A small child, an empathetic and inquisitive little girl, asked a leading"religious" figure a profound question: Why does God let children suffer? The man gave her a "special blessing" for asking. Instead of receiving a "special" blessing, it would have greatly benefited her compassionate heart to receive an answer given with the same thought and compassion that inspired her to ask it.
It is humanity who shoulder the blame for the plight of children around the globe. We are God's instruments. We are the tools He intended to implement love and goodness on His behalf. We are all equip with the precise abilities required to nurture and sustain each other. If there is failure, and the present, past and future of our lives here on Earth know that there is, it is ours.
It is humanity who shoulder the blame for the plight of children around the globe. We are God's instruments. We are the tools He intended to implement love and goodness on His behalf. We are all equip with the precise abilities required to nurture and sustain each other. If there is failure, and the present, past and future of our lives here on Earth know that there is, it is ours.
An honest answer to a child seeking for truth might inspire a courage inside of her to persevere through the conflict her small but brilliant heart is experiencing. She might see that the bricks and the mortar, the materials required for the foundation of equality and happiness, have been supplied. We must be the manpower; we must build the house. The shelter under which all may find refuge: an escape from a greedy and prideful world which allows for even our most vulnerable, innocent populations to suffer and wonder why.
It is imperative that we consider how much greater the passion of love and the comfort of peace for each other is when it is dreamed of, worked for with many diverse hands, and established with a multitude of diverse hearts. Anything easy or free is devalued by its inevitable circumstance of being unappreciated. God supplies the means we need to create love in spaces where there is none, to shine lights in corners where there is darkness, to speak truth in the places of deceit and mistrust. How much sweeter is it that we contribute these beautiful things which save and rejuvenate, sustain and nourish humanity than to simply have them handed to us? We must accept what is being proffered, the ability to be tools, for the benefit of our existence as a many One.
We should be humbled with joy at the prospect of our God-given opportunity to drive out darkness with light.
We should be humbled with joy at the prospect of our God-given opportunity to drive out darkness with light.