2 Chronicles 28:1-27
28:1-4 Ahaz became king of Judah at the age of twenty. Immediately, Ahaz revealed that he served false gods. Ahaz practiced idolatry as much of the world, even today does. Instead of utilizing and appreciating the counsel, instruction and discipline of God, Ahaz preferred to submit to false gods that could not disagree with the corrupt lifestyle he wanted to live.
28:5-8 The kingdom of Judah had the non-existent protection of their false gods in a battle against Syria and Israel and were thus defeated thoroughly. Ahaz's father, Jotham, had prepared his path according to God's wisdom and protection and therefore the kingdom remained stable and impenetrable. Under Ahaz's corrupt command, Judah collapsed and was raided by their enemies.
28:9-11 God intervened; because Israel was also a corrupt kingdom, He did not allowed it to fully enjoy its victory over Judah. The captives of Judah were returned because God was displeased with how Israel treated their captives. God allows us to win victories not to acquire slaves but to retain our own freedom.
28:12-15 A few faithful men of Ephraiam administered God's command: Azariah, Berechiah, Jehizkiah, and Amasa declared the word of God. Israel's own corruption rendered them unworthy and too irresponsible to have any possession of Judah. In an act of deep compassion and obedience to God, they...
rose up and took the captives, and from the spoil they clothed all who were naked among them, dressed them and gave them sandals, gave them food and drink, and anointed them; and they let all the feeble ones ride on donkeys.
These men saw their defeated enemies as brothers in need and took action.
28:16-21 The moral decline of Judah caused the kingdom to be vulnerable from all sides. God protects and fortifies the righteous. Ahaz depleted the treasures of his kingdom to purchase support from a frequent enemy... to no avail. He failed and simultaneously degraded the kingdom. God's children do not have to deal with desperate times or measures. It was easy for Judah's enemies to toy with them.
Because of God, we do not have to purchase protection or support. We do not have to give away our faith or morals to make compromises. Ahaz was without help because he shoved help away and replaced Him with false gods. Ahaz preferred to submit to his own foolish maneuvering rather than God's perfect authority.
The righteous understand God's authority as protection whereas the corrupt perceive it as confinement. Corruption's desire leads one out past the borders of justice and compassion. Ahaz refused protection because his corruption wanted to act contrary to God's law... it left him prey to the world.
28:22-27 Ahaz's behavior continued to descend into corruption. He established and perpetuated idolatry in the land of Judah. Ahaz reigned in a time when only few had access to God's written word; a leader's behavior was tremendously instrumental in shaping the nature of the kingdom. He destroyed Judah's relationship with God.