5:1-2 The Philistines bring the ark of God back into their territory. The place the ark in the place of their idol-god, Dagon. The Philistines believe that having the ark will add power to their military.
5:3-5 However, each morning the Philistines wake up to find that the idol of their god Dagon is tipped over on its face. They right the structure only to find it fallen and desecrated the next morning. People became superstitious of the location, not understanding that the point was the false-god could not compare to the true God (represented by the ark).
5:6-8 The Ark did not belong to them and soon affliction caused the people to think it cursed. They begin to discuss ways to get rid of it: they bring it to Gath.
5:9 The Philistines did not understand - or refused to contemplate - that the only way they could escape God's wrath was to quit their corruption.
5:10-12 No matter where the ark was brought, the people were terrified of it. Had they changed their behavior to righteousness, they might have realized the ark was a symbol of love and defense from the true, omnipotent God.