14:1 Jesus gently encourages us to be brave in welcoming love and guidance from God. He works with us to dissipate the anxieties in our lives. He gives us the wisdom and perception to evade, endure and prevent trouble. He requests our trust, for us to believe that He brought the true and pure message from God.
14:2 Jesus' work on earth was part of the beginning of our life with Him and God. Upon returning, His second purpose starts: and that is to create a haven for us to be welcomed after our lives here. Assuredly, the creator of our universe can create and foster life in any, and many, spaces. The word used in this verse, "mansions," is a mistranslated version of the original word, "mone" meaning: resting places. We learn from this verse that there are an abundance of spiritual havens awaiting our arrival.
14:3 Our prophet promises to prepare a haven for us but also, He promises to return to us. He promises to personally lead us into that haven. Jesus will gather God's children and remain with them, a constant source of love and safety. Jesus speaks of the Second Advent. We read now of the First Advent, Jesus on earth as a teacher. The Second Advent, future to us now, Jesus will return to us as our guide, our shepherd.
14:4 By now, Jesus has fully informed the disciples (and us) of where He is going (to be with God). He has also shown us the way to God. He has taught and shown us that the path is made up of the bricks of our compassionate acts.
14:5 We benefit from the disciples' struggle to grasp the metaphors Jesus teaches through -- because of them, we get to have the message broken down, reiterated and explained until it's simple and clear. Speaking in this verse is Thomas, since dubbed "Doubting Thomas" but through His doubt, we learn and will continue to learn from as we move through scripture.
14:6 You cannot reach God except through His philosophy of life which Jesus brought. Rather than condemn and force people (diverse cultures of humanity) to believe specifically in Jesus, we are meant to determine a person's kindness by their acts. If a person's behavior and way of life is kindness, then they have reached God through Jesus.
14:6 You cannot reach God except through His philosophy of life which Jesus brought. Rather than condemn and force people (diverse cultures of humanity) to believe specifically in Jesus, we are meant to determine a person's kindness by their acts. If a person's behavior and way of life is kindness, then they have reached God through Jesus.
14:7 Having come as the embodiment of everything God is and stands for, Jesus has revealed our creator to us. He taught us how to reach God and build a relationship with God, He taught us to know Him and to allow God to know us; to work with us in our lives.
14:8-9 Philip requests to see God but Jesus is disappointed because through all of these chapters we have read, Jesus has been identifying God for us. Jesus wants us to think bigger, broader and deeper about the concept of God. He is so much more than a man on a throne, He's an entity of creation, life and wisdom. To know Him is to feel His love and guidance and to extend it to others. Listen for His voice in your life, He's talking but you must listen with perception to realize.
14:10 Jesus explains that everything even He is, everything He speaks, every aspect of His purpose is inspired, given and possible only through and because of God.
14:11 Not only does Jesus speak of God's truth but He also lives it. He is our living example. Jesus is saying, even if you do not understand these words, believe in the life of example I have lived.
14:8-9 Philip requests to see God but Jesus is disappointed because through all of these chapters we have read, Jesus has been identifying God for us. Jesus wants us to think bigger, broader and deeper about the concept of God. He is so much more than a man on a throne, He's an entity of creation, life and wisdom. To know Him is to feel His love and guidance and to extend it to others. Listen for His voice in your life, He's talking but you must listen with perception to realize.
14:10 Jesus explains that everything even He is, everything He speaks, every aspect of His purpose is inspired, given and possible only through and because of God.
14:11 Not only does Jesus speak of God's truth but He also lives it. He is our living example. Jesus is saying, even if you do not understand these words, believe in the life of example I have lived.
14:12 The stronger your spiritual relationship with God, the more you can accomplish. To whom much is given much is expected... (Luke 12:48), these are sweet words to God's children. We want more purpose. We want to do good in the world and with God, we are capable of so much. Through Jesus and the compassion that He taught, we become familiar to (and with) God and together we are formidable team against injustice. Great and wonderful things will come, and have come, from children of God because He equips us with the brains and material to accomplish amazing changes in the world.
14:13-14 Jesus promises to hear and answer your every request. Why? Because children of God know what to ask for. Children of God ask for the abilities and the tools to ensure the well-being of others. Children of God ask for wisdom, guidance and protection not for themselves but for humanity. In turn, God overflows their lives with love and abundance on top of everything they initially asked for.
It is Jesus' greatest joy to be with us, to work with us, to ensure our well-being. He will do anything for you. God has done and continues to do everything for you... He has created life inside of you. He is capable, He is willing, He is listening, He is answering you.
14:15 If you love Jesus, if you love the message, the philosophy of life He has taught, stick with it. Keep it in your heart, mind, soul and life. He taught you, He taught us, so that we would find and have comfort, love and protection. Keep it to keep safe. Keep it to keep sane.
14:16 Just in case you weren't yet assured... Jesus promises to send you a helper, a comforter, a manifestation of the protective spirit of God. Those who have developed their personal relationship with God have realized that this promise has been kept. We are never alone in any moment of our lives. Ride and rest and work on the wings of God's spirit, it enters our lives in many ways.
14:16 Just in case you weren't yet assured... Jesus promises to send you a helper, a comforter, a manifestation of the protective spirit of God. Those who have developed their personal relationship with God have realized that this promise has been kept. We are never alone in any moment of our lives. Ride and rest and work on the wings of God's spirit, it enters our lives in many ways.
14:17 There is so much trouble, confusion and chaos in the world. Much of humanity has not kept their soul healthy, meaning that they have not fostered happiness and truth even within themselves. They are not able to obtain strength or guidance from God because they are completely unaware of their spiritual brokenness. They cannot be healed because they do not believe in or acknowledge our Healer.
14:18 You are a child of God, you are not an orphan. You belong to Him and He is with you -- His presence in your life will only continue to increase until you are thriving within and around Him entirely, spiritually, beyond earth.
14:19 Although Jesus is about to physically depart from earth and return to God, He reminds them (and us!) that spiritually, He will have never left us. In an alternate capacity, He is a vibrant, wise and protective guardian in our lives. Children of God are able to see Him, always. Develop your personal relationship with Him and experience His bond and His presence in our lives grow in prominence.
14:20 In God's spiritual capacity, Jesus explains that we will finally realize ourselves as parts of one body. Like a tree: The trunk, each root, leaf and branch is connected. God's breath of life within us, our love for Him within Him, we each a part of each other through compassion and respect for one another.
14:21 Jesus is able to identify God's children by their kindness. Upholding God's philosophy is our way of showing agreement, appreciation and like-compassion with and for Him. God and Jesus will always manifest to the kind and humble.
14:22 The disciples do not quite yet understand the concept of spirit after earth. God's existence is unique, manifests in ways we cannot understand until we experience them. The disciples are on the cusp of understanding; Jesus' return to them after His death on earth will be the living explanation they need to understand.
14:23 To have a home with our creator, who loves us more than we could ever be loved by anything or anyone else... it the best promise we could receive.
14:24 Jesus consistently reminds us that the message and promises He brings are from God. There is no comfort or guidance or love for the unjust, the unkind, or the selfish -- this is not a punishment. If a person denies the compassionate message God has implemented, they have also denied the benefits that come with it.
14:20 In God's spiritual capacity, Jesus explains that we will finally realize ourselves as parts of one body. Like a tree: The trunk, each root, leaf and branch is connected. God's breath of life within us, our love for Him within Him, we each a part of each other through compassion and respect for one another.
14:21 Jesus is able to identify God's children by their kindness. Upholding God's philosophy is our way of showing agreement, appreciation and like-compassion with and for Him. God and Jesus will always manifest to the kind and humble.
14:22 The disciples do not quite yet understand the concept of spirit after earth. God's existence is unique, manifests in ways we cannot understand until we experience them. The disciples are on the cusp of understanding; Jesus' return to them after His death on earth will be the living explanation they need to understand.
14:23 To have a home with our creator, who loves us more than we could ever be loved by anything or anyone else... it the best promise we could receive.
14:24 Jesus consistently reminds us that the message and promises He brings are from God. There is no comfort or guidance or love for the unjust, the unkind, or the selfish -- this is not a punishment. If a person denies the compassionate message God has implemented, they have also denied the benefits that come with it.
14:25 At that moment in time and in their lives, the disciples were with in physical form Jesus. Yet, a time was coming (and one which we live in today) were we have to be more spiritual perceptive to become aware of His presence.
14:26 Rest assured, Jesus informs us that He and God will always be with us. Their spirit will embrace, instruct and guide us through our lives if we listen for it. The compassionate philosophy of God will remain with humanity no matter what happens on earth.
14:27 Absorb the peace God's exudes; let it form a healing balm on your life. Jesus reminds us that God's love and peace is unlike the love and peace that is offered in the world-- God's love and peace is infallible, impartial, immortal. He is your everlasting, sturdy pillar and foundation.
14:28 We should celebrate Jesus' return to God; it's where we all return to. When you truly love somebody, you want the best for them, and returning to God when it's our time is a wonderful thing. We miss our loved ones when they return before us but we can rest knowing they are well cared for and deeply loved where they go.
Jesus reminds us that if we love Him -- if we love the philosophy of life He brought, the compassion, then we will always remember that there is no death for God's children. If you love His message, absorb it, believe it, trust it.
14:29 Jesus' statements foretold events that had not happened yet -- after the crucifixion, the disciples would see and understand that Jesus' predictions all come true exactly as He told them they would. In this way, they would ensure the truth of His words and the omniscience of God.
14:30 Jesus is speaking His final words to the disciples (and to us) until they (and we) meet Him again. He is about to give Himself over to His adversaries, who have none of God inside of them.
14:31 What a way of life to emulate! To love our creator and to follow His wise love and advice. To rise and do His work.
14:26 Rest assured, Jesus informs us that He and God will always be with us. Their spirit will embrace, instruct and guide us through our lives if we listen for it. The compassionate philosophy of God will remain with humanity no matter what happens on earth.
14:27 Absorb the peace God's exudes; let it form a healing balm on your life. Jesus reminds us that God's love and peace is unlike the love and peace that is offered in the world-- God's love and peace is infallible, impartial, immortal. He is your everlasting, sturdy pillar and foundation.
14:28 We should celebrate Jesus' return to God; it's where we all return to. When you truly love somebody, you want the best for them, and returning to God when it's our time is a wonderful thing. We miss our loved ones when they return before us but we can rest knowing they are well cared for and deeply loved where they go.
Jesus reminds us that if we love Him -- if we love the philosophy of life He brought, the compassion, then we will always remember that there is no death for God's children. If you love His message, absorb it, believe it, trust it.
14:29 Jesus' statements foretold events that had not happened yet -- after the crucifixion, the disciples would see and understand that Jesus' predictions all come true exactly as He told them they would. In this way, they would ensure the truth of His words and the omniscience of God.
14:30 Jesus is speaking His final words to the disciples (and to us) until they (and we) meet Him again. He is about to give Himself over to His adversaries, who have none of God inside of them.
14:31 What a way of life to emulate! To love our creator and to follow His wise love and advice. To rise and do His work.