Job 10:1-22
10:1-2 Job confessed that he loathed his life. His life was awful, but not necessarily because of what he lost. Job's life was awful because of what he allowed to slip away: his trust in God.
Ultimately we must establish God as our source of life and joy and hope. Without God, even if everything else was restored to Job, his life still would have been awful. It would have been an equally depressing life because God is the One who makes us wise and joyful and grateful and blessed.
10:3-7 God has declared us His masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10) which he put together intricately in the womb, in Jesus. He does not destroy his beloved. Job had a dangerous, incorrect mindset and he is our example never to adopt it for ourselves.
10:8-12 Job acknowledged God's craftsmanship of his body and soul but somehow thought that God would disregard or hate his creation. Our God is The proponent of love. Not hate. Not harm. He is intentionally good.
10:13-17 Job felt that God's silence was an undeserved punishment. Sometimes silence is what constructs resilience in us. Trust in God. God had not yet revealed to Job the reason and purpose for his situation. But we have to wonder, was Job listening? Was Job searching? Perhaps he was. Maybe he was not. We must endeavor to trust and to listen and contemplate our situation with God in mind. With God in mind, we can rule out cruelty. We can rule our senselessness. We can rule out randomness. Our God is compassionate, purposeful and intentional.
10:18-22 Job no longer valued his life. He reached the depth of desperation. He felt he had no purpose, no meaning. We live in a generation where hundreds of thousands, maybe millions, of people live in such a place. Allow God to show you who you are and why you are important to Him and the world. Because He created each of us intricately and apportioned each of us purpose and meaning. We do not always see our value, but He never forgets.
Persist. Resist the darkness. Insist on the light. Had Job had conviction, firm belief and faith in God, he would have been confident from the beginning that his life mattered. That he was loved. Job's situation flipped completely by God's hand in the end of this book. God will draw you out of desperation, too. Insist on the light.