Matthew 20:1-34
20:1 We begin a new parable in this chapter. In verse one, we can understand that God is the landowner, Earth is the vineyard and humanity are the laborers.
20:2 God has had an understanding with certain believers since early in their lives -- they agree to do His work because they love what He stands for and in return, they get His love and protection.
20:3 Time passes -- you can think of this two ways, time passes in an individual's lifetime and also time passes in humanity's lifetime. God is there throughout time creating relationships with people as generations pass and also as individuals age and mature over their lifetimes. He is always ready for us when we are ready for Him. He continues to welcome new laborers, those who missed their chance in the beginning continue to get chances as He makes himself available over and over again.
20:4 He creates and begins relationships with people -- offering them answers to their prayers in the form of love, courage and perseverance. Each laborer (servant/lover of God) has a unique agreement and understanding with Him that is promised to be fair.
20:5 He continues to come throughout our lifetime, offering all that He is to those who will accept it.
20:6 Humanity has been here for a long time -- those of us living now have been taught and have experienced the repercussions and achievements of those who have come before us. Also, as individuals some of us grow older without maturing either spiritually or generally in life. When we are listening, God asks us... "Are you ready to begin? To become passionate and beloved and purposeful?" In other words, when we spend our lives away from wisdom, we become greedy or lazy which is the symbol for "idleness" in this verse.
20:7 Some people answer God that they have never had the opportunity to be better -- either they were not taught or they did not try -- but regardless, God offers even the late-comers to join His family with the same fair deal as He made with the early-risers. Why? Because God is impartial; He loves all people equally and His is so forgiving and patient -- when we are ready to join Him, He's right there ready for you.
20:8 When it is our time to meet God, we get to bask in that relationship we made with Him --regardless of when we joined His mission. God does not pick favorite people and He considers all work done in His name valuable no matter who did it. The last to join His family is equal to the first person to join. And that is really beautiful -- we do not have to compete for God's attention or His love, it is there, abundantly for each of us. God accepts and understands that we each are on our own program.
20:9 The last received the same as the first: His Love, His Gratitude for our work, His Eternal House...
20:10 But we are not quite as perfect and fair as God is -- often we fall quite short. The parable here lets us know that some people want to be loved more than others, they want a higher prize for the same work... this is not true compassion. A lover, child and student of God wants equality for all people. A child of God exhibits honest humility -- and would never be comfortable in any kind of hierarchical position. A child of God accepts his or herself as a part of a family.
20:11 Some people are greedy -- they complain to God; they want better and more rewards. But God loves those who do His work without and despite the promise of a reward.
20:12 These people are counted their deeds and comparing them with others --which immediately taints any good that they have done. God is not keeping score. For God, compassion is immeasurable. We should be thankful that God rewards us equally and we should be as fair with others.
God knows each of our struggles. It is a wonderful moment for Him when someone who has made the wrong decisions their entire life chooses to change for the better -- those people have traveled a long and difficult journey and because of this God believes they have earned equal love from Him.
20:13 God reminds these workers in this parable that He has had a unique and beautiful relationship with them all their lives and that He has been perfectly fair with them. He was been perfectly honest -- having agreed on terms with each participants.
20:14 God reminds us to take what we have earned with gratitude and especially without complaint. He will continue to be fair and loving to all of His children.
20:15 God reminds us this too -- this universe, this world... is His. It has been created by Him. He will distribute His compassion equally as He wishes to. If a person has difficulty accepting equal portions of Love from God... that person is exhibiting a characteristic of evil: greed.
How can we relate this to today? Do not always measure your earnings against another person's. Envy and jealousy are spawned by selfishness -- be compassionate and selfless in all things. The world needs people to be giving and empathetic and fair in all things.
Sometimes it appears that we have worked longer for something than someone else and yet been given the same reward -- we need to consider that the other person might have worked a shorter amount of time, but their journey much harder. God finds the perfect balance -- He knows every detail of our lives and in that we should be so glad, so grateful.
God asks us not let our greediness question His goodness.
20:16 Remember, God puts at the forefront of His mind, those who have struggled against people and circumstances -- because they have worked hard and are compassionate. They are kind despite all of the challenges they have faced.
God tells us that He has invited and encouraged many to be a part of His mission but many succumb to their jealousy, their envy and their greed instead. Some people are so kind, selfless and compassionate that He has chosen them to be His loving-dutiful workers.
He has chosen some because even though they have worker long, hard hours in His name, they never count the time or labor of others. It is rare for a person to be so selfless and God chooses these people for great missions (with equal reward!).
20:17 Now, Jesus has a message specifically for the disciples so they go off on their own for a while.
20:18 Jesus tells them about the death and Resurrection that was coming soon.
20:19 Jesus tells them that He will be mocked and beaten and killed but that He will rise. His Resurrection will be for a purpose and He wishes to prepare them. Jesus does not set this story up with drama or fear, instead, He tells them simply and succinctly what will happen and assures them that He will not be gone.
20:20 A great and important message comes from the following verses (20-28).
20:21 A mother is requesting that her sons work with Jesus -- that they can do His work. It seems glorious to her, to be working with such a brilliant teacher who has so many followers. And it is glorious -- but not in the way many imagine... let's continue:
20:22 A lot of us have a really noble thought -- we want to be courageous and strong and purposeful. However, we forget that with courage and strength comes great, difficult purpose to accomplish. Jesus preached the word and He helped many people -- but He was also hated and killed for it by others. We are going to have adversaries in life and the stronger we become -- the harder our adversaries are going to work against us. We must be aware that with great blessings we are expected to do great, extraordinarily selfless things. We cannot work for God hoping for fame or reward or even friendship -- we have to work for nothing to accomplish everything.
20:23 Jesus tells them (and us) that God has chosen who will be His workers because He knows who can handle it. He knows who is humble and courageous and capable. We certainly can ask Him for the ability to serve Him but we also must remind ourselves that He will give us the tasks He knows we can handle.
20:24 The other disciples are a little uncomfortable because they do not want anyone to follow God simply for the reward or the fame.
20:25 Jesus explains further -- those with great power on Earth often use it to exercise control over others for their own gain...
20:26 But to be powerful with God is to give up your control and to give up your gain so that others can take control of their own lives and can gain patience, forgiveness, love...
As one of God's workers -- you must not love or require power. You have to be humble because God only gives great tasks to those who will not be corrupted by them.
20:27 If you want to succeed in God eye's you must put everyone else's needs before yours. All of your love and attention must be given to those around you. In other words -- you must give up a lot if it means others will succeed -- you must give them your attention, your time, your charity, your patience, your forgiveness... you must not have any power over them in order to be considered powerful in the eyes of God.
20:28 Jesus gave up His entire life here for others. Jesus had the power and the opportunity to come here and to be selfish but instead He gave up everything for everyone else. You must not see fame and glory in Jesus' story but instead you must realize in it the selflessness, the humility...that Jesus could have come and behaved as a king but instead He came and worked as our servant.
20:29 Jesus returns to teaching the multitudes.
20:30 Two blind men call out to Jesus for His help. Let's interpret blindness as confusion, as not understanding truth, wisdom and love. They want God's help to guide them to a more meaningful, purposeful life... they call out for Jesus.
20:31 These men are overlooked by others because they appear unimportant to them -- they disregard them because they seem to have nothing to offer... they are not wealthy, powerful or beautiful and so people do not acknowledge their cries for help -- But God always acknowledges those who call out for Him. He is impartial, He loves all and sees potential and good in all.
20:32 Jesus asks them, His family, what would you like? How can I help? God is always listening to what you need from Him. God listens to your specific prayers.
20:33 The men want the love and wisdom of God, they accept it... they believe in it's beauty.
20:34 Immediately -- Immediately Jesus welcomes them to the family of God -- they asked, they believe, they desire to work for God's amazing mission... they are welcomed without hesitation.
Do not read over that word --Immediately-- God works without hesitation. You can always be sure that your prayers are heard and serviced even before the moment you speak or think them. God delivers when it is best for us but He hears immediately and He responds immediately -- listen for Him to speak to your His comfort. When you are ready to accept that you are a child of His, He is there...right there, in that moment, cheering you home and welcoming you.
Most important: the two men followed Him right then... they began to learn how to do their job. They did not hesitate to begin their work with and for God and His children.
20:2 God has had an understanding with certain believers since early in their lives -- they agree to do His work because they love what He stands for and in return, they get His love and protection.
20:3 Time passes -- you can think of this two ways, time passes in an individual's lifetime and also time passes in humanity's lifetime. God is there throughout time creating relationships with people as generations pass and also as individuals age and mature over their lifetimes. He is always ready for us when we are ready for Him. He continues to welcome new laborers, those who missed their chance in the beginning continue to get chances as He makes himself available over and over again.
20:4 He creates and begins relationships with people -- offering them answers to their prayers in the form of love, courage and perseverance. Each laborer (servant/lover of God) has a unique agreement and understanding with Him that is promised to be fair.
20:5 He continues to come throughout our lifetime, offering all that He is to those who will accept it.
20:6 Humanity has been here for a long time -- those of us living now have been taught and have experienced the repercussions and achievements of those who have come before us. Also, as individuals some of us grow older without maturing either spiritually or generally in life. When we are listening, God asks us... "Are you ready to begin? To become passionate and beloved and purposeful?" In other words, when we spend our lives away from wisdom, we become greedy or lazy which is the symbol for "idleness" in this verse.
20:7 Some people answer God that they have never had the opportunity to be better -- either they were not taught or they did not try -- but regardless, God offers even the late-comers to join His family with the same fair deal as He made with the early-risers. Why? Because God is impartial; He loves all people equally and His is so forgiving and patient -- when we are ready to join Him, He's right there ready for you.
20:8 When it is our time to meet God, we get to bask in that relationship we made with Him --regardless of when we joined His mission. God does not pick favorite people and He considers all work done in His name valuable no matter who did it. The last to join His family is equal to the first person to join. And that is really beautiful -- we do not have to compete for God's attention or His love, it is there, abundantly for each of us. God accepts and understands that we each are on our own program.
20:9 The last received the same as the first: His Love, His Gratitude for our work, His Eternal House...
20:10 But we are not quite as perfect and fair as God is -- often we fall quite short. The parable here lets us know that some people want to be loved more than others, they want a higher prize for the same work... this is not true compassion. A lover, child and student of God wants equality for all people. A child of God exhibits honest humility -- and would never be comfortable in any kind of hierarchical position. A child of God accepts his or herself as a part of a family.
20:11 Some people are greedy -- they complain to God; they want better and more rewards. But God loves those who do His work without and despite the promise of a reward.
20:12 These people are counted their deeds and comparing them with others --which immediately taints any good that they have done. God is not keeping score. For God, compassion is immeasurable. We should be thankful that God rewards us equally and we should be as fair with others.
God knows each of our struggles. It is a wonderful moment for Him when someone who has made the wrong decisions their entire life chooses to change for the better -- those people have traveled a long and difficult journey and because of this God believes they have earned equal love from Him.
20:13 God reminds these workers in this parable that He has had a unique and beautiful relationship with them all their lives and that He has been perfectly fair with them. He was been perfectly honest -- having agreed on terms with each participants.
20:14 God reminds us to take what we have earned with gratitude and especially without complaint. He will continue to be fair and loving to all of His children.
20:15 God reminds us this too -- this universe, this world... is His. It has been created by Him. He will distribute His compassion equally as He wishes to. If a person has difficulty accepting equal portions of Love from God... that person is exhibiting a characteristic of evil: greed.
How can we relate this to today? Do not always measure your earnings against another person's. Envy and jealousy are spawned by selfishness -- be compassionate and selfless in all things. The world needs people to be giving and empathetic and fair in all things.
Sometimes it appears that we have worked longer for something than someone else and yet been given the same reward -- we need to consider that the other person might have worked a shorter amount of time, but their journey much harder. God finds the perfect balance -- He knows every detail of our lives and in that we should be so glad, so grateful.
God asks us not let our greediness question His goodness.
20:16 Remember, God puts at the forefront of His mind, those who have struggled against people and circumstances -- because they have worked hard and are compassionate. They are kind despite all of the challenges they have faced.
God tells us that He has invited and encouraged many to be a part of His mission but many succumb to their jealousy, their envy and their greed instead. Some people are so kind, selfless and compassionate that He has chosen them to be His loving-dutiful workers.
He has chosen some because even though they have worker long, hard hours in His name, they never count the time or labor of others. It is rare for a person to be so selfless and God chooses these people for great missions (with equal reward!).
20:17 Now, Jesus has a message specifically for the disciples so they go off on their own for a while.
20:18 Jesus tells them about the death and Resurrection that was coming soon.
20:19 Jesus tells them that He will be mocked and beaten and killed but that He will rise. His Resurrection will be for a purpose and He wishes to prepare them. Jesus does not set this story up with drama or fear, instead, He tells them simply and succinctly what will happen and assures them that He will not be gone.
20:20 A great and important message comes from the following verses (20-28).
20:21 A mother is requesting that her sons work with Jesus -- that they can do His work. It seems glorious to her, to be working with such a brilliant teacher who has so many followers. And it is glorious -- but not in the way many imagine... let's continue:
20:22 A lot of us have a really noble thought -- we want to be courageous and strong and purposeful. However, we forget that with courage and strength comes great, difficult purpose to accomplish. Jesus preached the word and He helped many people -- but He was also hated and killed for it by others. We are going to have adversaries in life and the stronger we become -- the harder our adversaries are going to work against us. We must be aware that with great blessings we are expected to do great, extraordinarily selfless things. We cannot work for God hoping for fame or reward or even friendship -- we have to work for nothing to accomplish everything.
20:23 Jesus tells them (and us) that God has chosen who will be His workers because He knows who can handle it. He knows who is humble and courageous and capable. We certainly can ask Him for the ability to serve Him but we also must remind ourselves that He will give us the tasks He knows we can handle.
20:24 The other disciples are a little uncomfortable because they do not want anyone to follow God simply for the reward or the fame.
20:25 Jesus explains further -- those with great power on Earth often use it to exercise control over others for their own gain...
20:26 But to be powerful with God is to give up your control and to give up your gain so that others can take control of their own lives and can gain patience, forgiveness, love...
As one of God's workers -- you must not love or require power. You have to be humble because God only gives great tasks to those who will not be corrupted by them.
20:27 If you want to succeed in God eye's you must put everyone else's needs before yours. All of your love and attention must be given to those around you. In other words -- you must give up a lot if it means others will succeed -- you must give them your attention, your time, your charity, your patience, your forgiveness... you must not have any power over them in order to be considered powerful in the eyes of God.
20:28 Jesus gave up His entire life here for others. Jesus had the power and the opportunity to come here and to be selfish but instead He gave up everything for everyone else. You must not see fame and glory in Jesus' story but instead you must realize in it the selflessness, the humility...that Jesus could have come and behaved as a king but instead He came and worked as our servant.
20:29 Jesus returns to teaching the multitudes.
20:30 Two blind men call out to Jesus for His help. Let's interpret blindness as confusion, as not understanding truth, wisdom and love. They want God's help to guide them to a more meaningful, purposeful life... they call out for Jesus.
20:31 These men are overlooked by others because they appear unimportant to them -- they disregard them because they seem to have nothing to offer... they are not wealthy, powerful or beautiful and so people do not acknowledge their cries for help -- But God always acknowledges those who call out for Him. He is impartial, He loves all and sees potential and good in all.
20:32 Jesus asks them, His family, what would you like? How can I help? God is always listening to what you need from Him. God listens to your specific prayers.
20:33 The men want the love and wisdom of God, they accept it... they believe in it's beauty.
20:34 Immediately -- Immediately Jesus welcomes them to the family of God -- they asked, they believe, they desire to work for God's amazing mission... they are welcomed without hesitation.
Do not read over that word --Immediately-- God works without hesitation. You can always be sure that your prayers are heard and serviced even before the moment you speak or think them. God delivers when it is best for us but He hears immediately and He responds immediately -- listen for Him to speak to your His comfort. When you are ready to accept that you are a child of His, He is there...right there, in that moment, cheering you home and welcoming you.
Most important: the two men followed Him right then... they began to learn how to do their job. They did not hesitate to begin their work with and for God and His children.