8:1-2 No matter how abundant their tribulation, Paul speaks of a people so compassionately generous that even desperate situation was unable to diminish their giving nature. This is an authentic peace, a genuine faith which is unshaken, untainted by external conditions of the world.
8:3-4 What is it that they (and we) possess to give away? So much more than money. We can give our support, we can give our shoulder, our smile, our listening ear, our compassion... so much more even than that.
These churches of Macedonia were grateful to God for sending the apostles which changed their lives, which taught them to change and grow themselves. Work to be grateful for that which was given to you. Patience in heated moments, a warm breakfast after a night of sleep, the sun on our face when we need regeneration...
Our gratitude toward God, even for (not-so) simply creating this earth sustaining our lives, inspires us to be generous as well. Kindness abounds. We are given to in order that we may give.
8:5 Our generosity even extends to our giving ourselves to this philosophy. As beloved, capable instruments, it truly is a gift when we commit ourselves to compassion, to purpose, to working for justice among humanity.
8:6-7 Let your constantly evolving gifts and growth gift and grow others.
8:8-9 Paul encourages us to be generous because we were created and taught by generosity Itself. You cannot be a sincerely faithful follower of this philosophy of life without having a deep empathy and value for others. It simply would not compute. The core of this spiritual philosophy is compassion, is devotion to the well-being of humanity and all life.
8:10-11 Crucial life advice and character development from Paul: follow through on your dreams, passions and purposes. It is not enough to just dream. It is not enough to just plan. It is not enough to just start. It is not enough until it is complete.
If you want to absorb this philosophy, you absorb generosity.
8:12 When you are willing to absorb generosity, be generous. We cannot forever consider our ability to be generous, we must actual go out among humanity and actually do it. When you commit to this philosophy, you offer what you do have to others.
And what we have to offer varies: sometimes it is our friendship, or our expertise in a matter, our ability to induce a smile or laughter, our availability... whoever you are, you have something to offer humanity.
8:13-14 Paul is careful to explain that we are not meant or encouraged to deplete ourselves of the resources we need to survive and be safe. There is always something we have that someone around us does not, and likewise there is always something someone around us has that we do not have. We are meant to live symbiotically.
8:15 From within the influence of a consumerist world, we sometimes forget that material wealth and possession does not establish or sustain us. God implores us to understand that we procure life and wisdom and purpose when we give. Yet when we take and hoard, money and power and property we find ourselves empty, with a hollow, undeveloped and thereby discontented soul.
The world has seen many dictators, humans who were not satisfied with themselves or with life or anything around them even when they possessed and controlled everything and everyone around them. On a smaller scale, the world has known many "ordinary" humans who were not satisfied with themselves or with life or anything around them even when they got the car or house or monetary promotion they desperately desired. Our true and natural wealth is our connection with life.
Go through this life not as a collector but as a giver and watch your wealth, the brilliance and happiness of your soul brighten and embolden.
8:16-17 Thanks indeed to God who puts "earnest care" into you as He has done and always will do for His children. What a bold yet gently comfort... that devoted compassion is placed into you by God. Like the apostles, be diligent in returning the favor God has given you to someone else in need.
8:18-19 Paul assured the Corinthians that the apostles sent to them were authentically faithful. Of course, it was up to their own discernment to validate that statement (as we should always determine for ourselves whether a person is or is not sincere). In a multitude of ways and when you ask Him to, God readies your mind to learn and then sends a teacher or a lesson (an opportunity to learn).
8:20 The apostles were given a lot by God and with their gifts, were able to contribute to churches in many ways. Lavish gifts are offered to you too, when you remember that gifts are given in order that we may give.
8:21-23 The establishment of Christianity throughout the world was a monumental task. Compassion and justice needed a bold and prominent force in order to make itself known here on earth... and that force was made up by God of these apostles who were devoted.
8:24 Remember that you represent the whole. People associate what you say and do with who and what you affiliate yourself with. Ensure that your words and your actions inspire people toward this philosophy rather than away from it.
8:20 The apostles were given a lot by God and with their gifts, were able to contribute to churches in many ways. Lavish gifts are offered to you too, when you remember that gifts are given in order that we may give.
8:21-23 The establishment of Christianity throughout the world was a monumental task. Compassion and justice needed a bold and prominent force in order to make itself known here on earth... and that force was made up by God of these apostles who were devoted.
8:24 Remember that you represent the whole. People associate what you say and do with who and what you affiliate yourself with. Ensure that your words and your actions inspire people toward this philosophy rather than away from it.