92:1-4 It is such an important element of our day, prayer and life to give thanks to the Lord. To live a life of gratitude not just for what He has doing but also for what He is doing, and for all of the promises He has made. Such reflection helps us to remain connected with Him and active in our relationship with Him. Gratitude helps us gain and retain perspective and subsequently wisdom, hope and blessing.
But we should also consistently thank Him just because of Who He is and what He stands for. He is compassion. He stands for justice, for the downtrodden and the weak. He is peace and hope embodied.
92:5-7 Our God is wise and perceptive. He easily dismantles the plans of the wicked when His children invite Him into their lives to do so. And He crushes evil with finality. He has promised blot the wicked out, to disappear them and their thoughts and cruelties from our world through His kingdom.
92:8-9 For eternity His kingdom stands and our God reigns. Enemies perish and iniquity is scattered to the winds.
92:10-11 But the righteous are upheld by God, even as they live in the midst of that iniquity. Faithful children of God, by their trust in His protection, are impervious to the plots of the wicked.
92:12 The righteous are obedient to God and thus receptive to His blessing. The righteous listen to Him, learn from Him and follow Him... and so they flourish. By God instruction and support they grow strong and wise and kind and hopeful. They are strong trees planted, rooted in the Kingdom of God. They cannot be cut down or worn down.
92:13-15 The righteous bear fruits, blessings that abound because they have learned to sow. The righteous are constantly renewed, reinvigorated by our awesome, life-giving God. Our steadfast, trusting relationship with Him is dynamic. He is aware of and prepared for every aspect of our lives. His wisdom and strength is fresh, and so we are refreshed in Him. And with out good spiritual health we praise and thank God and declare His righteousness.
He is our rock. Our foundation. Stable. Eternally established. Pure.