1 Chronicles 12:1-40
12:1-15 From 2 Samuel 18-31 Saul hunted David. Saul became increasingly delusional in his hatred and pursuit of an innocent man as it became clear that David, an obedient servant of God, would become his replacement. Therefore, in a way, the men listed here were the men most loyal to David during his life. They supported him when their King, the most powerful in their nation, named him an enemy.
These men have a place in scripture because so much of our work as God's instrument requires that we do the opposite of what others, and the world, expect from us. In 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr., a pastor and servant of God stated: "Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will." He stated that the true "stumbling block" is a majority who are more "devoted to 'order' than justice."
In other words, Saul was powerful but he was just one. When a body of people all exert their power together, it overtakes a system. The establishment, or restoration of order, can only come when the collective decide to demand it and bring it about through their own actions. David's men were willing to go against order because they felt that the system which imposed the order was corrupt. They were not afraid to oppose and upset the system because they were more devoted to justice than they were to Saul. Had they been silent and inactive, they would have allowed the king with the best potential to waste away, and the king with the worst agenda to thrive.
12:16-23 More men approached David to join his cause. David was frank with them, effectively saying: I am an innocent man, therefore if you have any intentions to betray me, you are the guilty party. And David was innocent in that portion of his life. Saul sought him without reason, threatened his life without cause. It was a major risk for David to bring new people into his life. Any of them could have disclosed his location to Saul. But God ensured that David was surrounded by trustworthy people. In response to David's frankness, a man, Amasai spoke:
“We are yours, O David;We are on your side, O son of Jesse!Peace, peace to you,And peace to your helpers!For your God helps you.”
David received the men and gradually but steadily amassed a great army. Even before receiving the throne, the kingdom began to be built up around David. He did not start from zero. God prepared David and the path since he was a youth, learning to shepherd a nation in the shepherding of his father's flock.
12:23-39 A massive army is built up by God around David: All these men...came...with a loyal heart, to make David king over all Israel; and all the rest of Israel were of one mind to make David king. Yet God was not done building, with this united, loyal army and righteous man, God would built a strong and thriving kingdom.
It's incredible to watch God build: a nation out of Abraham, a haven through Joseph, a congregation before Samuel, a kingdom around David, everlasting hope and life by Jesus. All of these people seemed to start with nothing, but God mapped and arranged and placed greatness around them. God drew loyal men to David, then gifted David with a commander's mind to divide and delegate and utilize them as an army.
So if you ever feel that you are surrounded by enemies, do think you're trapped. If you ever feel that you do not possess the materials or acuity to accomplish your purpose, do not be discouraged. God builds life up around us. Stand where He tells you to stand, walk where He tells you to walk and watch Him build around you in every place, equipping you with everything you need: a way out, a way in, a victory.
12:40 Provisions from far and wide are brought to David's cause, because David's cause was God's cause. David was not supported reluctantly: "there was joy in Israel"! All of this is a reminder that God will enthusiastically support you, as long as you humbly-in-heart pursue a righteous mission.
Our mission is not always (or even usually) to build a kingdom. After all, children of God understand that His is the kingdom, already. And it is our blessed opportunity to bring the kingdom here to earth. Sometimes our mission, from within God's kingdom, is to built a family or a friendship. Sometimes it is a business, church or a career. God is all-in as long as those missions are done with an honest and compassionate heart.