5:1-2 God is present with us in every moment of our lives; the moment He makes His presence apparent is always a stunning one. Judah's progress on the temple had been thwarted by their enemies and halted by the king. God sent two prophets, Haggai and Zechariah, to encourage and help Zerubbabel and Jeshua to resume their work on the temple of God. The prophets did not arrive with orders to dictate or scold. The were sent to help. No matter our place in the kingdom of God, prophet or not, Son or not, we are fellow workers with God. Our mission is God's mission: to make life better and good. To help. To help build.
As a side note: it's important to remember that all positions of leadership in scripture require humility and work ethic. The prophets are amazing to read about not because they have been chosen by God, because we all have been chosen by Him. The prophets are amazing and special because once chosen, they diligently obeyed.
Jesus also promised to arrange God's help in our lives as well, John 14:16. Whenever we are righteously living, behaving, conversing, interacting, speaking, or thinking, we are doing work on the temple of God. Whenever we are working on the temple of God, which we now know to be within us, God will send the help we need to start, resume, continue our righteous work. All we need is the faith to receive it.
5:3-10 Judah had resumed work on the temple and their adversaries resumed their work of torment as well. Faith builds patience and resilience and trust within us for a reason. Since neither enemy nor adversity will rest, neither should our faith. Judah's enemies want to know Who gave them permission to build the temple and finish the wall. As children of God, we are quite aware of Who has given us permission to build and grow and love and thrive. But as our enemies, fears and tribulations do not recognize God the way that we do, they often press us to validate ourselves.
5:11-16 We could crumble under the pressure because of fear or self-consciousness or we could declare the truth, aloud and within us. God has granted permission. Judah had been given permission to rebuild, it was orchestrated by God. King Cyrus had issued a decree allowing, encouraging, the children of Judah to return home after captivity to rebuild.
Time had passed. Rulers had changed. Decrees had been forgotten. Builders had been challenged. Adversaries had thwarted. But through it all, God remained steadfast and steadily, progress on the temple was made. It's a metaphor for life: Despite change and tribulation, the fickleness and fear within humanity, God's mission pushes forward. If our faith keeps us tethered to Him, we are part of the progressive trajectory.
5:17 They had permission and it was conveniently (but not coincidentally) located in the king's own house. It is always extraordinary to experience how simply yet powerfully God orchestrates our victory.