Monday, November 30, 2015

NT: The Book of Mark, Chapter 8

Mark 8:1-38

8:1 This opening verse of Chapter 8 is a metaphor in itself. There is a multitude of people in need of the Word of God but had no teacher, so Jesus called 12 disciples who He would instruct to become teachers in order to spread the Word around the world.

8:2 Jesus has compassion (God always has compassion, too). He wants to teach and feed these people who have so faithfully been following Him. We also receive nourishment when we follow our God.

8:3 Jesus does not want to send us out into the world on our own. It's a difficult journey without God's nourishment. Jesus wants these people (and us) to be strong for the journey that is our life. He does not want us to be weak or held back by inability.

8:4 The disciples were nervous, they felt incapable of such a grand task. They were standing before a great number of people and both literally and spiritually-figuratively, they could not fathom how they would be able to satisfy them all. We often have the same worry: we wonder how we can possibly make an impact on the Earth. The answer for both disciples and for us is: With, Through, By, and For God all things are possible.

8:5 Jesus asks them what they have to feed the multitude; metaphorically He asks them what they believe they are capable of. Their answer falls short of what they need. 

8:6 Jesus tells the multitude to sit and rest. This is God's first order of business. God always wants us to rest in Him. It's also His time to organize our chaotic minds so that He can feed us. Jesus took the loaves of bread but I want you to think of it this way: Jesus took the proclamations of the disciples, gave thanks to God for being with them and for blessing them and then turned the 7 into many, many more.

Next is interesting: Jesus created so much bread (so much opportunity, so much ability to spread so much wisdom and knowledge for the children) but He shared the responsibility of spreading it with the disciples. God will give us so many gifts and abilities and with them, we are supposed to use them to bring gifts and abilities to others. Jesus allows us to be fellow-workers of God. 1 Corinthians 9. It's a special and important opportunity for us. God equips us with the ability to do His work. God honors us with such responsibility. 

A compassionate heart understands the miracle that is loving another, helping another, supporting another, feeding another soul. 

8:7 Jesus takes all that is offered and multiplies it. Think of it this way, the disciples told Jesus of their capabilities and feared that they were too small, too inefficient... so Jesus magnified them. God makes all things possible when we are devoted and dedicated to maintaining His word and our relationship with Him.

8:8 With these blessings through Jesus from God, the mass of people were taught, fed and nourished. They received the love and instruction of God from His fellow workers so that they could become fellow workers themselves. Do not skip over the fact that there were leftovers. God gives so much, He spares nothing... everything He is and Has is open and offered to us. God is endlessly generous and yet He always has more, and more, and more for as many people who ask for it. God is abundance.

8:9 You could think of this story as a story of food but I want you to understand that this multitude of people were not fed by bread but instead by Jesus' teaching. Jesus revealed a way to receive and retain eternal life and love. Jesus revealed a way to master patience and forgiveness, selflessness and compassion. Jesus revealed a way for us to persevere through this if in order to get to our next one. Jesus fed the stomachs of these people in order to teach a metaphorical message that God feeds our souls. 

8:10 Immediately, Jesus and the disciples continue on their way. Jesus does not waste time. You are so important to God, He does not dillydally in reaching you. When you call Him, when you need and love Him, He is there. Immediately. You speak to Him and your voice is in His ear. Your soul is always in His heart, what you are feeling He is feeling with you in that very moment. You are never alone. Your struggles belong to both you and God and together you will conquer them. Your pain or sadness shrinks to nothing in the presence of His light. 

When you accept God, when you speak to Him... you and He are tethered. 

8:11 The Pharisees came out to dispute with Jesus again. They do not receive such blessings as we have been talking about because they have closed their hearts. They have rejected love and compassion. We choose or deny God's gifts. God does not punish us, we punish ourselves by ignoring Him or disputing against Him. 

The Pharisees only concern is retaining their power in the community. They do not want to lose their fame and wealth. If people stop following their orders and all turn to God, they would be without all of the wealth and control they have procured. 

They try to get Jesus to perform a sign, a miracle (as if He hasn't been doing so daily!).

8:12 Jesus signed deeply in His spirit. It is a weight on Jesus for souls to argue and try to taint the beautiful and perfect word of God. Jesus wants everyone to be kind and honest and when He encounters such a crooked, greedy soul, it affects Him profoundly.

Jesus is not a circus act. Jesus will not perform a sign 1) because they only want to see a sign to disprove Him, not because their hearts are faithful and 2) because when we choose to love God, we must choose to love Him for WHO He is and what He stands for... instead of what He can DO. In our own lives we want to be loved in the same way. We want people to love us for who we are not what we can do for them. That kind of love is cheap and selfish. God wants our true love.

8:13-14 Jesus and the disciples continue into the boat. The disciples realize they did not bring enough food (nourishment for their bodies). However the disciples again miss the metaphor.

8:15 Jesus cautions the disciples (and us) to never succumb or fall victim to the nourishment that is offered by deceptive, greedy people. When you are hungry, when you need help or guidance, ensure that you choose the right guide... ensure that you choose the right nourishment. Jesus wants the disciples to be aware and observant. Sometimes when we are in a difficult situation we become frantic and make desperate decisions when all along we could have chosen God. God always helps us to find a way out of a stressful situation... we need to develop the faith to believe that in order to see that path lit up.

8:16 The disciples are not understanding the message (metaphorically or spiritually). Our bodies need food yes, but more importantly, our souls need nourishment from God. We should not follow corrupt leaders or "friends" for they will always confuse and destroy our lives.

8:17 Jesus is baffled. He has proven to them time and time again that He will always lead them and will always feed them. I truly believe the disciples took to long to grasp the message because it is realistic of our own everyday lives. Faith is something that needs to be developed and strengthened over time. We learn that God is our nourishment and our guide but until we believe it and allow it to guide our lives, we continue to falter during moments of difficulty. God is patient and He works with us when we ask Him to help us develop our faith.

8:18 By these sayings Jesus is questioning their spiritual-perception. One way to think of this is to think of the color purple. Someone who is not perceptive will see purple. Someone who is perceptive will see the red and blue which creates the purple. The phrase "eyes to see and hears to hear" speaks of our perception. We must be observant and analytical in all things so as to see the deeper meaning.

8:19-21 Jesus reminds them of the very moments just before this conversation: He made the impossible possible. He provided for everyone when it appeared it could not be done. We must be perceptive to see that God is capable of more than the surface or superficial situation suggests. 

8:22-23 Jesus heals a blind man. We can also think of this as Jesus giving the gift of perception. God will open your mind up to the deeper meanings of things when you are spiritually ready and willing. 

8:24 For a moment, Jesus gifts this man the ability to see men as trees. Therefore: Jesus gifts this man the ability of perception. Suddenly this man is able to see a deeper, metaphorical world.

The metaphor of Men, or humans, as trees is this: 

1) We each bear fruit. Our actions, our compassion and our giving are the quantification of our fruit. We either grow sweet or bitter fruit. We either work compassionately in our lives or selfishly. 

2) We constantly grow and evolve due to our surroundings. We work to adapt to our environments and to help us grow with strength, God shines His ever warm light freely and abundantly. He sends the rain when we thirst and the winds (the opportunities) to spread the seeds we produce.

8:25 Jesus made the metaphor very apparent so that we could understand perception. He restores this man's sight to what we are familiar with but the perception remains. The ability to perceive remains.

8:26 Jesus does not want the man to go into the town and stir up a frenzy. He wants this man to continue in His life, now with the ability to both see and perceive truth, and help others with His new ability. God wants us to be productive. God wants our love and He wants our action. It's beautiful to tell Him you love Him and to exemplify that to others but always stay focused on His mission.

8:27 Jesus is going to question whether or not the disciples have been listening to gossip and letting it influence their lives.

8:28 Everyone in the town has a different opinion of who Jesus is. We can learn from this. Instead of wasting time gossiping and wondering... listen for and learn the truth for yourself.

8:29 Jesus wants to know if they have PERCEIVED the truth. They have. They know Who Jesus is and Who is sent from.

a) Christ comes from the Greek word Christos, which means Anointed: We know that God anointed Jesus by blessing Him and His mission on Earth.

b) Jesus comes from the Hebrew word Yeshua, which means Salvation: We also know that Jesus is our salvation because He teaches us how to find and foster safety for ourselves and for others both in this life and in the next.

Also, while we are on the topic of name origins:

c) God tells us His "name" in Exodus 3:14. The reason I put "name" in parenthesis is because God is indescribable. God is a force, an energy, a many universe... unfathomable in wonder and wisdom. His name is a description of what He is. God calls Himself: I AM. In Hebrew this is: ehyeh ašer ehyeh. By this  we can understand that God IS. God IS alive. He IS wisdom. He IS abundance. He IS love. God says, I am and we learn by this statement that He always IS, always has been and always will be. He is in a constant state of BEING. As humans, we do not fully understand or grasp this concept. God is indescribable because He is beyond what we can fathom (in the best and most amazing ways).

God is referred to in many ways in the Bible but what is most important that you know is this: God knows, understands, loves and protects you in such an intimate way that names are even unnecessary. He knows your soul. When you open yourself up to Him, you will know Him by His soul and names lose their necessity. God recognizes you, heart, mind, and soul. 

Continuing on:

8:30 Jesus does not want the disciples to run through the cities exclaiming Who Jesus is because He wants people to learn from Him and to learn HIM. He wants people to learn about God's message and what He stands for. He wants people to become faithful to the kind and compassionate message. Jesus does not seek fame. Jesus works for our benefit. God wants us to know who He is and He wants us to love Him because we agree that compassion, honesty and love are the foundation of everything. 

8:31 Here Jesus explains to the disciples the rest of His journey. Jesus came to Earth knowing that He would be rejected, harmed and then killed. The message Jesus wanted to bring to you was so strong and so important to Him that He was so willing and ready to accept His earthly fate. Jesus experiences the struggles and situations we deal with first hand for Himself. He wanted to come to show us that although we may have enemies or challenges, we rise, always in God. 

8:32-33 Peter rejected this truth that Jesus taught to them. It's really, especially important that we listen and trust God when He teaches us something because He is always helping us to become prepared and cautious and brave. Jesus spoke the word of God to Peter and Peter denied it (likely because he did not want to believe that Jesus would suffer such things). But Peter, and we also, have to learn that God's plan has indeed been planned in detail for specific purposes. Although we may not always understand, God has our best interests in the forefront of His mind. In the present moment, it seemed like a terrible end to lose Jesus but as we know now, His death brought about immeasurable happiness and strength. 

The people who deny what God teaches: which is love, compassion and honesty, are choosing hate, selfishness and deceit instead. Jesus does not want us to deny the Word of God because He knows it will harm our own lives and others as well. He cares about us.

We learn and work through the Word of God so that we can accurately and perceptively learn and work in our lives. We learn it to see how to live and to see what is coming. Peter denied it becomes it seemed wrong and/or scary but we should not make this mistake. God is always right and always gives us strength over fear when we trust Him. Whatever is coming to us is coming to us WITH God and so we can handle it.

8:34 Amazing and important instruction in this verse. If you want to live as Jesus did, if you want to stand for and work for what God stands for: you must become selfless and humble and brave. God will help you to do this. Jesus received beautiful and abundant blessings from God not because Jesus asked for them but instead because Jesus got rid of His own desires for the benefit of others. Jesus' entire life was dedicated to others instead of to Himself. It's a hard thing to do, to learn to put others before yourself because in order to do that, you must have strength and love and belief in yourself with God and then use those things to bring gifts to others.

It's a mighty and lifelong task and sometimes we fail or fall short. We are so blessed because God is patient and understanding and forgiving. He knows when we try, try, try with everything we have. He knows our true heart.

8:35 When you neglect or even harm others to protect your own safety or fortune, you certainly will lose it. When you are willing to lose your own fortune for others God will make you rich with love and eternity. Arrange your priorities: God puts His love for you and the other children first. We must have our priorities arranged so well. 

8:36 You can spend your entire life procuring wealth, control, material, land, fame... but when your life on Earth is over, you will have none of that. God does not value those things at all. God values love and compassion, honesty and humility. With your love, compassion, honesty and humility you reach heaven not with useless "stuff" but instead with God's blessings and all the children you helped save with God's help and those very traits. 

Do not taint or corrupt your soul because you will lose it. When you are given the opportunity, always help others. Always be a home for someone who genuinely needs it if you have the financial, emotional, physical ability to do so. If you ask God, He will bring so many people into your life who are in need of your very own abilities

8:37 Will you trade your soul for a wealthy, powerful life on Earth? I assure you it's a trick. Your soul is worth so much more than the corruption on the Earth. What matters, what nourishes you is love not wealth. Be sincere with others and receive their sincere love and support in return -- this is a true wealth.

8:38 You get to determine your relationship with God. You get to define your relationship with God. He returns all of the love we give, all of the life we support, all of the protection we provide others. But if you do not value what He stands for -- which is compassion for all -- He will not value what you stand for. 

We are so blessed to be the architects of our relationship with God. Our lives are in our hands... until we make the decision to put our lives in God's hands... and then we are so loved, protected and guided.

Monday, November 23, 2015

NT: The Book of Mark, Chapter 7

Mark 7:1-37

7:1 Jesus' adversaries gather to try to contend with Him again.

7:2 These men are trying to debase Jesus' message by targeting the disciples for making silly mistakes.

7:3 There was a tradition to wash before eating. While it's a good idea to wash before eating, this mistake is not big enough to ruin or corrupt all of the good the disciples are doing.

If we think about this as a metaphor, these adversaries of Jesus might be questioning whether or not the 12 disciples are worthy of the great and beautiful task they have been given. In God, we are all clean, no matter how many mistakes we have made. When we are sincere about wanting to be compassionate and better, God cleans our soul. God loves when we turn from a crooked path onto His straight one. He welcomes all people and will give beautiful gifts and tasks to those who are kind, regardless of whether they have made mistakes in their past.

7:4-5 So, because they disciples did not follow the small suggestions about hand-washing, the disciples try to attack Jesus by debasing them.

7:6 Jesus recites scripture to them and meant to teach this message: those who cling to rules and not to compassion are confused. God loves and accepts all people who do their best and live as their best self. The Pharisees and scribes (head political and church officials) like to condemn people for making small mistakes but that is not what God teaches. God teaches to love and lead others. 

7:7 Some people pretend to love God just so that they can use scripture to control and condemn others. This is wrong. This is not what God stands for.

7:8 Jesus is explaining that they have lost God's message by making up their own rules and punishing people who do not follow them.

7:9 They are hypocrites. They claim to follow the word of God but instead they completely miss and neglect the message. Some people want to be in control so badly that they create rules and force a society of people to follow them. God is against that.

7:10 Jesus is going to give them (and us) an example of how human's try to corrupt the word of God.

7:11-13 Moses taught that we should be kind to our parents. Jesus is saying that if we are only kind to people because we are hoping to get a reward... we miss the entire message and purpose of the Bible. We are supposed to be selfless and kind. So, although someone might be following a commandment, the fact that they are doing so selfishly discredits its goodness.

7:14-15 God does not judge us based on what is done to us, what harms us or misguides us. God judges us based on our own actions. God watches what we put INTO the world. He knows that we do not always get the best FROM the world... but He hopes that we will put good into it.

7:16 If you have the discernment from God to understand things, understand it and put it into actions. Put good into the world from within yourself... selflessly, courageously, with God.

7:17-18 The disciples have questions about the parable just taught by Jesus. We should only worry about the dirty actions and ideas we put into our heart and believe in. If our soul and spirit is clean and kind, we do not have to worry. This is a beautiful metaphor that we get from these verses concerning hand-washing. The word of God will go so deep if you let it!

7:19 God does not check our body to see how kind we were, He checks our heart. He checks our soul.

7:20 The only things about us that can ruin us with their uncleanliness (speaking spiritually) is greed, vengeance, deceit, injustice...Those are the traits we should worry about. Those are the dirt we should avoid.

7:21-23 What defile a person are their bad, mean, evil thoughts. You lose your eternal life when you are filled with greed and hatred. This may not pertain to you on a large scale, but we should always be aware of the moments were we could be kinder and more selfless. Never let anyone walk on you, or use you, but try to create as much positivity in the world as you can. Do not let anyone judge you on your mistakes -- if you are kind and compassionate, clear-minded with God, you are healthy.

7:24 Jesus continues to travel extreme lengths to reach the children of God. His popularity is growing and therefore making it harder for Him to travel efficiently.

7:25 A woman with an ailing daughter travels to meet Jesus. She has faith in this man she has heard about and she wants to use her faith not for herself but for her daughter. God loves when we pray and work for others and in return He takes care of us too.

7:26 She was persistent.

7:27 This can be a difficult verse to understand so let's talk about it. Jesus came to teach and heal all people. Jesus' intimate focus was with the disciples. Jesus knew He needed to teach and create new teachers so that the Word would continue for many generations. In a way also, Jesus is perceiving this woman's faith -- does she truly value His word and will she work to keep it close to her?

Jesus is only trying to explain to her that His mission is to teach first the people who will hear it. God had a specific plan for Jesus to follow to do the most good. He could not veer off track. Jesus knew the places where His presence would do the most good in the limited time He had.

God does not see anyone as a dog. The metaphor means that Jesus could not devote His time to places where He would not even be listened to. He needed to reach people so that they could reach others when He was gone. To teach to people who would not receive it or spread it would be a waste of time. Jesus knew that eventually the Word would reach those places -- that was the mission He was preparing His disciples for. He was impassioned and ardent in His teaching the disciples because He knew they would have a difficult job ahead of them. Jesus taught the disciples because He and God love every single person. God had a plan to reach every corner of the world and His plan was detailed. Jesus had to stay on His track so that the disciples could reach theirs.

7:28 This woman shows her faith by making this statement: Yes, she understands that there is a plan and a purpose to teach the disciples so that in the future they can reach the places Jesus did not have time to reach (a place from where she was from).

Next, this woman makes a valid point which I believe Jesus knew she would make and could therefore use as a lesson for us and an opportunity for her to show her deep faith.

The good work that Jesus teaches trickles throughout the world. The woman is saying that even though her family is scheduled for later on the itinerary, the Word has reached her, the Bread has reached her, and she has consumed it. She saw God's love through Jesus and it had taken over her soul in the best way. She proclaimed to Jesus that the faith had become her life and until that point she had only even had a little.

7:29 Jesus heals her daughter. He was always going to have compassion for the woman and her daughter but He created this opportunity for learning by conversing with her. God is with ALL of us, whether or not life has taught us or promoted the way. This woman had faith, humility, compassion and selflessness. God never overlooks the people who possess those traits.

7:30 She went home, believing firmly in Jesus, and found Jesus's words to be true. She knew He would keep His word. She arrived home and her daughter was healed and resting. Each of us are healed and well-rested in God.

She had absolute faith in Him. She did not ask for proof or double check His answer... no, she knew that what He said was true. We must develop our faith to be so strong. God's going to take care of us... the patience from our faith leads us to His gifts.

7:31 Jesus keeps moving throughout His planned journey.

7:32 A ailing man was brought to Jesus to be healed. These people showed their belief in Jesus by asking Him TO help the man instead of asking Him IF He was ABLE to heal the man. They also show their compassion by helping this man get to Jesus. They were not thinking of themselves or rewards for themselves but instead they were seeking help for another.

7:33-35 Jesus can heal everything through God. Our strength of our faith determines the strength of our relationship with Him. Make it easy for God to reach you, to communicate with you... to understand you. You expedite your blessings from Him when you maintain a healthy relationship with Him.

7:36 Jesus is surrounded almost at all times by crowds and He is not after fame. He needs to be able to move throughout the cities to work. However, Jesus' humility and healing were not something people could keep quiet about (understandably!). This is the way of God... He does not celebrate Himself. He is humble, selfless and compassionate. However those traits resonate so profoundly with us and we cannot help but to feel so proud and comforted by Him.

7:37 They were astonished. We are astonished. Jesus is not walking around in these current times openly healing ailments but I assure you that God with with each of those who are with Him. His blessings are abundant. We receive so much strength from Him, so much guidance and protection that even with ailment, we succeed. He makes us strong and therefore with Him inside of us, we bring light to places of darkness in the world.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

NT: The Book of Mark, Chapter 6

Mark 6:1-56

6:1 Jesus returns to the place where He is well known -- but not as the Son of God, instead as a child of Mary and a sibling of her children.

6:2 Jesus began to teach God's message but these people had a difficult time differentiating Him from the small boy they knew who grew up there.

6:3 It was difficult for them to grasp the fact that this person whom they had all considered was "normal" or "average" was actually this beautiful manifestation of God.

6:4 Jesus teaches us that sometimes it's difficult for our friends and family to see us for all that we are capable of -- they are so used to us as children or as cohorts that our action in a certain area is surprising to them.

6:5 Jesus does his best there. He heals and continues to speak.

6:6 He went throughout the country but people just could not accept Him as the Son of God; they were too familiar with Him as they had known him before.

6:7 The disciples had received much instruction from Jesus as this point in time and because of their belief, Jesus entrusted and gifted them with the ability to help Him bring and lead people to God.

6:8-9 Jesus sent them out to the people with nothing extra. God brings His children toward Him without luring them with money or fancy clothes... or anything. God knows that His love is enough to comfort us.

God also wants us to know that when we go out in our journeys, all we need to be ready, prepared and successful is Him.

This will also allow the disciples to discern who sincerely wants to help and receive them into their homes. God wants us to express our true selves -- will we help someone who is kind and honest but who has nothing for us to benefit from? Going out and relying on the goodwill of people was something that had to be done with a lot of bravery... with a lot of faith.

People who did not have a kind heart would reject them and people who did would welcome them.

Moreover, the word "bag" is translated from the word "scrip" which was often used to collect money from people. God does not collect money -- He did not want Jesus' disciples collected from people. He wanted them to heal and teach.

6:10 Jesus wanted them to fully commit to the places they entered. When travelling during this time, there was often ceremony for guests and Jesus did not want any time wasted on ceremony. He wanted the disciples to find lodging and then get to work. 

6:11 Jesus told them that whoever rejects the word of God, taught by the disciples, was to be left alone. God does not want us forcing His word onto people. God wants each individual to make the decision to hear and learn for themselves.

Shake off the dust under your feet -- God wants us to continue being progressive. When someone rejects us, He wishes for us to continue on in helping others. 

6:12 So the disciples went out and taught that if people would be authentically fair and kind in how they lived their lives, they could work on their relationship with God and truly benefit. 

6:13 The disciples began to do great work with the ability and wisdom God rewarded them with.

6:14 Jesus is gaining popularity at this point. King Herod, who is terrified of losing his own control and power, worries that John the Baptist is still alive.

6:15 There are a lot of rumors going around about who Jesus is.

6:16 Herod is paranoid because he feels guilt and shame because he is responsible for John the Baptist's death.

6:17 We learned this in Matthew. Herod ordered John the Baptist to be killed.

6:18 John had given Herod a bit of good advice and instead of listening, Herod had him killed.

6:19 The woman John was involved with was indignant and ordered Herod to have John killed.

6:20 Herod believed in John's message and he had nothing against John...

6:21-25 But Herod himself was a weak and desirous man.Herod but his desires before his good logic and decision making. He promised to kill John the Baptist to please the girl.

6:26-28 Herod did not want to kill John but he did because Herod had no control over his desires and he had no strength or faith in God.

6:29 The disciples took care of John after his Earthly "death". Remember John went to be with God. Still, the disciples respected the body (vessel) which carried John in his time here.

6:30 The disciples had been getting so busy doing work for God! They reassembled with Jesus and spoke excitedly to Him about all that they had been able to do because of His teaching and God's guidance. They put their whole minds and bodies into the task.

6:31 Jesus gave them time to rest and strengthen themselves. We must also remember that God loves all of His children, including those who are serving His other children. He wants us to take care of ourselves. He wants us to take time to contemplate, to talk to Him, to rest our bodies. He wants us to be in good mental and physical health.

6:32 The disciples listened to Jesus' advice.

6:33 At this point it was very difficult to find solitude because Jesus was so popular. People constantly wanted to be with Him, learning from Him.

6:34 This is one of the most amazing, instructive verses of the Bible:

1) Jesus was moved with compassion for them. Jesus was so in love, so nurturing toward God's children. Jesus had so much compassion that it moved Him, emotionally. His love is so strong. We should love others so much that it inspires us to ACT, so much that our breath is taken away for a moment.

2)  Because they were like sheep with no shepherd. These people, and the people today are so lost. The world is difficult and because of that, our emotions are so tumultuous. We need guidance and love. Jesus' whole life was dedicated to helping YOU, ME, US, THE WORLD find guidance and love. His teaching created a path for us to get there. He became our shepherd.

6:35 As the evening progressed, the disciples thought they should send everyone home to eat. They were in a deserted place, there was no food, no shelter. There's going to be a great message in this.

6:36 The disciples want to send everyone home to go find and purchase their own bread, their own sustenance.

Let's pause here momentarily to uncover the metaphor: The disciples in a way refer to the Earth and our time here. They want everyone to go take cover in their houses and to search for/ purchase their own food -- in other words, the disciples are not thinking spiritually. We get our shelter and our sustenance from God. We do not depart from God to find it... we stay with Him, in His word.

6:37 No, Jesus says. You must feed them. In other words, the students of God must spread the message. Students of God must become teachers of God.

6:38 How much do you have to give, Jesus asks them. They are still not thinking spiritually. We have an abundance to give when we love and trust and learned from God. The disciples count their bread and fish and find that they do not have enough. This does not concern Jesus, let's find out why.

6:39 Jesus begins His plan to feed all of these people.

6:40 Everyone sat down, and we find out that there were A LOT of people. The ratio between disciples and hungry people was disparate. There were more people than they thought they could handle.

6:41 Jesus spoke to God. Jesus looked up to heaven -- He acknowledged our father and therefore received this blessing of being able to feed so many.

Metaphorically, the disciples were likely communicating their concerns with Jesus. They probably did not feel capable enough to teach so many. It's a huge, seemingly impossible task. We have so few true teachers in the world and so many, many people who need and crave to be taught. Jesus is teaching us here that if we have faith, trust and love for God we will receive everything we need to accomplish this. It's so important that we remember.

6:42 Everyone was filled. God has enough love and wisdom to fill each of His children. God can pour so much love into us if we ask for it, if we believe in it, if we trust in it. We can be so consumed by His strength and protection.

6:43 Everyone was filled and there was more leftover. God takes the impossible and makes it possible for us. God has more love for us than we even think we need. There is enough, more than enough for everyone. God is abundance.

6:44 All of these men, not even included in the number: women and children, were fed. All of these people received Jesus' message and were so filled with God's love and guidance. When we believe, when we work hard and have faith, we can do everything and anything with God.

God did not feed everyone and run out... no, God has enough love, enough wisdom for everyone who wants it. No matter how many more people show up to learn and love, He can and will take care of them.

6:45 Now that they people were taken care of, Jesus gets back on the move.

6:46 Jesus made time to go a speak with and to God. Always set aside this time with God -- it will heal you and correct your direction. Tell God what's going on inside of you, inside of your world because He cares and He can help you. He awaits your voice in His ear. Jesus was always focused and strong because He kept God in the center of His heart.

6:47 The disciples are on the boat. Jesus is on land praying to God.

6:48 The disciples were caught in a storm -- likely a metaphor testing their faith during adversity. Jesus could see them struggling.

6:49 Jesus made His way toward them, by walking on the sea. I know for some people, these ideas are difficult to grasp. If it is, always think metaphorically because these verses are meant to teach a message. God can get to us. There is no obstacle God cannot cross. Jesus is not limited by anything because He has complete love and faith in God.

The disciples themselves were in awe. They could not believe their eyes. They were still developing their faith and we get to benefit from the lessons they taught us. Never forget that God is always with you. Never think that God cannot reach or hear you. He is always vigilant and watching over you.

6:50 Do not be afraid. God is here with you. Do not let fear stunt you --- you are strong in and with God.

6:51 Jesus stopped the storm. God stops the storms in our lives and He also helps us through them. He gives us the perseverance and the wisdom to untangle ourselves from trouble. There is so much to learn from Him in this book. When you speak directly to Him, you learn even more.

6:52 The disciples had missed the message, the metaphor about the bread and feeding. They did not realize or believe yet that God could save them, protect them, love them through all trouble. Their hearts were not open spiritually yet. They will get there! You will get there. God provides. God protects. Learn from His metaphors, they will guide you through life.

6:53 The crossed the water and again reached another place.

5:54 Everyone knew who Jesus was at this point.

5:55 People brought their ailing friends and family to Jesus. There are a lot of ailments in life, we struggle with physical, emotional and mental troubles. God can heal them all. God can brings us up out of anything and everything. People had faith and worked to seek Jesus to be healed. We must work to seek Jesus to be healed as well. Our work and our seeking reveals to God that we truly love and trust Him.

5:56 As many as touched Him were made well. Whoever seeks God is helped and loved. God loves every single soul, so, so much. If we reach out to Him, He grasps our hand firmly and eternally.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

NT: The Book of Mark, Chapter 5

Mark 5:1-43

5:1 Jesus and the disciples continue to move throughout the populations of people. Jesus is giving and compassionate and He wants to share His message and His abilities with as many as He can. Let's take a bit of time to remember why Jesus is so passionate and purposeful (not even wasting a minute of time!):

Having Jesus' message is especially important to our individual lives because it helps us to get through the difficult aspects of our lives. Jesus gives us reason to be strong, direction with which to walk, and companionship as we make our way through life. He provides the opportunity to forgive, love and mature ourselves as well as others. 

Without purpose, humans get themselves into a lot of trouble. People who have no love for themselves and no purpose for their own lives often become inclined to negatively taint others -- they are impatient, frustrated, angry, vengeful, desperate, selfish. Our souls and bodies were made to be productive in compassion and when we do not feed that innate thirst, our entire systems become lost and confused.

Jesus came to save you every day, not just at the end of your life here. He saves you from yourself and from others who might hurt you. This message was so needed in the world. This message is so needed in the world today. There is so much we have on our shoulders: global violence, disrupt and displacement are at the forefront of our minds every day. We have national, regional and local troubles as well. When we listen to what Jesus said, without even ascribing a religion to His words, we can find a path on which to walk. Jesus' path teaches us to feed and satisfy our souls by discarding negativity in our own lives (that which we produce and receive) and bringing positivity to others' lives. 

We must secure the abundance of love and good in the world. 

Throughout history, certain humans have committed unspeakable tragedies against each other, against animals and the Earth as well. Jesus came here, He saw and experienced what happens here. Jesus knows what happens when God gives the gift of freedom. And because He knows so well and uniquely what life is like on Earth, He truly provides us the love and courage to persevere. 

Do not be afraid of anyone or anything. I am going to refer you to Matthew 28:20. Feel the love and power of your Father, your Universe, your beautiful, compassionate God as He, through Jesus, expresses His permanence in your life. 

We need courage in today's world and God gives it to us abundantly when we find truth in Him. Always remember that when we leave our place on Earth, we reappear immediately in and with God. And so do our loved ones. Nobody can take your Heaven away from you. 2 Corinthians 5:8

We must remember the magnitude of the reasoning behind Jesus' time here. Each verse specifically applies to our lives. It reads like a beautiful story but we must not forget it is our beautiful reality. We will continue with this in mind: Jesus came so that right now, today, in this moment, you would be able to feel God's love and to be courageous in facing the next day, the next moment. Luke 12:7 Jesus try to explain to us how emphatically God loves us. God loves us beyond our imagine -- He knows every minute detail about us. We are His children. You are His child -- your life, your journey is on His mind right now... you have His attention.

Our return to Mark, Chapter 5:

5:2 Jesus meets a man who is suffering what I believe is a mental illness. We do not understand much about mental illnesses even today but back in these days, a person with a mental illness was completely misunderstood. God can heal any and all of our ailments: physical, physiological, mental, emotion. God restores us in so many ways. In heaven especially, God ensures that no ailments or troubles even exist. 

5:3-5 This particular man had lost control over his own mind and body. He could have been delirious with fever, infection or a myriad of other things but the point is that he could not stop or save himself and no other person could help or save him either... 

I always like to think of verses metaphorically as well: without God we are delirious. So many forget their purpose and their direction and even spiral into addictions or greed, crime, hatred... some people in the world are so far gone that they cannot be healed or even contained by other humans (hate groups and organizations for example). It takes the Hand of God to restore peace and stability.

5:6 Here we see that this man wanted help. He wanted help and he recognized and trusted Jesus to help Him. Do you recognize Jesus? Do you know what He stands for and why? Do you trust God? Do you truly trust God to rescue you from all situations? This man did. 

By recognizing God, we express to Him that we have spent time trying to be produce and compassionate. By recognizing God, we express that we have communicated and worked with Him. God helps us in our lives when we allow Him to. You cannot communicate with something/one you do not believe in. If you don't feel God in your life... it is not because He isn't listen... it's because you aren't speaking to Him.

5:7 This verse teaches us that Jesus and God are a formidable opponent against evil and ailment. We also learn that this man is humble. This man loves God so much that he does not feel worthy of the perfect, pure, strong love of God. This is something that is familiar to children of God: often we feel so tiny in comparison to how big and unimaginably wonderful God is. 

But God loves us. He loves us despite our vulnerability and our mistakes. He compensates for our tininess. If you love God and what He stands for, you never have to be ashamed of your mistakes because God is supportive and understanding. God knows when we are sincere in trying to be and do better.

Good and evil recognizes God, the Highest... the Universe. Each are aware of God's superiority and neither are haughty enough to believe they have a chance against Him.

5:8 Let's layer onto this another metaphor: that which Satan stands for and represents (delirium, hate, confusion, violence...) is muted by God, and in this verse, by God through Jesus. There are some things humans have difficulty eliminating, sometimes evil is so prevalent... but there is no task God cannot handle. With ease, God eliminates evil.

5:9 Jesus wants to continue this metaphor for our benefit. He wants evil/ailment to name itself so that you will recognize it. Evil and ailment will at times throughout history appear to be multitudinous. An evil person or group might claim or boast to be broad and powerful to induce fear. Jesus is not afraid of any number of people, evil or ailment.

5:10 Evil wants to stay in the world. Some people continuously make the decision to foster and promote evil. It does not want to be sent away -- as with an selfish entity. These things are begging Jesus (even though they go against Him they recognize His power) to let them continue to live.

5:11 There are a bunch of pigs around while this is taking place... let's find out why.

5:12 We can learn from this that evil and greed are so desperate to BE that they will take any opportunity they can get. Evil and greed are even willing to jump into and corrupt the innocent and unsuspecting (which is what these pigs represent).

5:13 To prove a point, Jesus allows their request. The swine immediately choose "death" over living on Earth under the corruption of evil. We also should choose to return to our Father when the alternative is selling our souls to evil. So, even these animals (beloved by God... as we all are) are wise enough to reject this corruption. It's a lesson for us to realize that Satan will try to taint and control anyone and thing he can. We have to be watchful of the world and of ourselves so that he fails.

5:14 The people who were caring for the pigs were caught in the middle. All of this unfolded around them and they have no idea what was going on. Likely, these people were middle-men, neither supporters of Jesus or of Satan (and their ideologies respectively) And because of this...

5:15 They returned to their land and saw Jesus with the healed men and were awestruck... and a bit fearful because they did not understand. They had no ears to hear. They missed the lesson.

5:16 The people around talk about and gossip about what took place.

5:17 They asked Jesus to leave -- they did not understand. God does not force Himself on anyone.

5:18 Jesus adhered to their request and began to leave. The man He had healed wanted to join Him.

5:19 Jesus is brilliant and wise beyond anything we can understand. Jesus needed the healed man to stay and teach those who were afraid. Jesus wants to bring truth and comfort to everyone. This man became crucial to Jesus' plan. God will not leave anyone in the dark... He will always provide an outlet for truth. This man needed to stay in order to fix the fear of the people... they needed to understand (and this man's account would help to teach them over time).

5:20 We get confirmation that the man (WITH God and Jesus) was successful in leading others to the truth. Marvelous indeed.

5:21 Jesus continues moving and the crowds stay with Him... their love and awe for Jesus was not diminished.

5:22-23 Jairus loves Jesus and believes that Jesus can and will heal his daughter. Do not read over that: this man believes. His faith is strong and therefore he is readily able to communicate with God and receive His blessings.

5:24 Jesus followed him and the multitude followed Jesus. Jesus follows us when we follow Him.

5:25 During his travels with Jairus toward the daughter, a woman with an affliction comes to be with and near Jesus.

5:26 This woman was very ill -- she had multiple ailments that the people around her could not cure.

5:27 This woman touched Jesus. We need to think of this more deeply: this woman reached out to Jesus. This woman sought Jesus because she had solid faith in Him. When we actively SEEK God and develop our SOLID FAITH, He cures and cleans our soul.

5:28 She believed. If only, she is saying, I reach out to Him... I have faith that I will be healed. When you reach out to Him with faith you are also healed (through the process of development of faith and understanding.)

5:29 She is healed... IMMEDIATELY. There are no games or gimmicks... When God does something, when Jesus does something... it is immediate and effective.

5:30 Jesus is aware of all things, He can feel when a person accepts some of the love He is offering. He wants this woman to make herself known so that others can learn from her faith.

5:31 The disciples have no idea what is going on. They try to remind Jesus that there are tons(!) of people around Him and that it could have been anyone. Wrong! God is particularly, acutely aware of each of us. We are not a sea of faces to God... we are individuals and He sees each of us as unique.

5:32 Jesus will not continue without speaking with this woman -- because He loves her and He does not want her to fear. She has done a blessed thing with her faith in action.

5:33 The woman is truthful and brave. In the presence of Jesus Himself, she is humbled.

Perhaps this woman was thinking that someone so powerful as Jesus might be conceited or demanding but Jesus is selfless and demands nothing of us. Jesus wants and loves to have us LOVE Him back. He loves when return the love He freely gives to us. That is what is amazing about our God -- He is humble and selfless. God is all-powerful but does not use His power against anything but the evil.

5:34 Jesus highlights the power of Faith, wishes her well and solidifies her healing. Jesus gives freely and happily. It warms His heart to help and heal and He wants to teach us that our Faith awards us those things.

5:35 A man comes and harasses Jairus. This man tells Jairus that he is wasting Jesus' time... that the daughter is dead. This man has no idea of the power of God. He believes that once a person dies... they are gone forever. We know that is not true and Jesus will teach us that lesson again:

5:36 Do not be afraid, Jesus teaches us... believe in God, believe in life.

5:37 Jesus reduces the crowd so that He can help Jairus and the daughter.

5:38 Jesus enters the house and everyone there is sad and depressed at the loss of the daughter.

5:39 Jesus is confused as to why everyone is so upset -- Jesus knows that there is no death. Jesus knows that we are with God always. When our bodies are inanimate, they are sleeping because our souls come alive elsewhere (with God).

5:40 These people did not understand or believe in God so they thought He was crazy... not so! Let's see why. Jesus takes the mother and father of the daughter into the private space where the child is.

5:41 Jesus calls this little girl by name, because God knows every human intimately (by earthly name and spiritual spirit) and has her arise into her body.

5:42 This little her awakens in her body and walks as though having no ailment whatsoever. This is God. God is health and life.

5:43 Jesus is not sure if everyone is ready for this lesson -- if they hear gossip about it, they especially will not believe because it is such a miracle. Jesus put this little girl's spirit back into her body. God can do amazing things with our faith.

Metaphorically: God can do anything. God can heal us from anything. No matter how far gone we think we or someone else is, God can bring us home. God can awaken us when we speak with Him. We are with Him in heaven and Earth. There is no death when you love God.

Monday, November 9, 2015

NT: The Book of Mark, Chapter 4

Mark 4:1-41

4:1 Jesus was energetic and productive in bringing the Word of God to all of these students thirsting for truth and guidance. He had such a following that there was no space even for Himself to stand on land with them.

4:2 Jesus taught through parables: parables are an effective and unique method of teaching because they take a difficult concept and relate it to a familiar one. They tell an instructive story full of wisdom that is easily understood.

4:3 We begin the Parable of the Sower: think if a sower as a gardener or someone who plants seeds.

4:4 These seeds fell to the side and were eaten by the birds. We can think of these seeds as people who never worked to have a stance or opinion about anything. These people bump along through life choosing not to think deeply and are therefore often lead in the wrong directions and confused by crooked ideas because of their inaction. These people are wishy-washy. You want to develop a set of beliefs for yourself and adhere to them. A strong person is a person who observes their world and identifies what it right and wrong in it.

4:5-6 Some seeds fell on the stone and therefore had no strong foundation; the roots had no access to the water and nutrients and withered away at the first challenge.We can think of these people as the stubborn and perhaps selfish. This types of person is too self-centered to get involved in being compassionate or doing good work. They are too lazy to really establish themselves. Their souls remain vapid because they choose not to put in any work. The first sign of a challenge in life they get angry and frustrated and they fail because they never planned or worked to build a solid foundation of the faith which carries us through difficulty.

4:7 These seeds are the people are like hypocrites: the hear the word of God but do not follow it. They allow their greed, selfishness and/or impatience to derail them. At the first sign of trouble, they abandon their faith. Some seeds fell on the thorns and were strangled by them before they could produce. We can think of thorns like these distractions: money, wealth, greed, rampant consumerism...

4:8 Other seed fell on good ground, grew a strong plant and many new seeds.These are the people God recognizes. These people worked their whole lives in service of bringing light to others. These people are selfless and humble. These people established a strong, deep foundation with God (our water and nourishment) and are therefore strong and able to withstand any amount of difficulty. These people have been fed wisdom and perseverance by God. These people helped others during their lives. Their actions and their wisdom healed and guided many more into God's house. These are the seeds which grew into strong plants and brought forth even more good in the world.

4:9 Those of you who open yourselves up to wisdom (that is: those of you who work to be compassionate and wise, and who communicate and work with God) hear the word of God... accept your blessed responsibility and do good work in God's name.

4:10 The disciples had a few questions for Jesus regarding the statement: He who has ears to hear, let him hear!

4:11 Jesus is explaining that the people who can both handle the guidance from God and also spread it to others, are given the ability to interpret God's lessons. Why? Because they will not let the beautiful messages from God waste away. These people accept the God-given responsibility that if you understand you must act and devote yourselves to bringing forth the truth of the Word through your actions.

4:12 Some people do not understand the messages in God's book because they might not be able to handle the responsibility that comes with understanding. Once God teaches you the right way... you can no longer make an innocent mistake. You know right from wrong. So, God protects the people who could not handle the responsibility by sort of having them on the outskirts of the true message. We are all so loved by God. God wants us to be aware of the fact that once we know the truth, we always have to stand by it no matter how difficult a situation might be. 

Think of it this way: Let's say there is a red button and people press the red button all the time. But half of the people learn that, once pressed, the red button hurts something. The other half of the people continue not knowing what the red button's function is. The people who learn the truth about the red button and held accountable for pressing it after they know it's a bad thing. But the people who remain unaware of the red button's function cannot really be in much trouble for pressing it.

Now, we all have at least a little sense of right and wrong. But as you delve into God's word, you delve deeper into a responsibility to be selfless, courageous and hardworking in all things. You have a greater responsibility to be humble, compassionate, selfless at all times and in all situations. People who love God and search His word (and indeed find the deeper meaning) love to accept their deeper responsibility -- but they must also accept that a lot more is expected of them.

God wants us to completely devote ourselves to others who need Him. It's a spectrum: we live very selfish lives as human beings sometimes and protect our own wealth, desires, needs and our own safety but a child of God must sacrifice things in their own life to bring comfort to another's life. And if we are strong and brave enough, that sacrifice means devoting everything to others without thinking of ourselves. 

Many of us are good people but are not quite faithful enough to trust God to protect us so much that we let go of our grip on our own concern for ourselves. You can accept as much responsibility from God as you want, and He will uncover for you many truths -- but remember that once you've got it, you own it. 

4:13 Jesus wants the disciples to use their discernment to uncover the symbols in the parables. He's teaching them now to pull meaning out of their observations and experiences. You also will benefit from learning this skill.

4:14 The sower sows the word: The person spreads, lives and teaches the word of God.

4:15 The people from verse 4:4 are easily corrupted because they never took control over their own thought.

4:16-17 These people have not developed their faith. Instead, they have forgotten God and have not followed His guidance. When difficulty comes into their lives, they cannot handle it.

4:18-19 These are the people who behave with cruelty or greed. They produce nothing and they also ruin themselves because they are focused on money, wealth and material.

4:20 These are the people who hear the word of God, find comfort and truth in it, accept it, and then create opportunities for comfort and truth for others.

4:21 You are God's light. With God, you can brighten so many lives with and throughout your life. God wants you to live and act with compassion and productivity... do not hide your capabilities. Lamps are bought to bring light... God has you here on Earth to bring light.

4:22 God shares the truth with everyone who will hear it. God has no secrets and no exclusive club -- all of His wisdom and all of His love is given to everyone. God has no secrets, no secret stash for certain people.

4:23 If you are able to delve into this message, delve in and live it.

4:24 Here Jesus speaks of the responsibility we spoke of in 4:11 and 4:12. You set the bar of responsibility for yourself. The more you ask God to give and teach you, the more He will ask you to give to and teach to others. God will equip you with courage, wisdom, patience, strength... because with those tools, you can spread those gifts to others. God shares, He does not keep anything bottled up. Therefore we must also share what we have been given in equal measure.

4:25 When you develop your faith, you will receive a lot of responsibility. And this responsibility is something a child of God welcomes. We want to help God and we want to reciprocate the kindness that has been given to us. Likewise, to people who give nothing to others or take from others... they also will lose a lot.

4:26 We begin the Parable of the Growing Seed: God places us all throughout the Earth and gives us the opportunity to become who we choose to be.

4:27 God gives us complete freedom. God is not controlling; He wants us to be kind and compassionate but gave us the space to choose. He does not tell us how to behave.

4:28 Our lives on Earth create constant and unique opportunities for us to grow, mature and evolve and become our true selves. (Our social experiences, our familial relationships, our careers,...)

4:29 But after we are given our chance to live and create who we truly are, God comes and evaluates us. God takes the good plants (the kind humans) and brings them into His house but the bad plants (the evil humans) He does not bother with.

4:30 We begin the Parable of the Mustard Seed: Jesus creates an idea for us the magnitude of the Kingdom of God.

4:31 We know that God loves the meek. God loves to strengthen the humble and quiet. Therefore, Jesus teaches us that those who are considered small or unimportant to human society are grand and unique to God.

4:32 When God puts us on the Earth, we start out with a blank slate: we aren't big or grand. But when we have the word of God in us, we develop into wise, perceptive and courageous soldiers of God's word. We lead and comfort those around us and become purposeful and integral to God's family.

4:33-34 This is a reiteration of the importance of parables of the frequent use of them by Jesus. Jesus taught in a way that could be understood at several different levels. To some, a parable is a story which teaches a life lesson. To others, a parable is a story which teaches a life purpose. We all understood and interpret stories and the world in different ways and God loves each of us equally no matter which level we digest His word.

Parables gives Jesus the opportunity to teach many people at once... many different things.

4:35 Jesus teaches and then removes focused and purposeful. He has a new lesson planned: He wants to cross a body of water in a boat.

4:36 So Jesus and the disciples got into the boat.

4:37 A strong storm started over the water and tossed the boat quite a bit, so much that water started to fill the boat.

4:38 Jesus was taking a nap: let's dissect this a bit. Jesus was sleeping during a storm: How? Well, Jesus completely trusts God and He knows that He has God's protection and that His life runs in accordance with God's plan. Jesus knows and accepts that when God's plan for Him is over, He will return to God. Jesus does not fear death (because He knows it does not exist for children of God) and He also does not worry over what He knows is God's plan unfolding.

Another lesson: Jesus is sleeping and it is a symbol for the time on Earth when Jesus would not be visible and tangible to humanity. Although He appears to be sleeping, He is HERE and is as vigilant and compassionate as He ever was. Jesus wants to know: are you going to worry and stress and lose your faith when it appears that He is sleeping? Or will you have faith in Him and in God. Because They love you and They have faith in you and They never abandon you.

The disciples immediately worry and even "freak out." They are frantic! They're scared to die even though they have JESUS Himself on the boat with them and even though Jesus has taught them that there is no such thing as death.

There are metaphorical strong storms in our lives, too. Do not think that Jesus is unaware or uncaring. God is with you.

4:39 Jesus commanding the storm to end. God can do this, too. There is nothing that does not bend to God's will. We go through storms to learn lessons and sometimes we go through them because we've made poor choices or because evil people also have the freedom to make choices. God wants to learn the true hearts of all of us... unfortunately some people's true hearts are bad. But no heart, not even a powerful bad one, can contend with God. When He says stop... it's over.

4:40 Jesus is saddened by their lack of faith. Make Him proud with your STRONG, grateful faith.

4:41 Interestingly, this word "feared" as it is in this verse and in the other places in the Bible has two meanings: fear and revere.

So, if you're a compassionate, faithful, honest person: you can read the word as revere.
If you're a cruel, faithless, deceptive person: you can read the word as fear.

Because a good person should revere God for all that He stands for and does for us. And a bad person should fear God because of all the harm they have caused His children.

The disciples certainly revered Jesus and God. They will dedicate their entire lives, minds and bodies to bringing His word to the rest of the world.

Jesus commanded nature in their presence... so of course they were in awe. Wouldn't you be? God is miraculous!

NT: The Book of Mark, Chapter 3

Mark 3:1-35

3:1-2 The Pharisees are consumed by rules and not wisdom. Be careful not to listen to anyone who clouds the beautiful word and comfort of God with man-made rules and confusion. God is there for us everyday of the week; He heals us whenever we are ready to be healed.

3:3 Jesus is reminding them that rules do not dictate when not to do good works. The Pharisees kept quiet because of course God will, on any day, allow good work and saving of lives.

3:4-5 This really affected Jesus. He perceived their spirits to be hard of heart. They had no compassion. Instead of delighting in the fact that this man could be healed, they looked for a way to prevent it. Do not become entangled with rigid, religious rules. God wants you to love people and to help them whenever you are able. 

3:6 We already know from studying Matthew that the Pharisees will not stop harassing Jesus until they put Him on the cross. They have no wisdom and no compassion: the choose not to see truth and justice.

3:7-8 Jesus gathered so many. Yes, He healed physical ailments but His presence uplifted them and His free, selfless message held them firmly. 

3:9-10 Jesus was so popular that He was actually in danger of being crushed (with love) by the crowd. He needed a place to teach His disciples safely because after He left, He needed the teaching to continue throughout the world and the generations of people to come.

3:11 Jesus muted and eliminated so many of people's illness, addictions and challenges (mentally and physically. We learn that any evil up against God is fearful because it recognizes that God is the true and all powerful God -- that our God is loving and compassionate.

3:12 Jesus maintains that He wishes not to make Himself a celebrity. Jesus is humble and hard-working, He wants to reach as many people as possible and He knows that He must protect His relative anonymity to do that.

3:13 Jesus called the 12 chosen disciples up with Him because they had a lot of learning to do and He wanted them to have a quiet, private place to do that learning.

3:14 Jesus wanted them to

  • Be with Him: Believe in and follow the compassionate instruction of God.
  • Go out and teach that compassionate instruction to others. Jesus' plan was not to dote on 12 people alone but on the whole world as well! He created a plan to stretch across the world. He created a team, a family... one which you also are a part of if you choose to be.

3:15 Jesus is going to enable them to do the seemingly impossible. God is capable of unimaginable greatness and He spreads those capabilities to those who can handle them selflessly.

3:16-19 We are given the names of the disciples.

3:20-21 So many people encircled Jesus that there was barely any space. The disciples went down to help Him out of the tangle because their excitement was nearly suffocating Him. We get a great idea of how popular Jesus was.

3:22 The scribes come and are still desperate to regain their power from Jesus. They are offended and annoyed that He has gathered the people they used to deceptively rule over. The scribes call Jesus a ruler of demons. Of course this makes no sense and Jesus will point this out:

3:23-24 Jesus is explaining that His good work would weaken and disassemble an evil house. Jesus is explaining that a cause can't work against itself.

Maybe this seems like common sense to you but think a bit more deeply and in relation to our own lives today: a lot of people who are judged or bullied are actually good, honest people who are doing their best. A lot of people are trying to build a good house and do not need hecklers standing around them while they do it. 

3:25 Jesus is explaining that if He were against His own ideas... He would surely fail. In other words, He cannot possible be evil because He constantly does good work against evil.

3:26 You cannot possibly work against your own cause without destroying it. 

3:27 You cannot work against your own mission. You have to eliminate the problem before you can accomplish the mission. 

3:28-30 God forgives us our mistakes. God understands that we are imperfect and that we learn through experience. He is always merciful and compassionate with us. However, the person who learns of and knows of God and chooses to reject Him... that person is eliminated. God stands for truth, love and compassion and so He will not allow anyone to stick around and tarnish truth with falsity, love with hate or compassion with selfishness. The person who chooses evil is not making a mistake, they are making a choice... and the wrong one.

3:31 Jesus is called to by His kin... but there is a strong message following.

3:32 The multitude points out Jesus' family to Him (and thereby forget to realize that they are Jesus' family too).

3:33-35 Jesus wants us to know that we are a part of His family. He wants us to accept our place in it and find our love and comfort. Whoever does the will of God is a children of God and an integral part of God's family. We are loved and interconnected in God's spirit. 

Saturday, November 7, 2015

NT: The Book of Mark, Chapter 2

Mark 2:1-28

2:1-2 Mark observes (for us because we did not get to experience it for ourselves) that Jesus' message swept through multitudes of people. People swarmed the area. Jesus had time for all of them. He spoke to them with love and guidance and became their direction, their destination.

2:3-4 Four men bring a man suffering from paralysis to Jesus. Do not overlook this statement. These men carried him to Jesus and their arduous efforts revealed their face in Jesus, and also their compassion for the man.

The crowd was so large that they could not even get near to Jesus but their faith was so strong that they did not give up on Him or turn away... they sought Him.

Let's examine this as a metaphor: Today, we must also seek God and Jesus. We can't give up when something is not easy or tangible to our fingers. We have to put in effort to develop our faith. And true, solid faith reaps so much love.

2:5 Jesus saw their faith but remember that faith is also defined by our actions. Jesus noticed that these men were compassionate and caring for this helpless man.

And what does Jesus mean when He forgives our sins? Jesus means to tell us that we do not have to let our mistakes define who we are. Jesus lets us know that God completely wipes our errors off the board once we learn from them and work to do and be better. Jesus is freeing us from ourselves. He wants us to be confident and brave and to have a healthy amount of self worth... by forgiving our sins He reminds us that we can change and that we can be whoever we want to. We are not tied to our mistakes if we bind ourselves to God.

2:6-7 By now, we are quite familiar with these folk: the religious and state leaders. Instead of listening to Jesus and fairly analyzing His message, they immediately seek to derail Him.

They ask: Who is allowed to forgive sins but God alone? If they were being fair and thoughtful, they might have realized that Jesus had come through God (with His blessing, with His guidance, with His help). 

2:8 Jesus knew what His adversaries were thinking about and talking about. He had a lesson for them, too:

2:9 Jesus gives them a bit of evidence... He asks them, do you doubt I am God because it's easier to "say" sins are forgiven rather than display a sign of power? Jesus gives them a sign of power:

2:10 Before Jesus heals this man, He informs everyone that He does in fact have the authority to forgive sins. Jesus wants us to know this message: 1) the most important gift from God is the gift of spiritual strength and to have that spiritual strength, He gives you forgiveness and a fresh start. 2) after we have healed our souls and become strong, He will heal our bodies. 

2:11 Jesus heals the man right through His speech.

2:12 The man arises and walks. God can heal you, too. It's fascinating to feel God's presence transform your life. God gives us the courage, the strength, the wisdom and the opportunity to battle your adversaries and our challenges - but you have to trust Him and give Him permission to do so. If you reject or neglect Him, He stays quiet in your life because you have asked Him to (whether you realize it or not).

People were amazed and glorified God. Look around our beautiful, natural world...even beyond the skies into the universe. It is amazing. God is amazing. Glorify Him for the everyday miracles humanity often overlooks: our complex physiology, the pull of the ocean by the moon, the vitamins which nourish us from a sun whose distance from us we can barely even conceive! 

2:13 Everywhere Jesus went He taught. Jesus never took a break. He was motivated, directed and inspired by God at all times. People were transformed by His message and they loved to learn and be with Him.

2:14 Levi joins the disciples, follows Jesus. 

2:15 Jesus dined with tax collectors and sinners. We can assume by the coming verse that these men were all corrupt in their lives and/or professions. The disciples were gathered there as well. 

2:16 The scribes and the Pharisees scoffed at Jesus for sitting with these imperfect people - and this inspires Jesus to teach one of the most important lessons in the Bible:

2:17 Let's dissect this as a metaphor: The people who needed Jesus were not the people who already loved and believed in God... because they already had His guidance and comfort. The people who needed to dine and learn from Jesus were the people who need direction, guidance and comfort. God extends the invitation to His house to everyone. God has no exclusive list. God denies nobody. Instead, God lets us decide if we want to come in and if we make the effort to get to the door.

By dining with sinners, Jesus was uncovering a path for them they might not have seen. Jesus was giving them a chance to improve their lives, to find purpose and compassion. Jesus invited them to His home where everyone is loved equally, despite the mistakes they have made in their lives.

There is a parable we will cover in Luke 15 which builds upon this: The Parable of the Lost Son, in which we learn that God is so overjoyed when someone turns back to Him. God loves all of His children, but it is so precious to Him when someone who veered off of His path returns to it. 

We will cover this in more depth in the Book of Luke study.

2:18 The Pharisees return to find a new reason to debase Jesus. They want to know why Jesus' disciples are not fasting. We know, because we are careful and wise students, that the disciples were quite busy with learning, living and travelling with Jesus. 

2:19 This is Jesus' answer: When a person fasts, they are fasting in quiet respect... they are devoting their thought to an entity they are not with. The disciples were with Jesus, who had come through God. They did not need to fast because they were in His presence! And because it was their moment to learn from Him and enjoy their time with Him. To show their reverence. 

2:20 Jesus continues: His time here to teach was limited. He would have to leave soon and when He had returned to God, it would then be time for the disciples to fast and meditate on their Teacher and His instruction.

2:21 It would be pointless to mend a shirt that is not torn -- it would be pointless to retreat and think and Jesus when Jesus was right there alive and teaching! Jesus came to teach the messages that would inspire us to fast in God's name. We need to know God before we proclaim our faith.

2:22 It makes no sense to waste a good, new, pure thing by pouring it in an old, broken bottle. Jesus brought a new, beautiful message and He wanted people to hear it, experience it and accept it before they ran off and fasting about something they did not even know about yet.

2:23 The disciples and Jesus did a lot of travelling. On their way through a grain-field, the disciples plucked some of the grain to eat because they were hungry.

2:24 The Pharisees watched and were eager to catch the disciples doing something wrong. God never proclaimed that it was unlawful to pluck grain on the Sabbath.

2:25 We are referred to scripture involving David in the Old Testament.

2:26 David and those who follow God are teachers of the Word through their actions and their God-given wisdom are teachers, they are priests.

2:27 Sabbath was made for man: the Sabbath was designated for humans so that they had a complete day, at least, devoted to working for God and communicating with Him. Jesus never rested and God never rests; they stay motivated. You always should remain motivated, working in the Word of God and you will receive your rest.

2:28 Jesus is the Lord of that rest: He taught us how to maintain it and how to sustain it. We work! Those of us who remain compassionate and hard-working with God find that we can handle anything. God gives us strength, courage and wisdom and we find an eternal rest in Him. People who reject God often have more difficult lives because they give up and reject the love and comfort that God gives to us.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

NT: The Book of Mark, Chapter 1

Mark 1:1-45

The Gospel according to Mark: Here we begin the second Gospel chapter of the New Testament. Each Gospel is a separate perception of Jesus' time on Earth. Mark is younger than Matthew, Luke and John and he begins his account with John the Baptist baptizing Jesus. In Matthew, we began with Jesus' birth; in Mark we skip ahead a bit. Mark was not of the 12 disciples but spent much time with them and therefore he shares with us all that he learned.

1:1-3 Mark immediately reminds us of foretold scripture. He takes us back to Isaiah of the Old Testament where Jesus' coming was prophesied. John the Baptist was predicted to come also to "the wilderness," to this place where there was no organization or logic. John the Baptist came with Jesus' message to prepare the people for Jesus' arrival.

1:4 John's purpose was to come and teach people a better way to live. His mission was to cleanse souls: people were living (as the are today) without order and purpose. John came to give them direction and he did that by giving them the instruction of God. Everything that comes from God is given for our benefit. 

1:5 John's teaching was effective (of course it was, he had God by his side!) Many people found truth and comfort in the message John was teaching and therefore they committed themselves to God.A baptism is symbolic of your decision to put your faith in God. 

While a baptism is a precious symbol of your commitment to God, it is only a symbol, it does not solidify your commitment to God. Your commitment to God is solidified by your actions during your life. 

These people gathered with John to celebrate the entity Who helped them and healed them, but always remember that your commitment to God is not established in a ceremony. Your commitment to God is established in every moment of your life.

1:6 We get a description of John here and we will take a moment to discuss it. In Luke 1:13-17 we learn that John would come in the spirit and power of Elijah. Elijah was a kind and courageous prophet from the Old Testament and so we can expect the same work from John. In 2 Kings 1:8 we deduce by the description of Elijah's clothing that he and John were similar in this way also: they ate and dressed healthily and humbly. Jesus, the disciples and the prophets were are humble, purposeful and efficient. We can certainly find meaning and instruction in that! God does not boast and He accomplishes amazing things with authentic, normal people. We are all special to God, our outward appearance does not influence Him.

1:7 Mark witnesses John the Baptist preaching of Jesus' coming. John the Baptist had an important purpose given from God but he remained humble. John the Baptist describes Jesus by highlighted the superiority of Jesus' goodness even in comparison to himself, who had done so much beautiful work in leading people to God.

Our God is not the type to boast His superiority. Jesus Himself was the edification of humility. But John the Baptist informs us that he is not worthy even of touching Jesus' shoes. That does not stop God from associating with us. God, through and with Jesus devotes Himself to us because He wants to teach us a way to save us from our fallible selves.

1:8 John is saying this: It is true that I have performed this ceremony with you but Jesus will come and teach to you the reality of what you have committed yourself to. Jesus will carry you into this Heaven and comfort I can only teach you about.

1:9 Jesus Himself was baptized by John. Jesus is humble, honest and fair and he is also a representative of our God. Jesus is not proud or arrogant. Jesus is not a hypocrite. Jesus lives the life He teaches. 

You should be this way in your life. Do not expect or demand anything from your fellow humans that you do not expect and demand of yourself. If you are in a leadership position, especially, (a boss, a mother, an older sibling) your life is the example you set for those around you. You are as valued by God as they are - you are not better than them and they are not less than you.

1:10 God is always present with Jesus. God is always present with us. 

God is often described with the symbol of the Dove: pure, gentle and innocent. 

1:11 God expresses His love and appreciation for Jesus' determination and accomplishment on Earth and in Heaven as well.

We can't exactly part the heavens but we also can show our love and appreciation.

1:12 Immediately God guides Jesus into His journey. Jesus never wastes anytime, He always remains attentive and determined. Jesus goes into the wilderness (into the wild and confusing, often order-less world). Again, Jesus experiences what we experience so that He can personally relate to our own lives.

1:13 Satan is given his chance with Jesus but Jesus rejects Him. In this verse we learn that Jesus had the opportunity to choose another way of life but He remained firm with our true Father. We also are tempted by Satan's qualities: vengeance, greed, selfishness, deception, violence. We also are given our chance to reject them.

Remember from Matthew that Satan is convincing and intelligent. He know show to twist a situation or a piece of scripture in order to confuse you.

It's important that Jesus experienced this because we learn that Jesus made a choice to love God. Just as we are given our time here to make our own choice.

The angels (God's messengers) remained with Jesus. God remains with you to. In John 14:16 we learn that God will always sent us help when we ask for it. When we ask God to help us, we receive the help. You have to believe this in order to benefit from it. Build up your faith in God and you will feel the comfort from Him especially when you most need to. But you can't feel something you do not believe in. You cannot ask for something that you don't believe exists. Communicate with God, spend time in His book and living His way and you will develop an honest relationship with Him.

1:14 John had many adversaries. The leaders of church and nation were felt their corrupt power threatened by this new message John was teaching. They wanted to stop John's message so that they could regain control over the people. Jesus got to work to protect us from these very people.

1:15 Jesus message: It is time for you to accept the Kingdom of God because it's coming. It is time for you to delve into the gospel and let it heal you.

1:16 Jesus begins to choose and assemble His disciples. By the sea of Galilee He finds Simon, Andrew, fishermen. This will be symbolic. 

1:17 "Follow Me," Jesus says, "and I will make you fishers... of men." Jesus will teach these men to gather humanity.

1:18 Immediately they followed Jesus. 

1:19-20 Jesus invites James and John and they too, immediately follow Him. 

1:21 Immediately Jesus began teaching. Do not overlook this immediacy. Jesus cares about you so much that He took no time for rest or enjoyment for Himself. Jesus has rest and enjoyment in God and in bringing us to Him.

1:22 People were astonished. Jesus came and taught a straightforward, solid, and understandable message. People were not used to this. Just like today, people are not used to hearing undiluted truth. There is so much confusion. But Jesus was firm and logical and people responded to this and opened their hearts to it. 

1:23-25 Think of "unclean spirits" as a metaphor. Jesus came to Earth to teach and heal the sick. In Mark 2:17 Jesus will teach us this message. Jesus associated with people who needed help, people who were broken or corrupt because He wanted to bring them home. So, Jesus approaches this man instead of denying Him and Jesus heals him. How does Jesus heal Him? Jesus has the power of God... Jesus' message can realign a crooked heart, His hands can heal a mental or physical illness. Jesus can turn a heart back to God because people are lead astray from the truth. True, some people choose and delight in evil but others have been misdirected. Jesus comes to re-direct us.

1:26-28 Jesus' work is immediate. Jesus had a limited amount of time to teach a lot of people. He did these things to help us and to show us that there is nothing God cannot accomplish. Nature and time all bend to God's hand. Quickly Jesus gathers a following.

1:29-31 Jesus encounters Peter's mother-in-law and heals her of her sickness. It's comforting to know that there is nothing God does not have control over. Nothing can defeat us when we are with Him. 

Jesus did thinks without create a show. Jesus was matter-of-fact. He could heal so He did. He did not boast or prolong the situation. Likewise you should do your own work with humility and motivation.

And this mother-in-law served Him. She showed her belief and her gratitude. Do not forget God, especially when He has helped you. God should be a part of your life when it's good and easy and when it's not so good and difficult. Talk to Him always -- not just when you need Him. Don't use Him or neglect all that He does for you.

1:32 Again, think of "demon-possessed" as a possible unidentified physical or mental ailment. Technology and science was not at all advanced during this time. People interpreted things with superstition. What you can get out of this is that Jesus can heal everything.

1:33 The whole city was amazed by Jesus. We get a hint of how powerfully His message swept through these places.

1:34 Jesus healed everything that was brought to Him. No evil thought, person, idea or corruption had the gumption to contend with Jesus. God wants you to know that nothing can contend with Him, evil recognizes His omniscience and omnipotence. 

1:35 Jesus kept with his productivity. He arose before everyone else so that He would have time to communicate with God. Find time in your own busy life to speak with God and watch your life transform around you. Jesus found a quiet, private place. You always have a quiet, private place: your own mind. But if you have the opportunity, you also could go out into a natural setting and feel God's peace around you while you talk to Him. 

Jesus did not sleep in that morning. Jesus had a busy day the day before (we know because we read about it) but He still woke up extremely early. He kept His priorities in line: pray/speak with God, and then get to work for humanity.

Let's also try to be so productive. We can find energy in being purposeful. Purpose is unique to our own individual lives. We all have different things to do, different jobs...etc, but whatever it is, be committed to it.

1:36-37 The disciples wake up and want to find Jesus. But they and we need to always remember that Jesus and God are always with us, even if we cannot see them or feel them. We should always be aware of their presence. 

1:38 Jesus keeps moving and keeps teaching. He does not need reminding of His purpose but He continues to remind us because it is so important to Him... and because we often forget to be purposeful.

1:39 Jesus preached, taught and saved people from that which was corrupting them. Jesus leads us through all of our troubles: addictions, failures, weaknesses, brokenness... How? I'll remind you: Jesus teaches us that we can find comfort when we remain focused on others. Our work here is support and heal those around us. We find joy and contentment in focusing our attention on the things around us that need mending and support. Jesus teaches us to wake up early, to speak with God, to get to work on our purpose. Jesus gives us the direction we need to stay focused and to stay courageous against that which tempts to confuse and distract us.

1:40-42 This is one of my favorite phrases in the Bible: Jesus was moved with compassion. Jesus' determination was fueled by His compassionate heart. Let compassion for others flood your life and you will find your purpose. All around us is a living world which needs our love and encouragement. 

This man believed in Jesus and believed that Jesus could and would heal Him and Jesus was so filled with love for this man's love and belief. Jesus was so filled with the joy of His purpose because it meant that He could save people. He cares so much about us.

Leprosy is a painful, invasive and destructive chronic bacterial infection which at the time had no cure. Jesus informs us in this verse that He has power over everything. Nature bends to His will at every level. There is nothing we cannot be saved from. 

1:43-44 Jesus does not need or want fame for what He has done. He wants this man to go back into the world as an example that living by God's instruction has so many benefits. Jesus came here to teach us to continue teaching. Jesus did not want the lesson to end with His time here. We are all living examples. Choose what you want your life to teach others and live it.

1:45 The man could not contain his excitement and for this reason Jesus lost his anonymity. Everyone sought to find Jesus and this kind of disallowed Jesus to enter wherever He wanted because crowds of people constantly encircled Him. But Jesus will readjust His plan in order to continue to reach as many as possible!