21:1-2 Jesus, through God, has a plan both in this verse and in life. Everything they foretell happens because of something and happens for something although it may not only be clear to us.
I know that for a lot of people this concept is difficult to accept and even understand -- but it's true, our experiences on Earth create who we authentically are. God allows for the repercussions of our our decisions because He gives us complete freedom. He doesn't punish us but humanity punishes itself with the selfish choices it makes. God lets the plan unfold -- right now, we are in the part of His plan where He lets us choose our own way. He doesn't choose suffering or pain or disparity... He chose to give us our freedom because he's not despotic. Humans create and allow suffering, pain and disparity not God. So, when Jesus has a plan, we listen because ultimately He has our best interest at heart (where we understand His plan in the beginning or not).
21:3 When God requests something it happens immediately. There are no barriers. He created everything and therefore everything exists only under His will.
21:4 Jesus' plan here it to fulfill scripture and for a purpose -- He has a symbol He wants to teach us for an important reason.
21:5 For scripture foretold that Jesus would come to the people on a donkey or a colt. There is a symbol in this.
21:6 The disciples went. They trusted Jesus and His plan and they were willing to work to have it come into fruition. We are lucky enough to join the mission but we must be productive and brave. Jesus did not chose procrastinators because the mission was and remains important.
21:7 Jesus mounts the donkey/colt. Here we should get into the metaphor. Jesus, during His first visit to the Earth, came and started as a baby. He grew to be a young man and teacher, healer, friend to all. By riding a small donkey, the metaphor teaches that Jesus' came in a peaceful manner, with a new message for love in life.
Jesus arriving on a donkey/colt was planned by God. He has a productive, thought-out plan for humanity which began even before we got here. Whether a person can accept this metaphor, that the colt and donkey were part of God's plan before colts or donkeys even existed, does not necessarily matter. What matters most is that you understand the metaphor.
However -- God does plan much in advance and He uses details of circumstances to prove it to us. The scripture which told of Jesus' coming on a colt was written before Jesus came.
When Jesus returns, He will not be riding the metaphorical colt/donkey because he will not be returning as a baby and He had already completed His work as a teacher. When Jesus returns, He returns as King.
In Zechariah 9:9 predates Matthew 21, in predicting Jesus' arrival.
21:8 Another wonderful, instructive metaphor! Jesus sets the direction and then allows us to help all of His children down the path toward arrival into God's protection and love. People worked to keep the path accessible. When there was a barrier they removed it. God still needs people to work this hard for His other children. There are so many ways you can help to keep the path visible. You can also be a teacher, a comforter, a guide, an example to others on how to survive and grow from the journey.
21:9 Before Jesus and after Jesus' time here, there have been people who are pure and kind of heart. We are just as important, just as loved as those who inspired Jesus' coming and those who lived during His time here. Remember, God has seen the entire plan. He wants to keep and protect all of us; we each are uniquely important to Him. No matter where we exist on the timeline, we can follow God, we can lead the way for others by being merciful and forgiving.
21:10 When people see an astonishing sight, such as Jesus and His multitudes, or a person or group of people who are kind despite having difficulty in life... they want to know how and what inspired their resilience. Proudly answer as the multitudes did in 21:11...
21:11 Jesus is the reason for this multitude of people, of love and forgiveness.
21:12 Jesus discovers that a church, which claimed to preach the beautiful and fair word of God, was instead existed in corruption. The church was swindling money out of people and neglecting to teach them anything besides greed and suffering. Understandably, Jesus was infuriated.
God is so, indescribably perturbed by people who fool and use His beloved children. He cleans them out of the way when they are discovered. You can always rest assured that God sides with YOU. If you are kind you can always expect and delight in His presence beside you. Find comfort in Him.
He turns the place upside-down so that it can no longer function. It was functioning for the wrong purpose and God puts the flame out of people and institutions that do.
21:13 Here Jesus is saying to them that they know better. They are going directly against the text and way of life they claim to preach. A house of God, a church, does not exist to take people's money. The word of God can be taught in a field, in a parking lot, on a sidewalk... anywhere, for free. To use the church as a business to trick people into spending loads of money (which is used for frivolity) is contradictory to God's word and plan.
21:14 Jesus gathered that church's victims and welcomed them into His arms. He opened their minds to the corruption and trickery they were under and they found peace and relief in Him.
This happens in churches still -- church elders build grand building and archways, windows with fancy glass and color... and this money is taken from church goers who think they are doing good. Choose God over money and grandeur. If a church collects money, it should be used strictly to help people who need it. Do not be fooled. Likewise, do not use your money on frivolous things because money becomes a god to so many. People devote their trust and love to money and they sink in the consequences.
There should never be an abundance of money, in any person's bank, if there is an abundance of suffering in the world.
And truly many of us are guilty of having more than we need, often buying things we desire when people around the world have less than even what they require to be alive.
21:15 The leaders of this church Jesus stormed into were not happy with what He had to say. They were so in love with money that they closed their ears to the message He had to say. Do not let money control you in such a way that you lose your common sense at the expense of a human life.
21:16 Jesus reminds us that innocent, young child and babies who have not yet been corrupted by the world are full of pure wisdom. It's true, children often see through corruption and deceit. Right and wrong for children is often clear. Adults confuse and make situations complex with their desires for power, wealth and fame.
He reminds the church leaders that the children who are cheering because of Jesus are cheering because they have heard the truth. They have heard a truth that makes sense.
21:17 Jesus continued on -- likely realizing how much work was to be done! And truly, there is so much to be done. Humans have created a lot of problems in the world. You can choose any place on the Earth and there will be an abundance of good the place is starving for.
With God you are never mission-less. You are never direction-less. There is always an opportunity to create happiness or opportunity for a person suffering.
21:18 Jesus is hungering to teach an important lesson. Upon waking up, He has a plan... He has a lesson to bring truth.
21:19 Jesus arrives at a tree and finds that there is no fruit. The metaphor is this: When God sees a person or organization that is not producing good, healthy produce (people), He puts an end to it. Forever.
21:20 People will marvel at God... they will wonder, "How did you eliminate evil so easily... so quickly?"
21:21 Jesus teaches us that good, honest, kind hearts will always persevere against evil - quickly and easily. When you give your trust to God nothing and no person can win against you. They might continue to try... but they fail each time because you are strong and courageous in God. You are protected by Him because you believe that He will protect you. He loves to have you on the mission, bringing others into His house because of your actions.
Jesus tells us that we have power against adversity. You can change the world, a mountain is a symbol for a nation. Your voice, coupled with God's wisdom can and will accomplish beautiful things with its impact.
21:22 This verse is so tender, so personally written to each of us. Honestly, when I read it I am so overcome by its truth, but the love existing within it. Not only are you loved by God, you were made by Him... He's your father, your kin, and when you accept your place in His family... there is nothing He will not do for you. He will cross or eliminate every mountain, every stone and pebble in your way.
God is eager to remove the fear from your life. God is eager to remove the pain in your heart. God is eager to eliminate the confusion or addiction in your mind. He wants to heal you. His purpose is love. He wants you to open yourself up to let Him pour His light into you... healing everything, in every crevice. When you call to Him, He hears you. When you ask of Him and you truly believe He is capable... when you trust Him, He will move that mountain just to see you smile. You will receive.
How beautiful and freeing is it that we have a God who gives, freely and abundantly? You will receive. God does not take anything from you except that which damages or scares you. He gives. You receive. You will receive... believe. Everyday reaffirm your trust in Him -- ask and be patient because He's working on it... specifically for you. He loves you.
21:23 Jesus reaches a new location to teach to people who are starving for truth and love. Jesus is teaching pure, kind things and yet... his adversaries arrive and question His authority. I find it particularly ironic that they were questioning the authority of the Teacher whose father... well, owns the place. And by place I mean, the Earth... and universe. Likely one is not going to have any more authority than having authority over... everything...ever. But anyway, here's another lesson. When you're doing something good and true and right, do not allow yourself to be walked over or tested by evil people. Likewise, do not taunt and tempt people who are doing their best and are teaching a good message.
21:24 Jesus uses their own logic against them to answer their question.
21:25-26 John the Baptist cleared the way for Jesus (through God). So, if the they answer that John was from men they contradict what this entire population of people believes --dangerous. Yet, if they admit John was sent from Heaven... they give Jesus credit for His authority.
21:27 Jesus (and God) does not waste His time with deception and trickery. These adversaries know the truth, they just want to twist the truth because they fear they are losing their power to Jesus. If they will not listen to the beautiful message Jesus is teaching... He really has nothing else to say to them. God will help us in anyway He can... but He instructs us and we openly reject it... He accepts that you ignore Him... and He makes it easy for you. He moves on to more important matters... saving the kind.
21:28 (The Parable of the Two Sons) A man had two sons, you can understand this to mean that God has two types of people in the world. These two types of people live and work on the Earth. By work, here we can understand that to mean work in relation to other people (i.e having compassion, being truthful, selfless, humble).
21:29 One of the children refuses to work for Him in keeping God's children safe and happy. An example of this could be someone who does not really appear to be a great character on the surface.
21:30 God asks the other child to go work on the Earth, too. This child says that he/she will. But does not. This person lies to get the favor of God, thinking they can trick him by saying the right things rather than actually doing the right things.
21:31 Jesus explains here that He welcomes people who have done bad in their lives but turned their lives and selves around. We don't begin perfect or productive but we can become productive and good and this is a process God delights to see. God is explaining that the groups of people others like to judge and exclude or scoff at, are the very groups God will welcome into His house before the deceptive, judging types.
21:32 When John the baptist came, teaching of Jesus and God's message, the people of churches did not listen. The arrogant and powerful people who claimed to be the most holy revealed themselves to be wicked and corrupt. The people who were judged by them heard and saw the truth and changed. God loves us based on who we are inside and we cannot fool Him.
Keep in mind that if others put you down or do not accept you because of something you have done, their inability to accept you despite it speaks badly of them, not of you.
Likewise, do not judge and hate others because you do not know what is in their heart; you do not know what lead them to make certain decisions that you do not agree with. In their hearts, they can be the most selfless and kind of all.
21:33 These next verses exemplify God' story with the Earth. God created the Earth and built it so that it would house and sustain its inhabitants.
21:34 Before Jesus, God sent strong, kind people in His name to teach and lead the rest of His children. He sent them to take inventory... to see how we were doing.
21:35 The teachers sent were destroyed by the inhabitants of the Earth. People refused to hear truth and killed those bringing it.
21:36 He continued to try to help and save people. He wanted to save the evil from corruption and He wanted to save the kind from the evil. The teachers kept being harassed and killed.
21:37 God brought His son to Earth, Jesus, hoping that the people of the world would accept the message directly from the source...
21:38 ...but people beat and rejected even Jesus, who healed and taught and comforted.
21:39 They killed even Jesus.
21:40 Jesus is saying... when God comes... those who beat and rejected truth and kindness, well, what do you think they can expect?
21:41 Well, they can expect to be eliminated. They can expect to lose their spots in God's heart to those who were kind and just. People who are evil do not really fear this moment because they do not love God -- they refuse to contemplate His existence or to accept it and because of this, they fool themselves into believing that they will reign forever on the Earth with their wealth, fame and power. Wrong. They will not.
This is not to say that atheists are bad, everyone has their own personal circumstance. God loves everyone and a lot of people do not have the chance or opportunity to understand Him. God forgives this... they will have their chance to see Him, in truth and to accept or reject Him like everyone else.
An atheist can have a good heart -- accept everyone, God does, if they are kind.
21:42 Jesus and God are the center of everything. Jesus, who was rejected, is our foundation.
21:43 Understand that all of God's gifts and love will be given to those who were kind and good and were trampled on by the wicked and evil-doers. The evil lose everything and the kind gain it.
21:44 Isaiah 8:14 If a person rejects the foundation of what Jesus teaches, they become victims and participants in corruption and evil. Metaphorically speaking, Jesus the solid, foundation stone will crush them to powder so that they cannot do anymore harm to anyone.
21:45 The chief priests and Pharisees accurately perceived that Jesus was talking about them -- and they were not pleased.
21:46 They would have liked to kill Jesus right then but they were to afraid to upset the many people who loved and followed Jesus.