John 7:1-53
7:-2 There was a specific, mapped-out plan that Jesus was following. He had to reach as many people as He could before His death, and in order to do that, He had to remain away from certain places until He had accomplished that. A time frame is given, Jesus has about 6 months left of His life on Earth.
7:3-4 These people were pushing Jesus to reveal Himself and His works in Judea before those who challenged Him -- but Jesus works in humility. Jesus specifically reaches out to the kind, the lost and humbly offers them His love. Jesus never tries to impress anyone with all that He Is and can do. Jesus' mission was not to come to Earth to impress humanity and deceptively gain control over them just because He was powerful. Jesus wanted to quietly build relationships with His family (us). He wants us to love Him because His presence warms our lives... not because anyone or miracle forced us to.
7:5 There were many people who did not believe Jesus -- even people close to Him. Of course He could have easily showed them a sign or miracle but Jesus wants to develop true relationships. Relating this to real life: imagine if you only had the friends you have because of something you can do. You, all of us, want to have friends who love us because of what we stand for and the character of our hearts. Jesus wants the same kind of sincerity. Love Him because of what He stands for: compassion.
7:6 Jesus explains that is not yet His time to reveal to the world who He is, in all His glory. He wants to humbly continue to teach... and He'll finish His teaching with His -- not death -- but transfiguration into the spiritual after life on Earth. Yet, He explains, it always an opportune time for us to declare our relationship with Who God is and what He stands for... because once we declare it in our hearts, we become instrumental in bringing compassion into the world. Jesus was a teacher at this time, first and foremost, so that He could teach us to spread compassion. If He had skipped His teaching to impress His disbelievers, people would remember Him for what miracle He performed but would not know what God's philosophy is -- and would therefore be very spiritually poor. Compassionate would not have spread throughout the world.
7:7 Jesus explains that all hatred is directed at Him because He is the manifestation of what He teaches. Whatever evil rejects, He is made up of: compassion, truth, love, patience. Never take a person's angry or unkind actions against you personally, their disagreement is with God... and the two of them will settle it.
7:8-10 It's not yet time for Jesus to relax and celebrate -- there is work to do, children (humans) to reach and help and guide and love. He remains focused, determined, motivated and passionate. He truly dedicates His entire life, every minute of it, toward bringing compassion to the earth. He's going to remain a low-key presence, eating alone and quickly.
7:11-13 There's a lot of talk and gossip -- this was their time to determine for themselves how they felt about the message Jesus brought to them. God values our true, individual opinion and He allows us to have it and cultivate it. Jesus did not force anyone to believe in Him... this was their time to make up their own minds based on what He provided them with (the testimony of His humble, kind life). People were also afraid of the church leaders, who ruled over them. Jesus wanted to break them from the chains of the oppressors who forced citizens to believe certain things...courage comes from a relationship with God and they were working on creating one.
7:14-15 Jesus is quick to begin His purpose: to teach this gathered crowd of people. The church leaders are amazed because, arrogant men that they are, they do not understand how Jesus was so wise without having them as teachers. These crooked men purposely created a population of people who were not very wise... so that they could better control them. Jesus has the complete truth and He's spreading it throughout the crowd of students.
7:16 Jesus' humility and love of God is shown: every truth He stands for and speaks is directly from God. Our God is kind and wise and He shares His kindness and His wisdom, lets it flow directly from Him (the source) and into us (His children).
7:17 A student of God happily, beautifully understands that kindness, compassion, and wisdom come from God and into their hearts and minds. Jesus wanted everyone to know that He takes no ownership of the beauty He brought to the world -- He gives direct credit to God. Jesus came as a willing and grateful servant of God. On earth, the word "servant" has a bit of a hard connotation. Understand that those who work for God actually worth WITH God... and that they are so beloved by Him...elevated in His love and compassion -- why? Because children of His who bring compassion to His other children are fulfilling a kind, selfless purpose.
7:18 This verse speaks of humility. Our creator, in whatever capacity you envision Him/It/She is the source of everything we are. Without Him, we wouldn't even exist... without His love, our existence would be too impossible, to vulnerable in this complex world. He perfectly sculpts a planet, an environment in which we can thrive in: vitamins, nutrients, sunlight, protection... there is so much that sustains us (all from Him).
Jesus wants us to be careful 1) Never become arrogant and preach your own message. 2) Never allow yourself to be a victim of someone who is arrogant and preaching their own message.
7:19 These particular adversaries were believers in the Old Testament yet they ignore the message written in the book they supposedly cherish. This happens today: many people, students and teachers, are hypocrites about what they say they believe and how they live their lives.
7:20 These people are not truly listening to Jesus. They proclaim that He has an illness or sickness or confusion... yet He is presenting them with matter-of-fact kindness and truth. His only message to them has been to be kind and fair... yet they hate Him.
7:21-23 Challenging their hypocrisy, Jesus asks them why when Moses taught them a helpful truth (knowledge from God of circumcision for health purposes) they believed Him... but when Jesus similarly does a wonderful work... they dismiss and reject Him. Each came from the same God... each delivered the same helpful kindness.
7:24 Be observant. Be perceptive. Use common sense and logic. Be able so discern the truth of a situation. Be able to determine truth from lie. Jesus is teaching these kind messages yet instead of listening... these people are worried about maintaining the power of corrupt men. Always listen with wisdom so that you can make informed decisions.
7:25-27 Still trying to make decisions for themselves, people are interpreting the events unfolding around them to decide if they believe Jesus or His adversaries.
7:28-29 Jesus lovingly explains His origin: God. He teaches us that are no secrets, no confusions... He is from God and God is within all of His children who are compassionate.
7:30-31 Jesus' adversaries did not like to hear that they were not the most holy thing to touch the earth -- they were arrogant, they wanted their fame, wealth and power. Many people (and teachers) are arrogant even (maybe especially) today. Be able to spot them so that they do not taint your understanding of the truth.
It's a mixed crowd: people who believe He is from God... people who believe He is from God but not a direct descendant of God... and people who flat out did not believe.
An important digression -- You can take some personally liberty here: Jesus the Son of God... it depends on your interpretation of what God is... what His entity is made up of. I personally believe that God is a spiritual entity and that we humans have a hard time understanding that, tangibly. But we are all God's children... Jesus is so compassionate and selfless that He is a son, a child, chosen for this amazing purpose... but God loves all of His children.
I don't personally believe God is anthropomorphic BUT either way, I believe that we share His "DNA" so to speak... spiritually. Children, yes... but maybe not in the type of "bodies" we are used to. I think our souls represent Him, how He exists, more than our bodies do. And goodness knows it's impossible to describe what a soul is... yet everyone knows they have one.
7:32 The Pharisees want to remove, imprison, kill Jesus. Rather than listen to His message, they reject it outright because it threatens the corrupt system they have built.
7:33 Jesus knows that they will not be able to lay a hand on Him until God allows it. Truly God does allow our freedom in such a way -- we are able to make our own decisions, even bad ones, because God promises us freedom. By giving us freedom, God is able to see who we really, truly are as humans.
Jesus has more teaching to do... and then God will allow the plan to progress toward the crucifixion.
7:34 There are a few layers to what Jesus is teaching in this verse:
1) Evil will never be able to reach the residence of God and His children. They will want to reach it -- to claim it for themselves instead of being eliminated from existence -- but will fail.
2) Jesus speaks of the difference between earth and the spirit. Only God allows the passage from one to the other. After the crucifixion, Jesus will move into the spirit and there His adversaries can never go.
3) Students of God know that God is always accessible, Jeremiah 29:13. But for those who are not compassionate, or do not work to have a relationship with Him, God will appear silent to them. This is not a punishment! Our patience and courage comes from God, if we remain strangers with Him or especially reject Him... it's just logical that we will not be able to access the love He emits.
It has been my personal experience that God is so solidly present, bold and brilliant... available to every heart who seeks Him.
7:35-36 The adversaries do not understand because they have turned their hearts away from truth and understanding.
Side note: Jews = people of Judea. Certain people from a geographical location.
7:37 Remember the metaphor: Jesus is our spiritual sustenance. A healthy mind and soul come from sourcing compassion and wisdom from Him.
7:38 Believing in the scripture means to agree with the compassion it teaches. Believing in it means implementing its kindness into our lives and into the lives of others. God is an abundant source of clarity, comfort and knowledge. Symbolized here as water.
7:39 This message would come full-circle and firmly solidify at the time of Jesus' transfiguration into the spirit. The message will have been taught in completeness and those who received it would travel the world to keep it alive for generations to come.
7:40-41 The discussions are still varied and vibrant but of course Jesus' message would finish (for the time) leaving no one to wonder anymore. That will happen again, yay! After His "death" Jesus appeared to those who loved Him to show them they had nothing to fear... that God gives life, always, to His children. He showed them (and will again show us) that there is so much more to life than we realize... and that He is the loving Hand in control of it all.
7:42-43 There are always going to be differences of opinion between people. What we must realize that if, at the core of any message, compassion is there... that message is validated. Humans, on earth at least, are never going to all completely agree... but understand that compassion is the importance. They disagreed over where Jesus was from but that disagreement neglected the message He brought... and the message is what was important.
7:44 Some people were angry and hated Him (evil, obviously... He did nothing to deserve death or punishment). These people could not lay a hand on Him because God did not yet initiate that phase of Jesus' mission.
7:45-46 Even though some rejected Jesus, many believed Him. These particular men would not apprehend Him because they truly felt and understood that He did not deserve to be punished.
7:47-49 The Pharisees were annoyed because their hard and unkind hearts did not want to listen or understand. They wanted their power and their control and in order to keep it, they wanted to kill Jesus.
7:47-49 The Pharisees were annoyed because their hard and unkind hearts did not want to listen or understand. They wanted their power and their control and in order to keep it, they wanted to kill Jesus.
7:50-51 Nicodemus confesses His faith in God and belief in the message Jesus brought: Nicodemus will not punish Jesus without fair reason. Likewise, we should not judge that which we do not work to understand.
7:52 It's beautiful and comforting to see that God works with everyone fairly. Nicodemus was part of the group of adversaries... but then He listened to Jesus, found truth in it... and therefore found compassion in his heart. Even though Nicodemus was mocked for it, he truly believed and nothing would deter him from joining with God.
7:53 I'm going to dig a little more deeply into this verse because I love the abundant metaphor in the bible: At the end of everyday... we each do truly go to our own houses. That is to say, we go to our own minds. "Home" = ourselves and our thoughts. After being presented with all the ideas and occurrences in the world, we return to ourselves to interpret it all. It's a gift from God, our private, perceptive thought and we should always utilize it.
7:53 I'm going to dig a little more deeply into this verse because I love the abundant metaphor in the bible: At the end of everyday... we each do truly go to our own houses. That is to say, we go to our own minds. "Home" = ourselves and our thoughts. After being presented with all the ideas and occurrences in the world, we return to ourselves to interpret it all. It's a gift from God, our private, perceptive thought and we should always utilize it.