The Gospel according to Mark: Here we begin the second Gospel chapter of the New Testament. Each Gospel is a separate perception of Jesus' time on Earth. Mark is younger than Matthew, Luke and John and he begins his account with John the Baptist baptizing Jesus. In Matthew, we began with Jesus' birth; in Mark we skip ahead a bit. Mark was not of the 12 disciples but spent much time with them and therefore he shares with us all that he learned.
1:1-3 Mark immediately reminds us of foretold scripture. He takes us back to Isaiah of the Old Testament where Jesus' coming was prophesied. John the Baptist was predicted to come also to "the wilderness," to this place where there was no organization or logic. John the Baptist came with Jesus' message to prepare the people for Jesus' arrival.
1:4 John's purpose was to come and teach people a better way to live. His mission was to cleanse souls: people were living (as the are today) without order and purpose. John came to give them direction and he did that by giving them the instruction of God. Everything that comes from God is given for our benefit.
1:5 John's teaching was effective (of course it was, he had God by his side!) Many people found truth and comfort in the message John was teaching and therefore they committed themselves to God.A baptism is symbolic of your decision to put your faith in God.
While a baptism is a precious symbol of your commitment to God, it is only a symbol, it does not solidify your commitment to God. Your commitment to God is solidified by your actions during your life.
These people gathered with John to celebrate the entity Who helped them and healed them, but always remember that your commitment to God is not established in a ceremony. Your commitment to God is established in every moment of your life.
1:6 We get a description of John here and we will take a moment to discuss it. In Luke 1:13-17 we learn that John would come in the spirit and power of Elijah. Elijah was a kind and courageous prophet from the Old Testament and so we can expect the same work from John. In 2 Kings 1:8 we deduce by the description of Elijah's clothing that he and John were similar in this way also: they ate and dressed healthily and humbly. Jesus, the disciples and the prophets were are humble, purposeful and efficient. We can certainly find meaning and instruction in that! God does not boast and He accomplishes amazing things with authentic, normal people. We are all special to God, our outward appearance does not influence Him.
1:7 Mark witnesses John the Baptist preaching of Jesus' coming. John the Baptist had an important purpose given from God but he remained humble. John the Baptist describes Jesus by highlighted the superiority of Jesus' goodness even in comparison to himself, who had done so much beautiful work in leading people to God.
Our God is not the type to boast His superiority. Jesus Himself was the edification of humility. But John the Baptist informs us that he is not worthy even of touching Jesus' shoes. That does not stop God from associating with us. God, through and with Jesus devotes Himself to us because He wants to teach us a way to save us from our fallible selves.
1:8 John is saying this: It is true that I have performed this ceremony with you but Jesus will come and teach to you the reality of what you have committed yourself to. Jesus will carry you into this Heaven and comfort I can only teach you about.
1:9 Jesus Himself was baptized by John. Jesus is humble, honest and fair and he is also a representative of our God. Jesus is not proud or arrogant. Jesus is not a hypocrite. Jesus lives the life He teaches.
You should be this way in your life. Do not expect or demand anything from your fellow humans that you do not expect and demand of yourself. If you are in a leadership position, especially, (a boss, a mother, an older sibling) your life is the example you set for those around you. You are as valued by God as they are - you are not better than them and they are not less than you.
1:10 God is always present with Jesus. God is always present with us.
God is often described with the symbol of the Dove: pure, gentle and innocent.
1:11 God expresses His love and appreciation for Jesus' determination and accomplishment on Earth and in Heaven as well.
We can't exactly part the heavens but we also can show our love and appreciation.
1:12 Immediately God guides Jesus into His journey. Jesus never wastes anytime, He always remains attentive and determined. Jesus goes into the wilderness (into the wild and confusing, often order-less world). Again, Jesus experiences what we experience so that He can personally relate to our own lives.
1:13 Satan is given his chance with Jesus but Jesus rejects Him. In this verse we learn that Jesus had the opportunity to choose another way of life but He remained firm with our true Father. We also are tempted by Satan's qualities: vengeance, greed, selfishness, deception, violence. We also are given our chance to reject them.
Remember from Matthew that Satan is convincing and intelligent. He know show to twist a situation or a piece of scripture in order to confuse you.
It's important that Jesus experienced this because we learn that Jesus made a choice to love God. Just as we are given our time here to make our own choice.
The angels (God's messengers) remained with Jesus. God remains with you to. In John 14:16 we learn that God will always sent us help when we ask for it. When we ask God to help us, we receive the help. You have to believe this in order to benefit from it. Build up your faith in God and you will feel the comfort from Him especially when you most need to. But you can't feel something you do not believe in. You cannot ask for something that you don't believe exists. Communicate with God, spend time in His book and living His way and you will develop an honest relationship with Him.
1:14 John had many adversaries. The leaders of church and nation were felt their corrupt power threatened by this new message John was teaching. They wanted to stop John's message so that they could regain control over the people. Jesus got to work to protect us from these very people.
1:15 Jesus message: It is time for you to accept the Kingdom of God because it's coming. It is time for you to delve into the gospel and let it heal you.
1:16 Jesus begins to choose and assemble His disciples. By the sea of Galilee He finds Simon, Andrew, fishermen. This will be symbolic.
1:17 "Follow Me," Jesus says, "and I will make you fishers... of men." Jesus will teach these men to gather humanity.
1:18 Immediately they followed Jesus.
1:19-20 Jesus invites James and John and they too, immediately follow Him.
1:21 Immediately Jesus began teaching. Do not overlook this immediacy. Jesus cares about you so much that He took no time for rest or enjoyment for Himself. Jesus has rest and enjoyment in God and in bringing us to Him.
1:22 People were astonished. Jesus came and taught a straightforward, solid, and understandable message. People were not used to this. Just like today, people are not used to hearing undiluted truth. There is so much confusion. But Jesus was firm and logical and people responded to this and opened their hearts to it.
1:23-25 Think of "unclean spirits" as a metaphor. Jesus came to Earth to teach and heal the sick. In Mark 2:17 Jesus will teach us this message. Jesus associated with people who needed help, people who were broken or corrupt because He wanted to bring them home. So, Jesus approaches this man instead of denying Him and Jesus heals him. How does Jesus heal Him? Jesus has the power of God... Jesus' message can realign a crooked heart, His hands can heal a mental or physical illness. Jesus can turn a heart back to God because people are lead astray from the truth. True, some people choose and delight in evil but others have been misdirected. Jesus comes to re-direct us.
1:26-28 Jesus' work is immediate. Jesus had a limited amount of time to teach a lot of people. He did these things to help us and to show us that there is nothing God cannot accomplish. Nature and time all bend to God's hand. Quickly Jesus gathers a following.
1:29-31 Jesus encounters Peter's mother-in-law and heals her of her sickness. It's comforting to know that there is nothing God does not have control over. Nothing can defeat us when we are with Him.
Jesus did thinks without create a show. Jesus was matter-of-fact. He could heal so He did. He did not boast or prolong the situation. Likewise you should do your own work with humility and motivation.
And this mother-in-law served Him. She showed her belief and her gratitude. Do not forget God, especially when He has helped you. God should be a part of your life when it's good and easy and when it's not so good and difficult. Talk to Him always -- not just when you need Him. Don't use Him or neglect all that He does for you.
1:32 Again, think of "demon-possessed" as a possible unidentified physical or mental ailment. Technology and science was not at all advanced during this time. People interpreted things with superstition. What you can get out of this is that Jesus can heal everything.
1:33 The whole city was amazed by Jesus. We get a hint of how powerfully His message swept through these places.
1:34 Jesus healed everything that was brought to Him. No evil thought, person, idea or corruption had the gumption to contend with Jesus. God wants you to know that nothing can contend with Him, evil recognizes His omniscience and omnipotence.
1:35 Jesus kept with his productivity. He arose before everyone else so that He would have time to communicate with God. Find time in your own busy life to speak with God and watch your life transform around you. Jesus found a quiet, private place. You always have a quiet, private place: your own mind. But if you have the opportunity, you also could go out into a natural setting and feel God's peace around you while you talk to Him.
Jesus did not sleep in that morning. Jesus had a busy day the day before (we know because we read about it) but He still woke up extremely early. He kept His priorities in line: pray/speak with God, and then get to work for humanity.
Let's also try to be so productive. We can find energy in being purposeful. Purpose is unique to our own individual lives. We all have different things to do, different jobs...etc, but whatever it is, be committed to it.
1:36-37 The disciples wake up and want to find Jesus. But they and we need to always remember that Jesus and God are always with us, even if we cannot see them or feel them. We should always be aware of their presence.
1:38 Jesus keeps moving and keeps teaching. He does not need reminding of His purpose but He continues to remind us because it is so important to Him... and because we often forget to be purposeful.
1:39 Jesus preached, taught and saved people from that which was corrupting them. Jesus leads us through all of our troubles: addictions, failures, weaknesses, brokenness... How? I'll remind you: Jesus teaches us that we can find comfort when we remain focused on others. Our work here is support and heal those around us. We find joy and contentment in focusing our attention on the things around us that need mending and support. Jesus teaches us to wake up early, to speak with God, to get to work on our purpose. Jesus gives us the direction we need to stay focused and to stay courageous against that which tempts to confuse and distract us.
1:40-42 This is one of my favorite phrases in the Bible: Jesus was moved with compassion. Jesus' determination was fueled by His compassionate heart. Let compassion for others flood your life and you will find your purpose. All around us is a living world which needs our love and encouragement.
This man believed in Jesus and believed that Jesus could and would heal Him and Jesus was so filled with love for this man's love and belief. Jesus was so filled with the joy of His purpose because it meant that He could save people. He cares so much about us.
Leprosy is a painful, invasive and destructive chronic bacterial infection which at the time had no cure. Jesus informs us in this verse that He has power over everything. Nature bends to His will at every level. There is nothing we cannot be saved from.
1:43-44 Jesus does not need or want fame for what He has done. He wants this man to go back into the world as an example that living by God's instruction has so many benefits. Jesus came here to teach us to continue teaching. Jesus did not want the lesson to end with His time here. We are all living examples. Choose what you want your life to teach others and live it.
1:45 The man could not contain his excitement and for this reason Jesus lost his anonymity. Everyone sought to find Jesus and this kind of disallowed Jesus to enter wherever He wanted because crowds of people constantly encircled Him. But Jesus will readjust His plan in order to continue to reach as many as possible!