6:1 Jesus returns to the place where He is well known -- but not as the Son of God, instead as a child of Mary and a sibling of her children.
6:2 Jesus began to teach God's message but these people had a difficult time differentiating Him from the small boy they knew who grew up there.
6:3 It was difficult for them to grasp the fact that this person whom they had all considered was "normal" or "average" was actually this beautiful manifestation of God.
6:4 Jesus teaches us that sometimes it's difficult for our friends and family to see us for all that we are capable of -- they are so used to us as children or as cohorts that our action in a certain area is surprising to them.
6:5 Jesus does his best there. He heals and continues to speak.
6:6 He went throughout the country but people just could not accept Him as the Son of God; they were too familiar with Him as they had known him before.
6:7 The disciples had received much instruction from Jesus as this point in time and because of their belief, Jesus entrusted and gifted them with the ability to help Him bring and lead people to God.
6:8-9 Jesus sent them out to the people with nothing extra. God brings His children toward Him without luring them with money or fancy clothes... or anything. God knows that His love is enough to comfort us.
God also wants us to know that when we go out in our journeys, all we need to be ready, prepared and successful is Him.
This will also allow the disciples to discern who sincerely wants to help and receive them into their homes. God wants us to express our true selves -- will we help someone who is kind and honest but who has nothing for us to benefit from? Going out and relying on the goodwill of people was something that had to be done with a lot of bravery... with a lot of faith.
People who did not have a kind heart would reject them and people who did would welcome them.
Moreover, the word "bag" is translated from the word "scrip" which was often used to collect money from people. God does not collect money -- He did not want Jesus' disciples collected from people. He wanted them to heal and teach.
6:10 Jesus wanted them to fully commit to the places they entered. When travelling during this time, there was often ceremony for guests and Jesus did not want any time wasted on ceremony. He wanted the disciples to find lodging and then get to work.
6:11 Jesus told them that whoever rejects the word of God, taught by the disciples, was to be left alone. God does not want us forcing His word onto people. God wants each individual to make the decision to hear and learn for themselves.
Shake off the dust under your feet -- God wants us to continue being progressive. When someone rejects us, He wishes for us to continue on in helping others.
6:12 So the disciples went out and taught that if people would be authentically fair and kind in how they lived their lives, they could work on their relationship with God and truly benefit.
6:13 The disciples began to do great work with the ability and wisdom God rewarded them with.
6:14 Jesus is gaining popularity at this point. King Herod, who is terrified of losing his own control and power, worries that John the Baptist is still alive.
6:15 There are a lot of rumors going around about who Jesus is.
6:16 Herod is paranoid because he feels guilt and shame because he is responsible for John the Baptist's death.
6:17 We learned this in Matthew. Herod ordered John the Baptist to be killed.
6:18 John had given Herod a bit of good advice and instead of listening, Herod had him killed.
6:19 The woman John was involved with was indignant and ordered Herod to have John killed.
6:20 Herod believed in John's message and he had nothing against John...
6:21-25 But Herod himself was a weak and desirous man.Herod but his desires before his good logic and decision making. He promised to kill John the Baptist to please the girl.
6:26-28 Herod did not want to kill John but he did because Herod had no control over his desires and he had no strength or faith in God.
6:29 The disciples took care of John after his Earthly "death". Remember John went to be with God. Still, the disciples respected the body (vessel) which carried John in his time here.
6:30 The disciples had been getting so busy doing work for God! They reassembled with Jesus and spoke excitedly to Him about all that they had been able to do because of His teaching and God's guidance. They put their whole minds and bodies into the task.
6:31 Jesus gave them time to rest and strengthen themselves. We must also remember that God loves all of His children, including those who are serving His other children. He wants us to take care of ourselves. He wants us to take time to contemplate, to talk to Him, to rest our bodies. He wants us to be in good mental and physical health.
6:32 The disciples listened to Jesus' advice.
6:33 At this point it was very difficult to find solitude because Jesus was so popular. People constantly wanted to be with Him, learning from Him.
6:34 This is one of the most amazing, instructive verses of the Bible:
1) Jesus was moved with compassion for them. Jesus was so in love, so nurturing toward God's children. Jesus had so much compassion that it moved Him, emotionally. His love is so strong. We should love others so much that it inspires us to ACT, so much that our breath is taken away for a moment.
2) Because they were like sheep with no shepherd. These people, and the people today are so lost. The world is difficult and because of that, our emotions are so tumultuous. We need guidance and love. Jesus' whole life was dedicated to helping YOU, ME, US, THE WORLD find guidance and love. His teaching created a path for us to get there. He became our shepherd.
6:35 As the evening progressed, the disciples thought they should send everyone home to eat. They were in a deserted place, there was no food, no shelter. There's going to be a great message in this.
6:36 The disciples want to send everyone home to go find and purchase their own bread, their own sustenance.
Let's pause here momentarily to uncover the metaphor: The disciples in a way refer to the Earth and our time here. They want everyone to go take cover in their houses and to search for/ purchase their own food -- in other words, the disciples are not thinking spiritually. We get our shelter and our sustenance from God. We do not depart from God to find it... we stay with Him, in His word.
6:37 No, Jesus says. You must feed them. In other words, the students of God must spread the message. Students of God must become teachers of God.
6:38 How much do you have to give, Jesus asks them. They are still not thinking spiritually. We have an abundance to give when we love and trust and learned from God. The disciples count their bread and fish and find that they do not have enough. This does not concern Jesus, let's find out why.
6:39 Jesus begins His plan to feed all of these people.
6:40 Everyone sat down, and we find out that there were A LOT of people. The ratio between disciples and hungry people was disparate. There were more people than they thought they could handle.
6:41 Jesus spoke to God. Jesus looked up to heaven -- He acknowledged our father and therefore received this blessing of being able to feed so many.
Metaphorically, the disciples were likely communicating their concerns with Jesus. They probably did not feel capable enough to teach so many. It's a huge, seemingly impossible task. We have so few true teachers in the world and so many, many people who need and crave to be taught. Jesus is teaching us here that if we have faith, trust and love for God we will receive everything we need to accomplish this. It's so important that we remember.
6:42 Everyone was filled. God has enough love and wisdom to fill each of His children. God can pour so much love into us if we ask for it, if we believe in it, if we trust in it. We can be so consumed by His strength and protection.
6:43 Everyone was filled and there was more leftover. God takes the impossible and makes it possible for us. God has more love for us than we even think we need. There is enough, more than enough for everyone. God is abundance.
6:44 All of these men, not even included in the number: women and children, were fed. All of these people received Jesus' message and were so filled with God's love and guidance. When we believe, when we work hard and have faith, we can do everything and anything with God.
God did not feed everyone and run out... no, God has enough love, enough wisdom for everyone who wants it. No matter how many more people show up to learn and love, He can and will take care of them.
6:45 Now that they people were taken care of, Jesus gets back on the move.
6:46 Jesus made time to go a speak with and to God. Always set aside this time with God -- it will heal you and correct your direction. Tell God what's going on inside of you, inside of your world because He cares and He can help you. He awaits your voice in His ear. Jesus was always focused and strong because He kept God in the center of His heart.
6:47 The disciples are on the boat. Jesus is on land praying to God.
6:48 The disciples were caught in a storm -- likely a metaphor testing their faith during adversity. Jesus could see them struggling.
6:49 Jesus made His way toward them, by walking on the sea. I know for some people, these ideas are difficult to grasp. If it is, always think metaphorically because these verses are meant to teach a message. God can get to us. There is no obstacle God cannot cross. Jesus is not limited by anything because He has complete love and faith in God.
The disciples themselves were in awe. They could not believe their eyes. They were still developing their faith and we get to benefit from the lessons they taught us. Never forget that God is always with you. Never think that God cannot reach or hear you. He is always vigilant and watching over you.
6:50 Do not be afraid. God is here with you. Do not let fear stunt you --- you are strong in and with God.
6:51 Jesus stopped the storm. God stops the storms in our lives and He also helps us through them. He gives us the perseverance and the wisdom to untangle ourselves from trouble. There is so much to learn from Him in this book. When you speak directly to Him, you learn even more.
6:52 The disciples had missed the message, the metaphor about the bread and feeding. They did not realize or believe yet that God could save them, protect them, love them through all trouble. Their hearts were not open spiritually yet. They will get there! You will get there. God provides. God protects. Learn from His metaphors, they will guide you through life.
6:53 The crossed the water and again reached another place.
5:54 Everyone knew who Jesus was at this point.
5:55 People brought their ailing friends and family to Jesus. There are a lot of ailments in life, we struggle with physical, emotional and mental troubles. God can heal them all. God can brings us up out of anything and everything. People had faith and worked to seek Jesus to be healed. We must work to seek Jesus to be healed as well. Our work and our seeking reveals to God that we truly love and trust Him.
5:56 As many as touched Him were made well. Whoever seeks God is helped and loved. God loves every single soul, so, so much. If we reach out to Him, He grasps our hand firmly and eternally.
6:14 Jesus is gaining popularity at this point. King Herod, who is terrified of losing his own control and power, worries that John the Baptist is still alive.
6:15 There are a lot of rumors going around about who Jesus is.
6:16 Herod is paranoid because he feels guilt and shame because he is responsible for John the Baptist's death.
6:17 We learned this in Matthew. Herod ordered John the Baptist to be killed.
6:18 John had given Herod a bit of good advice and instead of listening, Herod had him killed.
6:19 The woman John was involved with was indignant and ordered Herod to have John killed.
6:20 Herod believed in John's message and he had nothing against John...
6:21-25 But Herod himself was a weak and desirous man.Herod but his desires before his good logic and decision making. He promised to kill John the Baptist to please the girl.
6:26-28 Herod did not want to kill John but he did because Herod had no control over his desires and he had no strength or faith in God.
6:29 The disciples took care of John after his Earthly "death". Remember John went to be with God. Still, the disciples respected the body (vessel) which carried John in his time here.
6:30 The disciples had been getting so busy doing work for God! They reassembled with Jesus and spoke excitedly to Him about all that they had been able to do because of His teaching and God's guidance. They put their whole minds and bodies into the task.
6:31 Jesus gave them time to rest and strengthen themselves. We must also remember that God loves all of His children, including those who are serving His other children. He wants us to take care of ourselves. He wants us to take time to contemplate, to talk to Him, to rest our bodies. He wants us to be in good mental and physical health.
6:32 The disciples listened to Jesus' advice.
6:33 At this point it was very difficult to find solitude because Jesus was so popular. People constantly wanted to be with Him, learning from Him.
6:34 This is one of the most amazing, instructive verses of the Bible:
1) Jesus was moved with compassion for them. Jesus was so in love, so nurturing toward God's children. Jesus had so much compassion that it moved Him, emotionally. His love is so strong. We should love others so much that it inspires us to ACT, so much that our breath is taken away for a moment.
2) Because they were like sheep with no shepherd. These people, and the people today are so lost. The world is difficult and because of that, our emotions are so tumultuous. We need guidance and love. Jesus' whole life was dedicated to helping YOU, ME, US, THE WORLD find guidance and love. His teaching created a path for us to get there. He became our shepherd.
6:35 As the evening progressed, the disciples thought they should send everyone home to eat. They were in a deserted place, there was no food, no shelter. There's going to be a great message in this.
6:36 The disciples want to send everyone home to go find and purchase their own bread, their own sustenance.
Let's pause here momentarily to uncover the metaphor: The disciples in a way refer to the Earth and our time here. They want everyone to go take cover in their houses and to search for/ purchase their own food -- in other words, the disciples are not thinking spiritually. We get our shelter and our sustenance from God. We do not depart from God to find it... we stay with Him, in His word.
6:37 No, Jesus says. You must feed them. In other words, the students of God must spread the message. Students of God must become teachers of God.
6:38 How much do you have to give, Jesus asks them. They are still not thinking spiritually. We have an abundance to give when we love and trust and learned from God. The disciples count their bread and fish and find that they do not have enough. This does not concern Jesus, let's find out why.
6:39 Jesus begins His plan to feed all of these people.
6:40 Everyone sat down, and we find out that there were A LOT of people. The ratio between disciples and hungry people was disparate. There were more people than they thought they could handle.
6:41 Jesus spoke to God. Jesus looked up to heaven -- He acknowledged our father and therefore received this blessing of being able to feed so many.
Metaphorically, the disciples were likely communicating their concerns with Jesus. They probably did not feel capable enough to teach so many. It's a huge, seemingly impossible task. We have so few true teachers in the world and so many, many people who need and crave to be taught. Jesus is teaching us here that if we have faith, trust and love for God we will receive everything we need to accomplish this. It's so important that we remember.
6:42 Everyone was filled. God has enough love and wisdom to fill each of His children. God can pour so much love into us if we ask for it, if we believe in it, if we trust in it. We can be so consumed by His strength and protection.
6:43 Everyone was filled and there was more leftover. God takes the impossible and makes it possible for us. God has more love for us than we even think we need. There is enough, more than enough for everyone. God is abundance.
6:44 All of these men, not even included in the number: women and children, were fed. All of these people received Jesus' message and were so filled with God's love and guidance. When we believe, when we work hard and have faith, we can do everything and anything with God.
God did not feed everyone and run out... no, God has enough love, enough wisdom for everyone who wants it. No matter how many more people show up to learn and love, He can and will take care of them.
6:45 Now that they people were taken care of, Jesus gets back on the move.
6:46 Jesus made time to go a speak with and to God. Always set aside this time with God -- it will heal you and correct your direction. Tell God what's going on inside of you, inside of your world because He cares and He can help you. He awaits your voice in His ear. Jesus was always focused and strong because He kept God in the center of His heart.
6:47 The disciples are on the boat. Jesus is on land praying to God.
6:48 The disciples were caught in a storm -- likely a metaphor testing their faith during adversity. Jesus could see them struggling.
6:49 Jesus made His way toward them, by walking on the sea. I know for some people, these ideas are difficult to grasp. If it is, always think metaphorically because these verses are meant to teach a message. God can get to us. There is no obstacle God cannot cross. Jesus is not limited by anything because He has complete love and faith in God.
The disciples themselves were in awe. They could not believe their eyes. They were still developing their faith and we get to benefit from the lessons they taught us. Never forget that God is always with you. Never think that God cannot reach or hear you. He is always vigilant and watching over you.
6:50 Do not be afraid. God is here with you. Do not let fear stunt you --- you are strong in and with God.
6:51 Jesus stopped the storm. God stops the storms in our lives and He also helps us through them. He gives us the perseverance and the wisdom to untangle ourselves from trouble. There is so much to learn from Him in this book. When you speak directly to Him, you learn even more.
6:52 The disciples had missed the message, the metaphor about the bread and feeding. They did not realize or believe yet that God could save them, protect them, love them through all trouble. Their hearts were not open spiritually yet. They will get there! You will get there. God provides. God protects. Learn from His metaphors, they will guide you through life.
6:53 The crossed the water and again reached another place.
5:54 Everyone knew who Jesus was at this point.
5:55 People brought their ailing friends and family to Jesus. There are a lot of ailments in life, we struggle with physical, emotional and mental troubles. God can heal them all. God can brings us up out of anything and everything. People had faith and worked to seek Jesus to be healed. We must work to seek Jesus to be healed as well. Our work and our seeking reveals to God that we truly love and trust Him.
5:56 As many as touched Him were made well. Whoever seeks God is helped and loved. God loves every single soul, so, so much. If we reach out to Him, He grasps our hand firmly and eternally.