Life can become muddled by introspection. Instead of "finding yourself" or "learning yourself" turn your question into a statement, directed boldly at God: transform "Who Am I?" into "Here Am I". In the moments you are lost and confused, anchor-less in the wilderness, stop trying to figure out who you are and let God create who you are. Present yourself and your life to Him as a blank canvas to paint on.
Samuel 1:34 the Lord called Samuel: and he answered, Here am I. God had detailed, blessed plans for Samuel's life and life purpose. God has detailed, blessed plans for your life and life purpose. Samuel only needed to answer the call. God professes His love to each of us through scripture:
Psalm 139:13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.
Luke 12:7 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
Ephesians 1:4 He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world.
The aforementioned verses are only a minuscule sample of scripture which explains how much you are loved by God. Do you think He only called Samuel by name? Revelation 3:20 is a concise reminder you that God is knocking at your door as well. He is hoping you will answer so that He can present a feast to you. A feast of blessings.
God is a builder. A creator. Look around at what He has created out of a void: life, light, color, galaxies. If God is able to orchestrate galaxies and universe, He can orchestrate the internal and external events of the universe that you are.
God is an expert in establishing and perfecting. He is a thorough and apt builder. 1 Peter 5:10 And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. You see, while you suffer and panic in the storm, in the chaos, God is calling your name. He is calling to you because He wants to gently pull you out and dry you off.
You are your potential, and God knows what your potential is. He knows your capacity for patience, compassion, wisdom and love. He has decided that you are worth His attention and intricate ministering. You are a canvas and on the canvas are a few dots and markings, the spots life thus far has made. Only God can turn those dots and markings into the finished product, the masterpiece, Ephesians 2:10. Each masterpiece is comprised of intention and meaning. God has intention and meaning for the purpose of your life. Not only has God decided that you are beautiful, that you are loved, but He has also decided that with what you are, He and you will change the world. You, established and restored and strengthened by Him, will make people stop and think... like any masterpiece would.
Since God is calling your name, answer: Here Am I. It is so common for humans to panic: who am I? where am I going? Where am I from? What is my purpose? We have endless questions but no answers. Yet our God has the answer to our every question. He knows who we are, where we are going, where we are from and what our purpose is. While leading us toward those answers, He prepares us to fulfill them.
The children of Israel spend 40 years in the wilderness. God knew their destination, prepared their destination, and was capable of supplementing their every weakness on the journey. He was not the cause of their delay. God was as patient with the Israelites as He will be with you: you can spend 40 years in the wilderness... but you do not have to. The more efficiently you listen, learn, and follow Him... the more efficiently you reach your destination of blessing, joy, and purpose.
Therefore you do not need to squander time away, wasting precious moments with doubt and confusion. For each moment is a lesson of wisdom and love from God. A highly personalized learning plan. So when God calls out to potential students, to you, answer: I'm right here God and I am ready. Open the door to Him and He will open infinite doors for you.
When we make the statement: Here Am I, to God, it is loaded with everything we are, every question we have. For when we present ourselves to God, we lay ourselves bare and fully before Him. We need not vocalize our needs because He knows them better than we do, Romans 8:26. He knows how to bless and gift us better than we do, Mathew 7:11. God is the Tailor of our lives and spirits. When we present our raw selves to Him, He analyzes with a heart full of love and a spirit full of knowing. He buffs and chisels until the masterpiece is created, discovered, restored; He unburdens our potential and refines.
Your life can have the blessing of refinement if you present yourself to God as Samuel did. It is a lifelong process, intricately accomplished by God if we are willing participants and faithful students. As God refines the masterpiece, it then becomes beneficial to us to begin asking: for wisdom, for love, for patience, for compassion, for understanding, for hope and joy and more of Him. As productive students and children of Him, we have this promise: John 14:13. Whatever you ask in His name will be done for you because you were taught by Him to finally ask the right questions.
You do not need to panic in the wilderness, in the chaos of the storm. You have a Home and you claim your inheritance of it the moment you proclaim: "Here Am I" to God. Luke 12:32 "Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom." God is so in love with you, his precious child, that it is His great joy to establish you in His kingdom.