12:1 A lifelong relationship with God allows us to steadily build into it strength and complexity. As we grow older and life becomes more nuanced, we are able to rely on the strong foundation we have built. Our relationship with God should be built and nourished in our youth and in the light, so that as we get older and go through darkness, we have him as our source of life and light.
12:2-5 It is more prudent to seek God early than late; for if we have God, we never found ourselves to be in a desolate place or desperate situation. When we love God, we allow Him to lead, protect and provide for us through any shadows.
12:7-8 The most important thing we can do is to know and love and follow God before we leave earth. It makes such a difference to arrive at the kingdom of God as a declared child.
12:9-12 To live productively is to seek wisdom and truth, all of which is found in God's word and in the act of loving Him and others. The wisdom of God secures our foundation in life.
12:13 Solomon sums up the entire book of Ecclesiastes and life with his next piece of advice: Fear/revere God and keep His commandments, for this is man's all. For God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil.