengthen our relationship with God by acknowledging Him, thanking Him, and sharing our thoughts (good, bad and funny) with Him.

14:27 This is a symbol of a larger picture: Jesus is explaining that each of the disciples will be at least a little distracted without Him right there with them, leading their every move. We can also understand this verse this way: after Jesus' crucifixion, generations later, people would lose touch with God. So many have. There are so many people who do not read the Bible or keep God in their minds and lives and hearts. We scatter... our thoughts are scattered, our spirituality is fragmented... We need our God to keep us focused and happy and without Him, without keeping Him in our lives, we lose direction and life becomes more difficult than it needs to be. We let anxiety overcome us.

14:28 Jesus assures them that after the crucifixion He will rise. Jesus has a lesson to teach them about eternity and eternal life and the spiritual form of life and being that God has created. We will also cover the spiritual form of life when we get to those verses. For now, let's focus on Jesus' promise that He would return to them even after His adversaries believed they had stopped Him.

14:29  Peter declares his faith to Jesus... he refuses to believe that he would ever go against Jesus. It's good to be strong and bold of faith but Jesus wanted us to learn a lesson from Peter... sometimes we only test and create our strong faith by being confronted with circumstances which challenge it. 

14:30 Jesus let's Peter know that what He has predicted will happen (and we will see it unfold). The lesson to learn is that we cannot only speak bravely but we must also be brave. God wants us to have true courage... to back up what we say and feel by doing what we say and feel in trying times.

Jesus says that Peter will deny Him 3 times even that very night... we know that Jesus always predicts correctly...

14:31 The disciples are still vehemently defending themselves, they have not yet learned that Jesus always prepares them with the truth.

14:32 Jesus always prays to and with God. God is our life, our strength and our guidance. It's a gift to have Him with us and listening to us at all times... don't forget Him or take His presence for granted. 

14:33-34 Jesus was weighted down by... well, the weight of humanity. Jesus knew that the world really needed Him and He was so sad to leave... but He knew it had to happen in order to give humanity the chance to define themselves with complete freedom.

When you feel like the weight of the world is on you... you are blessed with the same opportunity, the opportunity to speak to the entity Who created you... who loves you and awaits your voice in His ear. 

14:35 Jesus was not sorrowful for Himself -- Jesus was sorrowful because He saw all of what lay ahead for humanity without His physical, tangible presence on Earth. He could see all the mistakes and violence that would be committed after He left and He prayed to God that there might be another way of distinguishing the good from the bad. 

14:36 Ultimately, Jesus understands that praying for GOD'S WILL is always the best choice. God's will is perfect and omniscient -- two things we are definitely not. God can foresee everything and so we should trust that whatever He puts or allows in our lives can be seen as instruction for greater opportunities. 

Always remember this line: "Nevertheless, not what I will, but what You will." Pray to God, explain to Him how you are feeling and where you would like to take your life... but always end it by giving Him permission to exert His perfect will on your life. Always end or begin your prayers giving Him your faithful permission to supersede what you ask for (if it is unknowingly to you -- harmful to you).  

14:37-38 An important lesson here: Jesus had gone to pray for a time and during that time with God... the disciples immediately forgot the be observant, purposeful and vigilant. This is symbolic: Jesus would be (and now has) going to live with God in the spirit and He needed His students to remain focused and efficient! He needed them to be prepared to work without Him right there by their sides. We can also learn from this: although Jesus and God are not visually apparent to us... we should trust that they are with us and we should work in Their name to help and love God's fellow children.

14:39-40 Jesus repeats the circumstances... and the disciples still fail the lesson. People still fall away from the word of God... they get distracted and they "fall asleep" on the job (of life). Look for deeper meanings in all of God's verses and then learn from them. God needs us to be awake and working in the name of compassion.

14:41-42 A third time Jesus repeats the circumstances... this message of vigilance is important to Him and also important to the end times. If not for Jesus' urging, the disciples would have missed His capture by the adversaries all together. Jesus had to keep them focused... but He needed them to find focus within their faith.. within the faith inside of themselves. He needs us to be focused within our faith because there are so many people on the Earth who can benefit from it.

We do not want to be sleeping during important moments and that a lesson we can get from these verses. All times are important... our lives are important because God loves us, individually, but also because we are strategically placed and gifted with the tools needed to make improvements to our personal environments (Corinthians 12). 

14:43-45 Immediately (Mark loves to use this word and it's perfect because it shows us how precise and accurate Jesus always was) the adversaries arrive and Judas gives away Jesus' identity. Jesus worked to blend in, He never boasted (and there were no cameras or social media) so He needed to be identified and Judas' kiss on His cheek (a common greeting at the time in the culture) did just that.

14:46 And here Jesus is captured. Remember something: the only reason any human or entity was able to lay even a finger on Jesus was because God allowed it (for a lesson for the greater picture).

14:47 There were some who were prepared to fight but Jesus knew that scripture must be fulfilled. 

14:48-49 Jesus calls them on the violent nature of their capture of Him -- His entire life on Earth He was kind and gentle... yet they captured Him as though He was a dangerous criminal. Jesus is perceptive and He understands situations very well -- He calls his adversaries out for their ridiculousness. They are obviously frightened of how powerful He is... otherwise why would they arrive armed to capture a life-long peaceful person? A person who never ran from them or fought with them...

He was always... teaching. He never did anything negative or violent and they were witnesses of that. They were too afraid to capture Jesus around all of those who loved Him. The crowds would have never allowed it. 

14:50 So many, even while He was captured, were overwhelmed with His wisdom, strength and faith.

14:51-52 Likely this was Mark himself (the writer of the book we are studying now), this young man. Mark wrote this gospel not as one of the disciples (because he was much younger) but instead as an observer. Mark's mother housed Jesus and the disciples for gatherings, meals and teachings and so Mark was always around observing and learning. Jesus adversaries tried to grab him and he ran.

14:53-54 Jesus' adversaries bring him to their leader and while everyone has fled out of fear, Peter follows the group as they take Jesus away.

14:55 These evil humans tried to think of some reason to keep Jesus imprisoned... they want to have Him put to death. Remember that these people were looking out for their own interests -- they wanted to rule and control the people in their region, they wanted to collect their money (deceptively) and tell them what to believe. They were angry that Jesus had broken down their corrupt system. They were greedy -- the world is still filled with greed and greedy leaders today. Be vigilant. 

14:56 They even thought of lies to try to condemn Jesus to death. That's how desperate they were to have their control back. They had horrible values... they were not kind people, they are the type of people God hopes we will ask Him for help in defeating them. 

They try to lie but they are not even smart enough to lie with any intelligence... each of their lies contradicts the others and it becomes apparent to everybody that they are foolish. Not all deceptive leaders are foolish however, you must be observant to catch them.

14:57-59 We know, because we have studied, that Jesus never said He was going to destroy a building. In the beginning of His teaching about the end times He spoke of the building crumbling (and we know it's because the Earth will be restored by God)... but He never said He was going to do any malicious act against anything at all. The false stories continue to fall flat.

14:60 It's clear that the situation is ridiculous and yet Jesus remains silent -- Jesus does not make a circus out of any situation. He allows these men to reveal their own lies.

14:61-62 Jesus is asked if He is the Son of God... Jesus will never deny His father, our Father, our loving God.

14:63-64 Jesus' adversaries consider this admission to be blasphemy worthy of death. They were evil, violent men who searched desperately to find a reason to put Jesus to death... yet, He had not said anything incriminating. More than that, He never did anything incriminating.

14:65 Jesus endures horrible, cruel behavior and torture. Jesus came to give courage and strength to the people who had previously been under the rule of the unjust, violent humans. Jesus experienced the difficulty that all of us faith on Earth -- He teaches us with experience. He was so brave and so strong and all for our benefit. These men highlighted the beauty of Jesus because He rejected everything they were. His experience with them showed us why He was so passionate to save us from their ways.

Jesus is our savior because he LIVED. He lived to teach and guide and love.

14:66-67 Peter was still outside of where Jesus was brought. Peter truly did love Jesus so much (and still does because remember those who love God have eternal life!) but soon he is recognized by a woman for being a follower of Jesus.Remember that Jesus predicted Peter would deny him three times (14:30 of this chapter).

14:68 Peter got scared. Likely he was aware of how badly Jesus was being treated and understandably, he was terrified. This is what Jesus was teaching us about: when the circumstances are intense, our faith is most tested. Our faith must be strong so that our courage does not dissipate in the moments when it is most needed. It's not easy... it's a journey, but when you trust God... He truly does protect you so perfectly. Nobody can take your eternal life.

14:69 Again, Peter is recognized and for a second time, he denies. 

14:70-71 A third time, Peter denies.

14:72 At this point, Peter remembers the conversation with Jesus earlier and finally he understands. Peter is bereaved. He's so sorrowful... He loved(loves) Jesus and never wanted to betray Him... but he got scared. Peter was sincere and remember God is always with the sincere hearts. Peter's faith would develop so much (and we will see that growth and all that it accomplished as we continue through the new testament).

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

NT: The Book of Mark, Chapter 13

Mark 13:1-37

In this 13th Chapter of Mark, the disciples will have questions concerning the end times. Their questions are relevant to us in that we also wonder about end time events. Jesus helps them (and us) to understand by speaking through metaphor -- one thing to always remember is that our time here is as long or short in length as God decides, and that's the only way we should want it to be. We have nothing to fear, we know that to be with Him is to have life always. We do not know specific dates, only God knows that information, but He helps us to identify signs of its nearness and we will cover them in this Chapter, which correlates with Matthew 24 and Luke 21.

Our time here on Earth is a learning experience, an opportunity to create who we want to be. We have complete freedom here to use our circumstances to shape our souls. When all have been given the opportunity to do so, God will lead us into the next phase of our lives (individually and collectively). We must remember that our time here is purposeful and so we have much to do before it ends. In the end times, there will be an abundance of work for God's children to do and so Jesus prepares us for that time in the case that we might be present during it. Our faith, courage and guidance from God expertly leads us through all circumstance. 

We lived with God before our time on Earth, and as the Bible teaches us, 1/3 of God's children chose a different god to follow: a angel who represented everything that God rejects -- despotism, vengeance, deceit, greed. God gifted us the Earth and a clean slate to begin anew, a chance to make better decisions (especially if we had make the wrong ones previously) and in the end times, God will give us a chance again to choose who to follow: the rogue angel, or the Creator of All, our True God. Our documentation of this is written throughout the Bible, but specifically today we will use Revelation 12:4 and Ezekiel 28:12-19 as our reference. 

13:1 The disciples marvel at extravagant architecture. They are still impressed by material and wealth even though Jesus has been teaching them about the true wealth: faith, compassion and wisdom. Sometimes we also have to step back and redefine what we are impressed by; aesthetic pleasures often capture our reverence and our attention. 

13:2 Of course Jesus turns their awe into a moment of teaching: He wants us to understand that the expensive and impressive cities we build, the fame and celebrity we give to things and people, are brittle compared to God's creation and plan. When God is ready for all of humanity to return to the spiritual, the Earth will return to it's natural glory as well. What humans create here cannot be compared to what God creates and none of it stands any chance during God's restoration.

This should not be frightening. God's overall plan is so much more comprehensive and brilliant than we can even fathom. Cities and buildings will not be destroyed out of anger but instead as a way to restore the Earth, to cleanse it of the pollution and chaos it has supported during humanity's time here. 

Jesus does not want us to put our awe and love into such dispensable, inanimate things such as all that represents human ingenuity because those things are not what loves you, what protects, sustains you... God is. Our greatest accomplishments on Earth are not the things we engineer but the relationships we create and foster. Compassion is indestructible, that building will fall and there will be no evidence that it ever even existed, but compassion  transcends time and space eternally. Our focus should be on the eternal, the bigger picture, the love which cannot be quantified. 

13:3 A few of the disciples have a matter they would like to discuss privately with Jesus... the information of the end times is open to everyone who wants to know, but at the same time, is heavy information that perhaps only some are spiritually focused enough to discern. Throughout history we have seen many evil humans use fake scripture to manipulate and scare people with. End times information is for those who can metaphorically understand without fear or personal agenda. The ends times are just a point before we continue into another time and when covering this material, it's an essential truth to remember.

13:4 Here Jesus is asked the questions: when are the end times and how will people know? Jesus' teaching from above likely inspired them to ask. His explanation of the building being turned into a pile of stones in the end piqued their curiosity.

13:5 Jesus' first piece of advice: be careful that no one deceives you. Jesus put this piece of advice first for a reason: it's something we will face, and do face even today. There is a constant stream of manipulation and influence surrounding us, we must be able to discern who is speaking unbiased truth and who is speaking with hidden agendas. We must ensure that any information presented to us (from anyone) is based entirely in truth. We must make up our own opinions and create our own thoughts in order to decide what is truth and what is not.

More specifically: remember the discussion is about the end times. So we can expect that in the end times, there will be a lot of forces trying to distract us away from truth and logic. Already the world is familiar with this kind of deception: leaders of countries and news media have already for generations been working to sway their audiences in order to benefit themselves in some way. 

Remember also from our prelude in this chapter that Satan, as he is sometimes referred to in the Bible, was able to convince, persuade, deceive 1/3 of God's children into following him. It makes sense that God would recreate the opportunity for the 1/3 to choose between Satan, the ultimate deceiver, and God. 

Let's break that down: there are many ways to live life but there are two major categories. A person either lives a kind life or an unkind life. Forget about the famous, scary name "Satan" and just think about this situation in simple terms: God wants us to choose kindness or unkindness,  selfless truth or selfish deception. One entity represents the latter and One Entity represents the former.

Quickly we journey to Ezekiel 28 in order for us to not fear the name Satan or to have the wrong impression of him as an entity... he is not a monster, or visually grotesque... he was an angel created with perfection... and then we went rogue.

Ezekiel: 28:12 You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
Ezekiel 28:15 You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, till inequity was found in you.
Ezekiel 28:17 Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty, you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor; 

We learn that God was generous in creating this particular angel. Satan was made with perfection and beauty -- just the qualities that would enable him to ensnare so many. Think back to the first couple of verses of this chapter, beauty captures people's awe and they forget what's important. The disciples, were standing with the manifestation of compassion and wisdom Himself and yet were distracted by... a building.

The disciples are a great symbol for humanity. Of the 12, 2 (we know from our studies in Mark) were ambitious and strong in their faith and the other 10 were good also, but easily distracted and really needed Jesus to constantly keep them focused. No one is better than another, some people are naturally students and some are naturally teachers of the Word. But from this lesson we can learn that all are distracted by the ways of the world... when what should concern us is our behavior and interactions with one another.

13:6 Many people will come pretending to be religiously superior. Many people will let their arrogance and greed fuel a campaign to trick people into following them. We've already had, in history, humans convince large groups of people to follow them... only to find out that their leaders were corrupt. People will also come pretending to be Jesus Himself... for example, we can expect the anti-Christ to come as such (we already know he looks the part (remember he's not scary!) and we also now that he knows scripture well enough to tweak it and tempt people away from the truth (from our studies in Matthew when Satan tries to tempt Jesus).

13:7 Do not be afraid of turmoil in the world. Humans constantly compete for power and control... for thousands of years there have been wars and rumors of wars. It's unfortunate but it's the reality of humanity. God does not want you to fear war... with Him you always win and your eternal life with Him cannot be taken away by it.

So, when contemplating the end times, do not picture in your mind a time of warring and disruption as is commonly thought.

13:8 We can, however, expect to see an imbalance of nature and power around the world in the end times. The word "sorrows" in this verse is actually translated "labor pains" and we can deduce from that that the world will begin to prepare itself for it's new age, it's restoration, it's birth of a new time. We can expect to see a bit of chaos in nature and some frenzy between nations... this is foreseeable, as the population increases, land becomes more scare and therefore more (perhaps desperately) sought after. As the population increases, diversity will (and even does now) create a myriad of ideologies -- each competing for space and opportunity.

13:9 We're going to spend a bit of time on this verse because there is a lot of detail and deeper message in it that we can understand better by travelling to additional scripture. The first thing Jesus warned us of (concerning the end times) was false teaching and because He gave that lesson first, we can expect that the circumstances in the end times will pertain to spiritual deception.

As students of our true God, our mission will be to defend spiritual truth during a time when most of the world will be deceived by false teaching. We spoke, in this very chapter, of the 1/3 of God's children who were misled into following "Satan" or how we can also think of it: into following and doing what he represents. In the end times, those circumstances will be recreated (for the gift of a second chance to reject him) and we will journey over into the following verses to supplement that system and the leader of it: (Keep in mind that Revelation will be covered in its entirety after this Bible study progresses through the New Testament, book by book and verse by verse to it, the final chapter.)

Revelation 6:2, Consider this metaphorically: one will arrive who will enter into the global sphere quite triumphantly and beautifully with the intention of deceiving people into believing he is a true leader. At first, his true intentions will be hidden from the public. The true God in the 7th chapter (known as the 7th seal) and so at the least, we know that anyone coming before him, claiming to be Him, is fake.
Revelation 12:3-4, This verse is a metaphor of Satan's system (Satan is referred to as a dragon through much of the Bible) and with this system, he captures (spiritually) 1/3 of God's children. Satan will recreate this system on Earth.
Revelation 12:9, Satan's names are cleared up for us here: the old serpent, the devil, Satan..."who deceives the whole world."
Revelation 12:12, Scripture tells us that he will be here... but also that he will have a short time here. How much time? Well, in Revelation 9:10, we learn that he will have 5 months.
Revelation 13:1-8, This is Satan's global government, described metaphorically as a beast (horns and crowns represent political positions and leaders who will help Satan accomplish his system).
Revelation 13:11-18, Here is Satan described as a religious or spiritual leader. His outer appearance is appeasing and inspiring... but inside he is a deceptive dragon-like entity. He exercises the authority of the political system we learned about above. He is capable of miracles and incredible signs... that and his beauty and seeming intelligence will capture the reverence of many.

Why is Satan so capable of deceiving all? Well, besides it being a second chance for those who perhaps accidentally chose him before, his presence is a test that our perception and spirituality must pass. God gives us wisdom and perception and in this Book, He tells us of all of the events we can expect. Those who love God are going to keep close to His word and are going to be vigilant against people who try to deceive God's children. We love God, we implement his instruction in our lives and therefore cannot be overtaken by lies.

Satan is given a small amount of time and it is not time you should fear. Satan's goal is to trick the world into following him... in order to do that, he has to behave peacefully and he has to hide his true intentions. It's going to appear to be a very beautiful time for Earth... his signs and miracles are going to fix a lot of wrong we have in the world. But remember that if given more time, taken would take his followers and destroy them... his system would quickly reveal itself to become an evil dictatorship. Satan loves vanity, greed and control and God snips his time so that he cannot harm anyone.

God loves us. His plan is centered around protecting us -- but because so many children chose to follow Satan, God had to grand us freedom (here on Earth) to make a better decision this second time.

Finally, before returning to Mark 9, we venture to The Book of Daniel to reiterate the manner in which Satan will come: peaceably.

Daniel 11:21-24, Again we read that Satan will come peaceably and with intrigue. He will perform miracles that have never been seen or done before on Earth to capture the world's attention and reverence. So, do not be afraid of him. The media likes to talk about apocalypses and the anti-christ and when they do, they make it seem dark and dangerous. This is helpful to Satan -- it works better for his system if you cannot properly identify it when it comes. He comes in pretending to be a magnificent hero... he looks beautiful (remember our studies in Ezekiel) and from Revelation we know he sounds beautiful and accomplishes beautiful things. There is nothing to fear besides being tricked by his show.

Return to Mark...

So, when this verse (Mark 13:9) speaks of being "delivered up" we can now understand that it means we will be confronted for not participating in Satan's system. The entire world will think we are crazy for denying him, and when we refuse to be a part of his government, we will have to speak to explain ourselves. Do not be afraid of the harsh language, you know that your eternal life cannot be taken away. Also consider two more things:
1) Remember when James and John asked for more responsibility? Well, God is going to give responsibility to those who ask for it and those who can handle it. You don't have to be afraid of anything when God is on your side but of course God will use His students whose faith and courage is strong enough to deal with these extreme circumstances.
2) In Luke 21:18 we learn that we cannot be harmed by Satan so long as we love and follow the true God. So when harsh language is used in this verse we can guess that perhaps it is metaphorical. Our spiritual beliefs will be powerfully challenged... we will not (at first) be understood by the world. Our truth will not be accepted and we will face a lot of adversity because of that.

The selected leaders or "horns with crowns" in Satan's governmental/religious system or "beast" will summon us for rejecting the system they are trying to uphold and enforce. It's quite a deep topic and will be covered in more depth as we continue our studies!

13:10 It's important to God that all have (at least) the opportunity to hear the truth (His scripture). We are given the chance to read and learn the Bible but many do not. God does not punish anybody but He certainly makes our lives a lot easier when we DO work to understand the Bible.

13:11 We are given much relief in this verse. God wants us to know that if we choose to be a worker of His word, if we reject what the antichrist brings to the world...God is going to supply us with our campaign against Satan... down to the very word. We do not have to plan or be especially eloquent... God is going to take control in the situation. He's going to be with us... He is with us now... and so He will certainly be there when we are defending Him and His truth.

13:12 Many misinterpret this verse. What is verse means is that because so many will convert and follow Satan, they will convince and bring their family members with them. Satan represents death, we know that all of God's children are offered eternal life with Him but followers of Satan are eliminated from existence. For example, parents will want their children to follow this supposedly great leader and by convincing them to do so, they will be delivering their children to falsity.

13:13 People will not understand why you do not follow the antichrist. Remember how impressive he seems? People will think you're strange for not following him. Stick with God... He leads you through difficult experience and eventually everyone will understand the truth you always stood for. You are saved from deception because you love God and you follow Him.

Side note: many people believe that God will "rapture" or collect His children before the antichrist comes -- we are learning here that that is not true! God needs you as a worker here defending the truth! God's children need you here. The opportunity is a blessed one and children of God are proud and courageous to be a part of it.

13:14 The abomination of desolation = Satan. People should flee him but they won't... because they do not know the truth of his deceptive game.

We briefly ventured to Daniel (mentioned in the verse) and I want you to understand that Satan's plan is spoken of in many places of the Bible! The Old Testament contains much information about the end times (Daniel, Zechariah, Ezekiel) and so there is much reiteration, much corroboration of his time here (because it is so important!) God gives you plenty of references, examples and explanations.

13:15-16 In the end times, people who are aware of the truth should not try to escape... they should take up their armor of God and defend their spirituality when the time comes with God's help. The field is the world... we are workers in the world because it needs us.

13:17 This is another commonly misinterpreted verse: it's an adultery metaphor. God is who we are supposed to be united with. So, if God returns to see you "nursing" the "child" (false scripture of Satan), He's going to know you were not faithful to your spirituality with Him, your true God. Woe to those people because they chose a harsh entity... but God will continue to give them the chance to choose Him (another study for another time -- The Millennium!).

13:18 This is a metaphor. Jesus is teaching that we should ensure that our spiritual journey does not take place so late in time. It will be especially hard to uncover the truth when the leader of deception had converted the world. Be prepared!

13:19 There has never been (nor will there ever be) such a time when the entire world is so fully captured by a false teacher.

13:20 Jesus is giving us a clear picture of exactly how successful Satan will be in converting the world -- nobody except for God's truest, most wise, most faithful children will be safe from his deception.

These are the elect... the truest, most wise, most faithful children. For their sake, and the challenges and work they will face during this time, God shortened Satan's reign to a mere 5 months. The will be inundated with spiritual work (God will help them) and God does not want to overwhelm them. God chose these elect because of their strong faith, He knows they are capable.

Also remember that God uses the humble, the unsuspected and unsung. Even if you do not feel special or capable... God knows your faith and He will choose you and guide and be with you during your journey (He's with you even now during your journey) if you are informed and following His compassionate truth.

Also keep in mind -- Satan only needs 5 months to convert the whole world! Imagine how impressive and convincing he must be in order to do that.

13:21 If you know who God really is, you will always recognize His true workers and children. When our true God returns, every knee shall bow, Romans 13:11, and this is because our spirits will recognize our Creator and we will be so blessed and comforted by His brilliance. There will be no doubt, no need of signs or speeches... when the True Entity returns our whole bodies respond.

13:22-23 There will be many people trying to corrupt your faith for their own gain -- this even exists today so it's not hard to imagine. So many religious and spiritual institutions are hypocritical, they do not practice what they teach and neither do the follow the text that they say they stand for. We learned of these types in the previous chapter: people who act holy or dress the part but are not humble or wise or kind underneath their outward appearance.

13:24-25 After the tribulation, after Satan's reign for 5 months, the entire world, even the natural world will react to God's return here. God is the creator of everything...every intricate piece of this world and universe and therefore all of it responds to Him.

13:26-27 And then there is a beautiful, brilliant occurrence...the return of Jesus to collect God's faithful followers (and later to collect everyone who wants to also be a part). God's angels, His faithful workers will help Him with the task.

13:28 We spoke of the Parable of the Fig Tree in chapter 11 and it resurfaces here (and in many other places in the Bible). Remember the metaphor of planting and harvesting. Jesus gives us enough information to at least be aware of the general season (time) of the "end" (continuation of life in a new format). The Parable of the Fig tree is sometimes equated with certain historical occurrences by biblical-scholars but those will be addressed in a future special-study concerning the parable.

13:29 Jesus is reminding us that when we observes these occurrences in the world, we will know that God's return is soon.

13:30 The current age and order of present times will change and reform (by God's hand) but God wants us to be assured that He never changes in form or policy. He is always Everything. He is always brilliant and wise and compassionate. He is, always.

13:32 God is the only keeper of the specific date and time of His return. If anyone claims to know a specific date, they are fabricating information. It might sound silly but humans in the past have actually been able to deceive followers into believing they had figured out "the end."

Talking about "the end" should not be strange or scary because I think even a non-believer is aware of their truer self, what is often called "the soul." There is more to us than is overtly apparent... look around the world at nature, at the impossibility of this globe we live on... we live among uncountable miracles and intricacies.

13:33 Jesus is just teaching us to be vigilant and to be observant. He wants us to always be our best selves because only God knows what is ahead and we need to be prepared in order to always have strength and peace inside of ourselves.

13:34 A metaphorical story: God gave the world to us to live on and grow on and He took a step back so that we would have complete freedom. He would like for us to be vigilant against deception and unkindness but He ultimately gives us choice to decide what we will do with our time here.

13:35 We do not know when He is coming and we do not want to be caught off guard when He returns... we do not want to be living cruel or selfish lives when our father returns because we will likely be ashamed and sorry for it.

13:36 Don't let God find you sleeping on the job -- the world needs you to be vigilant and a worker of kindness and hope for others. Our time here can be precious and instructive if we remain focused and productive.

13:37 He says to: all. This helpful advice is available to all who will receive it. Watch, so much unfolds and occurs before your eyes.

Monday, December 14, 2015

NT: The Book of Mark, Chapter 12

Mark 12:1-44

12:1 Continuing on from Chapter 11, Jesus continues talking to His adversaries (He teaches them a lesson specifically about themselves). We begin a parable: This parable is about God, the world, humanity and Jesus. Essentially it is this: God created the Earth and then returned to Heaven (another place, a spiritual place). He gave Humanity the Earth to live freely.

12:2 God sent a prophet to the Earth to assess and gather the fruits of humanity. (Our fruits are representative of our behavior and actions).

12:3 The prophet arrived to Earth and was tortured and harassed by humanity who produced bad fruits (were selfish, greedy and unkind).

12:4 God sent another prophet to the Earth, and again this prophet was tortured and harassed by humanity who produced bad fruits.

12:5 Our ever-forgiving God sent more (many) prophets to Earth, and they were rejected and treated poorly, again and again.

12:6 Our selfless God sent another, a manifestation of Himself, Jesus to Earth because He cared so much about humanity (His children on the Earth) and forgave them all of their wrongs, believed that they could be good with the right teacher.

12:7 But even Jesus, after a string of prophets, was rejected and tortured... except with more gumption because His adversaries wanted the power that He had.

12:8 So Jesus was killed in their efforts to take Him from the Earth.

12:9 Therefore, when God returns, He will give the Earth to those who deserve it and are compassionate. 

12:10 This verse directs us to scripture in Psalms where we are taught that Jesus became a foundation for us to build a way of life in God. He became the crucial stone with which we can build our faith.

12:11 God created this opportunity for us (a place on which to build our faith and learn and create ourselves from experience)... and it's a marvelous opportunity indeed.

12:12 Jesus' adversaries understood the parable, and that it was about them, and they were angry but could do nothing without upsetting all of Jesus' followers because there were so many of them gathered there. Instead they left and continued plotting against Him (as the parable foretold).

12:13 Jesus' adversaries are going to encircle and question Him all throughout His time here. Don't forget in Mark Chapter 11 James and John asked for more spiritual responsibility and Jesus warned them that they would have serious adversaries. You can handle it if your faith is strong and the if the message of compassion is important to you.

And it truly is a message of compassion. You are not mean to go out into the world and force people to believe a certain religion... you are only meant to teach/spread/live as an example: kindness, forgiveness, compassion, honesty, the value of wisdom and knowledge...

12:14 The Pharisees try to trick Jesus into making an oath of faith to the head of the social government a that time instead of God. Basically they are trying to trick Jesus into telling everyone either to follow God, or to follow men... and that if they choose God, they are also choosing anarchy. Wrong.

There are so many humans in the world and it makes sense that we try to organize ourselves into governments and nations. When done with good intention, governments can serve to protect people who do believe in being honest and fair against those who do not have such beliefs. Jesus was not here to reorganize governments... Jesus was here to teach us how to be the good type of people who create and sustain good social organizations (which protect humanity).

12:15 Jesus saw the trap -- and is ready to teach them the lesson. He requests to be brought a coin (with the face of the ruler a the time on it).

12:16 Jesus has them point out that Caesar is on the coin...

12:17 Jesus answers them by saying this: be good citizens while you are on Earth. Fairly participate in the societal organizations (which are build to protect and organize humanity) but also keep a strong, healthy relationship with God (who teaches you HOW to protect and organize fairly). God is your God, no king or leader is your god... but you can both participate on Earth AND love your true God simultaneously.

When we are with God it will be under His perfect organization that we live but until then, we have to make do with what humans come up with. Humans make a lot of mistakes and it takes vigilant, passionate people to protect justice in government around the world. We get our ability to do so from God.

12:18 Here Jesus is challenged by people who do not believe in the spiritual life which comes after this earthy one.

12:19 Here they are trying to contradict the word of God: they remind Jesus (Jesus does not need reminding) that Moses taught that a man should marry his brother's wife if her husband died. Moses taught this to protect women. In the time, women had no individual power in society. If their husband died, they had no property or food or livelihood and so to "marry" her husband's brother... she would be protected and taken care of. Rather than a romantic union, it was a familial relationship meant to keep her and her children safe without a male figure.

12:20-23 They create a situation where a woman might be the wife of several men, and they want to know whose wife she is in the spiritual life. 

20:24 Jesus is explaining that they are confused and completely off track because they do not believe in or understand the word of God. If we don't already know why, let's figure it out:

20:25 In our spiritual lives, we are above marriage and romantic union. In heaven we are all so perfectly unified and related that the practice of marriage is ancient and unnecessary.

20:26 When we believe and trust in God, we realize that we cannot die. We (who are compassionate) are eternal beings with and because of Him. God does not forget anybody, He is present with each of us in our particular generations on Earth. He continues to be with us as we join with Him in the spiritual. We are not forgotten, we are always with Him.

20:27 Our God is the God of the living. Our God loves us and gives us eternal life and life. There is no death...only transformation from this world into His perfect one.

12:28 This scribe wishes to know the first commandment of all, as in, the most important.

12:29 Jesus answers that we should acknowledge our One and Perfect God. This is the most important because when we acknowledge our One and Perfect God, we let Him, ourselves and the world know that we acknowledge and believe in everything that He stands for: compassion, kindness, honesty, justice.

12:30 Jesus explains this perfectly: You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength." Put Him first, He will lead you through everything and bless you so abundantly.

12:31 And the second, like it,... Indeed the second is similar to the first because when you accept your One True God, you accept that He loves His children and He wants you to be as loving and kind with them as He is. Be selfless... love and protect others as though they are an extension of yourself.

12:32 One incomparable God indeed.

12:33 There is nothing sweeter or better or more pure that you can offer God other than your commitment to Him and His word and His children. Work, everyday be a soldier defending the traits and qualities He teaches us to have and give to others.

12:34 This scribe is beginning to understand... understanding is one of the first steps, actually living true to the understanding is the most important. Your faith can constantly evolve and grow and become strong and purposeful.

12:35 Jesus loves our God so much that He wants to ensure that we give complete gratitude and love to God who sent Him. He wants to clear up any mistake someone might have if they believe Jesus is not sent directly from God's manifestation.

12:36-37 He reminds them that even David called Jesus Lord... it's important that they (and we) know that all wisdom, guidance and love comes from our perfect, thoughtful God so that we may go to the right entity for thanks and for help when we need it.

12:38 Jesus wanted them (and US!) to be careful for teachers who pretend to be holy or important. Be vigilant: if any leader is arrogant you must not follow them. Your God teaches humility and modesty. Many religious/spiritual leaders in the world today dress up fancy or teach from fancy buildings or podiums and expect to have your reverence of them. Be careful for teachers who love popularity, celebrate it and themselves and thrive on it. God works with the meek and unsuspecting (like Moses who had a speech impediment, or Jesus an unknown to the world, or YOU who are perhaps not well known but are a good and faithful student). Do not celebrate yourself and definitely do not allow yourself to be led away from God by an arrogant, operatic teacher. You can always tell a genuine person. Think for yourself, never let anyone tell you what to think or believe. 

12:39 Be watchful of religions or religious teachers who work in hierarchical systems. They have the best seats in the churches, or at meetings... they have the fanciest buildings, the longest robes... none of this matters to God. You can study/learn/teach the Bible from any place and be efficient and true. In fact, God does not want us to be showy or extravagant. He wants us to share our abundance with others who are in need. Wealth and fame do not impress God... wealth and fame ignore His word and everything He teaches. 

12:40 Do not be impressed by long, fancy prayers --- God isn't. God is impressed by truth and love and humility. A short prayer, filled with honesty and humility means everything to Him. A long prayer, meant to be impressive or eloquent but has no depth, no honesty means nothing to Him. Ensure that your teacher and those you surround yourself with (and you too) are honest and sincere and humble.

12:41 These next verses teach us to be perceptive, wise and generous. In this verse, people are donating money...the rich put in a lot of money.

12:42 And then a poor woman comes along and puts in a very tiny amount of money (especially compared to the wealthy men before her).

12:43 Jesus explains that the poor woman put in more than the wealthy men did and this is why:

12:44 The wealthy men gave money because they had extra; they would not miss or even notice the money gone (By telling us this, God wants us to realize that just because someone seems generous does not mean that they are. We are not supposed to be in awe over grand sums of money). 

The woman, however, put in everything she owned. She was poor and yet she still gave everything she had. Do not overlook the significance of this, of how strong her faith is. Can you imagine giving away everything you own? Her faith was solid, compassionate and humble.

The men gave because they had something to give. The woman gave even though she had nothing to give. She gave away what could have been for her own next meal... yet on the surface, especially at that time, she was disregarded and ignored because she was impoverished. Be perceptive of people's true character! 

Think about this metaphorically as well: we are to give all of our efforts to helping others. This woman was so compassionate and so faithful that she did not fear being impoverished, for she knew she was rich in love and protection from God. She knew that He would care for her while she cared for others. 

God perceives our true hearts; what seems impressive to us on the surface, might not be sincere but God knows how to discern sincerity. This woman put others and God before herself and for that He will take perfect, attentive care of her. 

Do not desire to be friends with people who seem like they are perfect, giving and faithful... desire to be friends with people who SHOW you that they are humble, giving and faithful.